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RE: Haejin watch - still abusing steem

in #haejin6 years ago

You dumb idiot! Are you not aware of the truce that was in place with Fulltimegeek and his posse? Let it be marked that YOU initiated this by downvoting a whole string of my comments. Your trip to negative rep score can be assured if you continue.

IF the "Posse" come to your aid, the truce will be broken and back to where we were and all my downvotes will reignite as had been before.

I had been giving upvotes at around 3 to 4 full votes per day to imbecile! You could just have ended all that.



I get that there was a truce in place but he does kind of have a point which I would like to see you rebut but I don't rightly see how you would do that. I guess you could say it's to heal your rep from the flags past but you do have the highest rep in Steem so don't rightly see how that would work.

You can use your stake how you want but you know that you have overvalued your comment, right? It is what it is. I'm not giving you shit either. Just calling it like I see it.

Good on you for upvoting others 3 to 4 times a day but I am a tad concerned about motive with you saying @kabir88 could have ended that.

Are you upvoting other users quality contributions because it is the right thing to do (especially for building a real sense of community on the blockchain) or just as a result of a truce?

If the former which I would agree it is, then why would you stop doing the right thing on account of the actions of others?

Lastly, one thing I wanted to set the record straight but unrelated, when @thebiggdogg was removed from Flag-A-Whale, it was because he had went too far with his abuse to get at you. Spam was the last straw. We didn't kick him out because of your peace treaty with him but before that. I think you may have been confused about that and mistook the situation as us ostracizing him for making peace with you. That is NOT what happened.

Steem is built on proof of brain. This means that the community as a whole decides on the value of content that is posted on the blockchain.

As a steem holder, I think the rewards on haejins posts and comments are higher than they deserve to be and flagged them. I will continue to flag them until they represent a value closer to what the community feels they are worth.

If that's not how things are going to work and we are going to allow one line comments to get $80 rewards, this whole thing will come crashing down.

If Haejin wants regular rewards for not doing anything, he can go and put his money in savings account.

There are people who spend hours producing amazing content, those are the people who should be getting their fair share of the reward pool.

Spam is spam, whether it's a plankton or a whale. Peace treaty or not, spam is spam and deserves to be flagged.


It speaks...
Haejin's voting record:
haejin self votes.png

The blockchain doesn't lie. That doesn't include all the self votes from the ranchorelaxo account, lets take a look at that:

rancho votes.png

If you support @kabir88 who first downvoted my comments and I had not initated anything...we shall return to the previous status quo.

One more upvote support from you or your posse, the truce is rescinded!!

I've been using a some of my upvotes to help others. They can 100% be redirected to the previous status quo. Your decision.

That was a quick response.
We shall return to the status quo. Downvoted.

Pardon me? Quick response?

You have a problem with me showing the screenshot of the truce?

Spitballs vs. Atomic Bombs...remember?

Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 9.30.02 PM.png

You began all of this by making kabir a negative rep just because of a couple 'spitballs'.

Now you went and flagged my oldest post because I won't let him be invisible? You are breaking your truce. Stop blaming others.

I began? I began NOTHING!! Look at Kabir88's recent post on Peter Brant..the imbecile misspelled the last name which should be BRANDT and has defamed the whole BitcoinLive site with false accusations and false evidence. That kind of a twisted nut case is who you and your posse upvoted and make visible!!

That was after you obliterated his account.

He INITIATED a string of downvotes!! I INITIATED NOTHING!! That is very clear.
I couldn't care less if his downvotes were worth $100 or $0.

Again, stay OUT of this squable. IF you agree, I will upvote to the same amount that was downvoted.

You are upvoting his comments which he is using to spam my posts? Really?

Remove your downvotes from him and get his rep back so that he is visible again and we won't have this problem.

NOPE! Only if he removes his posts and comments spamming my posts. IF he agrees to that, i will remove the downvotes so he can take down the posts and comments. AND a post of apology to Mr. Peter Brandt whom he outrageously defamed!!

Whoever initiated starts cleaning up first.

And you remove ALL your upvotes to Kabir88 and IF NOT all 7 day rewards are game.

I will also power up about another $250k if the prior status quo returns.

Back off from this squable between me and Kabir88 and the truce will be re-instated. Let your posse know the same!

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