GrumpyCat's Attack Dog Strikes -- Or Another Group I Support

in #grumpycat6 years ago
Yesterday I participated in the Talk of the Line post sharing chat in @thesteemengine discord. After the chat was over I happened to noticed the dreaded three dots on a post indicating it having been flagged. When I looked further, I saw it was not just one post but two posts:

Initiatives I Support on Steem and The Love it/Shove it Challenge -- tagged by @thebugiq and they had been downvoted 100% by @Grumpycat’s attack dog, @madpuppy. Each hit shaved about $14 off each post.

Was a Bidbot the Problem?

My immediate thought was they were both posts that I had used a bidbot on. I hardly ever use a bidbot. The other day I realized that while the price is down, we actually receive a higher amount of SP on our posts so it would be good time to build SP. So I had used @upme to boost the two posts. It’s a bot that is grumpy-compliant so that didn’t seem like it should be the problem.

Someone directed me to Steem World to have a look at the puppy’s downvote history. I quickly saw that I wasn’t alone being downvoted. From the names on the list, I also quickly saw the actual reason I was hit.

What Was the Reason For the Hit?

There is no small irony for me that one of the posts Grumpy hit was one I had written about initiatives I support on the platform. It was very well received and had been resteemed by several people. There are some initiatives that I give some support to and do so pretty quietly for varying reasons.

I had been hit over one of those initiatives. It is an initiative formed to combat bullying by Grumpy. It was formed with the awareness that while today the bully may be Grumpy, tomorrow it may be and likely will be another with a large stake and a willingness to hit minnows and make them ‘collateral damage’ in whatever campaign he claims to be waging.

Where Did All This Start?

It started around the time that @grumpycat started demanding the bots not allow votes once a post was more than 3.5 days old. As I mentioned early, I don’t often use bid bots so, that was not what drew my attention.

Some of the bot owners stood their ground and refused at first to comply with the demands of Grumpy. Votes can be made on posts up to 6.5 days after it is posted. They were within the bounds of the platform to not comply. That didn’t really catch my attention.

What did get my attention was when the Grump decided to start attacking those who purchased votes through the bots which stood their ground. He didn’t bother with educating the people he attacked. He didn’t care if the post was quality or not. He didn’t care if the post was supporting a charity or other good works. His victims were nothing more to him than ‘collateral damage’ in his fight with the bot owners.

Even after most of the bot owners complied with his demands he continued to attack innocents seemingly indiscriminately. That got my attention even more. The fact he could do this unopposed in any manner was alarming for current and future implications for the platform. What was to stop others from doing the same?

Here is Another Initiative I Support

The initiative is called @the-resistance. This group came together knowing that individual minnows could not defeat a whale like the Grump. Even another whale would be hardpressed to impact his presence on the platform. Case in point, the efforts to deal with Haejin

Attacking minnows wasn’t the only thing that the Grump is up to on the platform. He loves to upvote himself — a lot. So, while he’s claiming to be fighting rewardpool rape, he’s taking way more than he recovers.

@the-resistance works to highlight his self-voting especially on comments which seems to be his favourite place to vote himself a big chunk of change. They also attempt to help the Grump’s victims to recover lost rewards. Members making even small delegations helps to build up and improve the help that can be given. I had made a small delegation to the cause and had joined the We-Resist discord

Yesterday’s Aftermath

After he carried out his attacks yesterday, the Grump showed up in the General chat in the discord. Needless to say, he wasn’t exactly welcome, but he’s not kicked either. Should he choose to engage in dialogue, he could do so.

When people headed over to the Steemstar Network to listen to @sircork’s Townhall followed by @patrice’s Trash Talk shows, the Grump followed. Gotta hand it to the guy, he’s a bear for punishment.

During @patrice’s show, she made a comment that sparked this response from the Grump:

Grumpycat - Yesterday at 8:14 PM
@Patrice, @Grupycat flag Non-grumpycompliant bidbots, It took about a week for all bidbots to comply, now it's only @sneaky-ninja. @Grumpycat also flag what it consider over-promoted trash on the frontpage. Since today @Grumpycat is flagging the people who automate flagging every single of my comments with @theresistance bot and spamming advertisement for their anti-grumpycat hate group.

