Guns in America?

in #guns7 years ago (edited)

America's gun problem? More like America's not enough guns problem... All it takes to stop a maniac with a gun is a law abiding citizen that also has a gun and knows how to use it.


I don't carry enough right now.
Not because I don't want to, but because the consequences should I be "caught" carrying would be too severe and that's not a risk I'm willing to take. And that's the real root of the problem, if did carry all the time like I want to, one slip of my shirt could cause me to be expelled, fired, or jailed...Possibly even all three.
The choice to live near DC and go into healthcare was made by my wife and I. Hopefully in the future I will be able to carry where I work and spend time my free time, but until then. The most important thing I carry damn near all the time is a North American Rescue CAT or Tactical Medical Solutions SOFTT-Wide and a "blow out kit" or IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) with supplies to treat other trauma.
That stuff can be carried anywhere, so before you get too hung up on what gun you're carrying or how many rounds it holds or what whiz-bang stuff you bolt to it, make sure you carry some gear to Stop the Bleeding and make sure you know how to use it.

If you have any questions about setting up your own IFAK or how to use a tourniquet please don't hesitate to ask!


If you do not have a CCW, it is quite a risk to carry. I'm in CA and they do not issue to essentially anyone living in a major city. I have a IFAK in my truck and have another small one that I carry in a backpack.

Its relatively easy to get a concealed license here in VA, but its not recognized in DC and private property owners (like where I go to school) can still ban firearms on their property. On the legal side if I got caught at school they couldn't do much to me as far as legal trouble. On the administrative side, however, the school could kick me out.
In DC if I were to carry and be caught it would most likely mean jail time, the loss of my firearm, etc.

Great you keep some first aid kits close by!

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First aid supplies are usually neglected when people start building their kits. I used to be a combat medic so I know the importance of carrying these items. I have a small kit in my ALICE pack I pieced out from my old aid bag, and I'm thinking about modifying a mag pouch to make a small personal kit on my LBE.

Exactly! Most people get their CCW and strap on a gun thinking they're good to go. It doesn't take long to bleed out, but it also doesn't take too much gear to stop yourself or someone else from bleeding out. A good tourniquet, a pressure bandage, and some gauze is a good start and will easily fit in a mag pouch.
I always used to catch some shit because I wasn't a medic, but med stuff always interested me so I always had extra TQs and such on me or in my bag, haha

If steemit had a "LIKE" button or thumbs up I would hit it! You are on point!!

Pfeiler Family Farm

I was motor transport maintenance. We had "expired" vehicle first aid kits that we had to get rid of. The only thing that was deemed expired was the iodine so instead of toss them in the trash, they now have a purpose in my vehicles, tractor or basement with our emergency gear. I.F.A.K is definitely a plus that I keep on my get home bag. A mag pouch would be a great idea. I was actually just thinking if I could create a very small kit by using the OTIS rifle cleaning pouch. If I do I will let you both know.

Pfeiler Family Farm

I completely agree! The United States does not have a gun problem. It has citizens and non-citizens that have a moral and/or mental problem! A fire arm whether pistol, rifle or shotgun really is a tool.

You live in the DC area? I was up there this summer taking my kids to the walk the mall and go through all the museums before our move to the Midwest. What I did not like is that I could not carry. So onward with the implementation of Plan B...a few choice metal bodied pens that could indiscriminately serve as a defensive weapon coupled with a set of keys. Try walking through a building with a small pocket knife! Man the security guard pulled me aside real quick and I got the pat down. To be honest I completely forgot about the knife in my wallet. I miss that knife too, it had a good blade, small and thin to slip into a credit card slot.

I do agree more people are more concerned about the type of pistol, round capacity and how much tactical crap they can carry, forgetting First Aid/Buddy Aid. A few years ago a friend showed me his EDC. With it was a handkerchief and a pocket size package of Quick Clot. With those two items you can pretty much render aid to any non-life and some life threatening gun shot wounds.

As for C.A.T and I.F.A.K...there is always one in each of my vehicles. While I have not had the need to use it, I am glad it is always there when you are driving.

Thanks for sharing!

Pfeiler Family Farm

Yup! Been in the DC area for about 10 years minus deployments! Yea, its kind of a pain not being able to carry when I head into the city, but I just keep my situational awareness up a little bit higher and make sure I have other "less dangerous" tools on me or nearby and go on about my life, haha.

Spot on about a little quickclot and and a hankie! May you never have the need to use that or the more serious gear!

I know the feeling. I was "homesteading" at Camp Lejeune, NC for seven years until my retirement. I still do not know how I pulled that one off. It is funny you mention situational awareness. I am trying to teach that to my a very early age. Now days you never can be too careful!.

Pfeiler Family Farm

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I still have my old IFAK from Army training. The medical tape is kind of old and brown is it still useable?

If it's still sticky when you pull a piece off then I'd say it's fine! Never hurts to update the components though and still keep the old stuff as spares.

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