Snip Snap Flag Wars Are Back

in #haejin6 years ago

I haven't been upvoted by the fulltimebot-net in a few days so I decided to see what was up.

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Uh Oh

Looks like @haejin is at it again. Of course, this guy is a master of mental gymnastics.

You've got to realize that @kabir88 condones his own self upvoting at 100% for months. Yet, he steps out and downvotes others for self voting. Does that even make sense?

To me his is a hypocrite.

Let me go down to your level of IQ and REALLY simplify this:

WHO broke the truce? @kabir88, YOU, Hendrix22 and Fulltimegeek.
WHO Cleans UP? All of YOU!

You upvoted kabir88's spam posts on my comments. A truce breaker! IS that HARD to understand?

Again, next move is yours! Cleanup and return to truce or not.

Wise words, spoken by a true champion of the Steem blockchain.

Who is this mysterious @kabir88? I don't know and it doesn't matter. Why? Because his account is only worth $4000.

Equating a $4000 account 100% upvoting themselves to a $1,800,000 account 100% upvoting themselves can only be done by pure delusion.

burn money.jpg

This situation ties in perfectly to an issue that I wanted to bring up.
My original title for this post was:

Steem 51% Consensus

Ok so imagine 75% of the Steem community gets it together and figures out a great system for distributing rewards. However, those pesky 25% are still doing greedy shit like self upvoting their own garbage and not respecting proof of brain. The answer is simple, right? Use the 75% to flag the 25% into the ground, and then you still have 50% stake left over to distribute fairly to the rest of the community.

However, you don't need 75%; you only need 50.00001%. As long as we had more than 50% consensus, we could flag the other 50% into the ground and still control 100% of the reward pool with the remaining 0.00001% of the stake. This would basically be the opposite of a 51% attack. It would be a 51% righteous takeover of the platform.

So why can't the whales of Steem get together and flag all this garbage on the trending tab into oblivion? Is greed really too strong? Maybe, but fear is equally strong. We can't expect @ned or Steemit to step in and flag these abusers. @ned and Steemit are straight up catering them. Many of the tactics Steem employs involve trying to get big investors to jump on board. Flagging your own investors seems somewhat counter productive. If a few whales were to dump their Steem all at once the value of coins would crash into the dirt.


Short-term vs Long-term

Personally I think this may be exactly what Steem needs. Decentralization is important. Better to build the platform up from nothing than let this corruption continue to feaster and eventually kill the entire community. We've already made too many concessions for the top one percent. I think it's obvious that we should demand that Steemit use it's centralized power to purge the platform of obvious abuse.

I mean it's obviously not going to happen. It doesn't matter what I want. @ned is far too afraid of failure to engage in such an aggressive gambit. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe not.

What I do know is that I'll be working on my own system of governance; one that will hopefully put Steem's current model to shame. In this decentralized environment of open source collaboration, sharing is caring. Perhaps I can bring something to the platform that is a win for everyone. This doesn't have to be a zero-sum game. Everyone can win.


@kabir88 has been 100% self upvoting his comments for months. And yet, he steps out to downvote others accusing them of the same. A farce!!

He also fabricated evidence against a colleague, Peter Brandt, framing him and my association as fraudsters. The fraudster is @kabir88 who made such defaming post!

He also downvoted my comments and this broke the truce that had been in place. He then spammed my comments and these were then upvotes by @lyndsaybowes who framed herself as an angel. Fulltimegeek and Hendrix then followed suit with their downvotes. Before this blew up, they were all asked to stay out of it but this was declined with impunity.

Got it? The facts...just the facts!!

It's a blockchain, we can all see that @hendrix22 and I have not been flagging you.

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Here you go again, trying to obfuscate how YOU, @kabir88, fulltimegeek and hendrx22 broke the truce! Amazing how you do this. The downvotes first came from @kabir88, then fulltimegeek and then you and you hubby hendrix22 upvoted @kabir88's spam comments to my posts.


BTW, YOU, fulltimegeek, you mom, son, hendrix...what a CIRCLE JERK you've got going!! Amazing how you all pose as the angels of Steemit and its future and yet your circle jerk works the most efficient of all circle jerks!!

  1. @hendrix22 has not been involved at all, it's a blockchain anyone can see you are lying.

  2. My "circle jerk" eh ( 0.00 % self, 366 upvotes, 118 accounts, last 7d )

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I think the question everyone really wants to know is, how can 2 pictures, with a couple of lines on them, be worth $70 - where is the 'proof of brain'

if i done the same thing, i would get .10

i get that my posts arent all that special. sitting down watching a sunset for 2 hrs, to get a 2 minute video, but at least its 'original work' but if its only worth 30 cents an hour, why would people continue?

shouldnt this platform be about the majority, not just the individual?
do u have any idea how many people 1 of your (rancho) upvotes could feed for a week in venezuaela?

THIS is what is making you unpopular

@edicted from what I got @haejin is accusing kabir88 of defaming one of his friends through twitter(i think), he basically said haejin's friend did tax evasion, etc... it wasn't the flag, it was the low defaming move that kabir did... and I can kind of understand the lash out if this is in fact true, i would go to hell and back for my friends, i wouldn't care who or what stood in my way, true friendship is worth it!

Since I don't know the ins and outs of the war I won't say which side i am at, i mean it is haejin's stake and he chooses what to do with it, at least he isn't using voting bots anymore... but imo this flagging war is going to be really bad for the blockchain, during a bear market a flagging war between FTG and haejin will only decrease the payouts of the few small content creators that @fulltimegeek was supporting, this plus the bear market mentality will make many doubt this platform and maybe leave... and also the fact that even if it a flagging war, haejin has a huge stack in rachorelo, which FTG can't decrease to 0, so haejin is still going to get payouts out of it...