It’s the last sentence that applied to his attacks yesterday. I had to laugh at the last part “spamming advertisement for their anti-grumpycat hate group”. He has complete control over the comments from @the-resistance appearing. When he stops attacking innocents, the comments will never be seen again. That will mean there will not be people who will need support to recover from his attacks.

So, How Do I Respond to Being Bullied?

It’s pretty simple. A bully being allowed to function without any consequences is a bully emboldened. It is entirely possible that at least for a while, the Grump is going to continue to attack.

I’m not about to quit a group because a bully is attacking. I increased the small delegation I had sent the account. Finally, I’m publicly talking about being part of the group and I’m publicly inviting others to join the group.

It’s counterintuitive, I know. Consider this, when more of the community steps up and takes part it means he has to spreads his attacks further and they get weaker. Right now, it is a small group. Imagine if he had to spread those attacks across one hundred or one thousand people?

My Thanks

My thanks for reading this far. A special thank you to those who were able to upvote the posts that were attacked. Also to the Steemian who sent me some funds to make sure that the Grump couldn’t take them away. You know who you are.

Final Note

This past Sunday would have been my dad’s 94th birthday. He gave up a few years of his youth to serve in WW2 during the Italian campaign. He was part of not backing down to a bully. He raised his kids to not back down from bullies. So, happy birthday dad, you’re gone but not forgotten.

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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The secret reasons for bullying, abuse, spam and the lack of ability to fight them are:

  1. STEEM is a premined currency, like every other currency, including the ones that officially were not even possible to be mined.

  2. Steemcleaners is managed by corrupt people, whom are subordinates of the person behind grumpycat.
    Keep voting for their witness nodes.
    Steemcleaners' stake's majority is either premined, or delegated by preminer/s.

  3. The witnesses are no better than steemcleaners.
    Almost the same, and at times, exactly the same argument is valid in their case.

Guess who was the first to treat people as collateral damage, which honestly, most of them deserve nothing better.

Want to improve the situation? Hard fork and delete.
This place is so overloaded with spam, that any well intended hard fork should start from an empty state, because the bad overweighs the good by far here.
The current witnesses are so corrupt, they refuse hard forks to delete spam, and will obviosuly oppose any attempt to delete successful cases of abuse, zeartul included, because they are all guilty of abuse.

It does seem the miscreants and vandals who care nothing for the positive vision of steemit outnumber those who have some sort of conscience. At first I bought the positive face of the anti-spam and limit-the-bid-bot arguments. I even believed in the quality curator leagues for a day or two. Then I came to discover how murky the water is. In a word, self-aggrandizement. The branding is lipstick on a very ugly pig.

The bidbots are a way for people to earn passive income.
The bidbots allow for active users to grow the fastest, they reward activity.
However, there are better ways to earn overall in life than to earn the most as possible in steemit, so employing a bidbot is smarter than using it in real life.
In steemit terms, using a bidbot may be more beneficial than owning one.
I may self plagiarize the previous part of my reply and use it to reply to someone else whom keeps complaining about the bidbots.
Spammers, plagiarizers and scammers should know that their behavior will be countered in the most extreme ways.
In this platform, they know it will not, unless my ideas are implemented.
This place is almost a perfect example to what anarchy and complete freedom lead to.
They lead to tyranny and other forms of abuse.

Hey I was wondering why cant we just make that hard fork and split from the steem network it is not like it has not been done with other coins :) We clone hardfork the flaws that we see now and we move on to a better place for all...

Look at the threads of l0k1 , elfspice , calibrae.
I replied in detail there.
Before you do it, think yourself about how do you think the implementation should be.
What are the problems you want to solve, and why do you think your ideas will solve them.