SO what is this flagging war going to do? Decrease content creators trust and self worth in the steem blockchain, making some of them even quit, while not stopping haejin because he is still getting payouts! so guess what! this flagging war won't bring anything good to the platform!

If you think the opposite do say!

IMO what they should agree on is create a haejin charity account with a % of his SP(maybe25%) that would follow FTG around and curate the content of good content creators, this would bring further proof-of-brain to the platform and actually be good in the long term for haejin because his investment would bring further profit for many more years to come because of the good content on the platform, I don't think the dude is dumb, he is an early STEEM investor which i find extremely smart! and sometimes giving some "money" to charity to shut up people that are badmouthing and attacking you is a good move, many millionaires have done this throughout the ages! Giving some to charity to reply to people that say : "You have to much!" with "Well, i give x amount to charity! Do you give anything to charity?"

I really do think this would be the right move on both sides, because this war isn't helping anyone! Not FTG's side and not haejin's side! They are both making the blockchain less trustfull which further decreases STEEM price and potential !

But do give me your opinion! Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this undending flagging war is actually good for the blockchain!

And BTW @ned isn't going to do anything because that would mean STEEM was centralized! He can just scoop in and censor someone! Do you know he is powering down? I actually have this idea that he is powering down to further decentralize the platform, go watch my latest post if you want since i wrote about it, but basically what i said is that he is powering down to decrease the price of STEEM giving minnows and content creators with already established accounts that see potential in this blockchain a second oportunity of getting in it! Look at it as a second ICO!

I believe @haejin donates respectable sums of money both within Steemit and outside. The amounts are more than expected. But he does not flaunt those activities because he has no need for such. I've perused your post and found it to be informative.

I am guessing that because of your follow and support he has started to follow and support me as well, I just wanted to thank you for that and say that I will try to put it to good use.

I believe @haejin donates respectable sums of money both within Steemit and outside

Did not know that... And I do think one shouldn't flaunt those kinds of activity just to "shut up" people, but sometimes it is a necessity to stop people that came in late to the race and want to say shit about the people that are in the race's first place

Thanks for perusing(learned a new word today) my post, I always try to bring the best proof-of-brain to the platform, only through good information does one grow not only his account but also himself

The word is out on how you fabricated evidence to do your best in framing an innocent analyst, Peter Brandt, a colleague of mine from BitcoinLive; as a convicted criminal.

You slyly used a real criminal with similar name and a Fortune writeup about his tax evasion to frame Peter Brandt. Except I figured it out and caught you!

You used the same false evidence to extend the accusation towards BitcoinLive and Me as well.


We demand a written apology from you posted on Steemit for ALL to see.

Just saying dude, if you did fabricate evidence it's a low blow, that Peter Brandt or Brant(kinda getting confused with all of these similar names) isn't even on Steemit to defend himself! And if it was a mistake on your part for comparing two unrelated persons you should apology, not only to end this stupid "flagging-war" which is really bad during a bear market, but also because if you made a mistake and actually went ahead and admitted it you would bring further proof-of-brain to the platform with actual facts!

Look at it this way, if a reporter did the same mistake he would have to do a public apology to the person, we are all bloggers here, so I guess fixing our mistakes is a must too!

And I'm not on anyone's side... I don't give a fudge about sides, I'm on the side of truth, everyone knows if he made a mistake or not, who she is or not, and who is speaking the truth or not, if you think you didn't make a mistake than stick with it, if you did make a mistake it's only human and apologize for it!

Holy mother of god just realized I made a post-comment, sorry xD

Hi edicted. I don't know what is going on and just picking up bits and pieces. Surely the way to sort this out once and for all is to rally the troops and just fix it once and for all. If you have 20 000 accounts all voting in the same way whoever is wrong or the target will back down and behave. This should not be left up to one or two people to sort out. This is a community and should act like a community and not turn a blind eye. Everyone is quick to get free things but when you have to roll up your sleeves they all walk away it seems.

Thanks for posting this. I had wondered what had changed. Was worried perhaps he suddenly found my posts lacking, lol. I am thankful for the gesture he had with me and hope that whatever is going on with this flag war can be sorted out to everyones satisfaction soon.

Yeah I thought you might be wondering what was up. I guess we'll see how this resolves.

@haejin should be able to do whatever he wants with his own money. Even if all he ever does is self vote, his huge stake is still paying for the witnesses, and that should be appreciated.

The truce should resume, and I don't think it's fair to drag FTG into this if the breach was by somebody else. For better or worse, we all need to account for our own actions, not the actions of others.

I'd welcome your drawing up plans and ideas for the future of this blockchain, @edicted, as you have good ideas.

But the only way to guide more stakeholders to build the value of Steem, is to fork it and alter the incentives, not to run around holding flags like pitchforks. :)

If a few whales were to dump their Steem all at once the value of coins would crash into the dirt.

We are already seeing this, Steem is at $1.00 now.

@ned is far too afraid of failure to engage in such an aggressive gambit. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe not.

If he gets involved people will cry centralization even more, in my opinion, at this point, it doesn't matter anymore, I rather have someone kick out all the fucking scam and abuse.

You must join my Discord server @edicted.

We need valorous, truth-seeking, innovative individuals.

Regarding this situation: Everyone involved needs to join a voice chat and discuss this and stop this war, comments are not a good way to deal with this situation.

Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))


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