Well the first problem that will be solved straight away it that you will be no longer connected to the dodgy image Steemit has as a whole around the world... The problem with steem itself is Bad Management ... It is obvious ... Also the will of everyone with power to continue this trend ... of deceiving newcomers of what is the real deal here ... than people understand they have been lied to and quit ... this is the big reason for the 1-2% stay rate among new users ...

I agree, especially about the management.
They manage steemit because they could not be appointed to managers anywhere else.

You got a 31.25% from @th3voter thanks to: @stimialiti!

kitten fighting :)
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You got upvoted from @adriatik bot! Thank you to you for using our service. We really hope this will hope to promote your quality content!

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You got a 8.33% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got upvoted from @adriatik bot! Thank you to you for using our service. We really hope this will hope to promote your quality content!

You got a 25.00% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 100.00% upvote from @greengrowth thanks to @stimialiti! You too can use @GreenGrowth by sending your post URL in the memo field to the bot. Minimum bid is 0.01.

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You got a 14.29% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 20.00% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got upvoted from @adriatik bot! Thank you to you for using our service. We really hope this will hope to promote your quality content!

This post has received a $18.38 % upvote from @siditech thanks to: @stimialiti.
Here's a banana! banana-small.png

You got upvoted from @adriatik bot! Thank you to you for using our service. We really hope this will hope to promote your quality content!

You got a 6.67% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

Good intentions and ideas. But how are we going to reach a proper consensus when a large portion of MVESTS are pseudo-premined. Some of the people are good. Few are neutral and some are complete jerks. Hard Fork would be a really hard thing to do.

Should be done from scratch instead of a hard fork.
I recommend for you too to read l0k1's, elfspice's, calibrae's threads and especially my comments in them, and my past threads too.

All those blogs have been flagged to death by Berniesanders. Do you have any specific links?

You can still click, then click on SHOW and read them.
The last ones are repetitions of each other, but if you browse further, you may find more matter for thought.

You got a 20.26% from @th3voter thanks to: @stimialiti!

kitten fighting :)
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This post has upvoted from @th3voter !For more information, click here!

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You got a 8.69% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 8.56% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

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@youtake pulls you up ! This vote was sent to you by @stimialiti!

Steemcleaners is managed by corrupt people, whom are subordinates of the person behind grumpycat.
Keep voting for their witness nodes.
Steemcleaners' stake's majority is either premined, or delegated by preminer/s.

@steemcleaners are a team dedicated to keeping the platform clean of spam, boasting that they are against it, are people who have stopped using their SP for their own benefit to use it for the platform, you should not express yourself so these people. It's true that I once had bad practices, but they set me on my way. Stop slandering them, sometimes I wonder what your contribution to the platform is. You're just commenting on the post looking for others to vote and if you don't send this to the bots to vote, but where's your intellectual capacity in all this? What are the topics you contribute to the platform?

I ask the same questions about you.
You asking these questions about me is completely ironic.
Just like the rest of your hypocrisy.
Go fool other people.
I know your kind.

You got a 35.18% upvote from @proffit courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 25.00% from @th3voter thanks to: @stimialiti!

kitten fighting :)
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This post has upvoted from @th3voter !For more information, click here!

You can earn daily profit by delegating SP to our bot, 98% of earnings paid out to delegators. To do so, click below:
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Make sure you have at least 15 SP left on your account.

You got upvoted from @adriatik bot! Thank you to you for using our service. We really hope this will hope to promote your quality content!

You got a 12.50% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 12.50% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 50.00% upvote from @greengrowth thanks to @stimialiti! You too can use @GreenGrowth by sending your post URL in the memo field to the bot. Minimum bid is 0.01.

If you feel this post is spammy or not worthy of @Greengrowth you can contact a moderator in our Discord Channel

Agree with you @shadowspub .. unity is strength !

Good on ya Shadows. Well documented.

I for one, don't negotiate with terrorists.

Here is the replay video of GC appearing in MY living room for a taste of my home cooked hate for ridiculous hypocrites like him. ;)

I'm not one to back down from chumpy cats.

Especially cowardly, lonely hypocrites like this tiny little pathetic thing.

Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStarNetwork
Steem Witness #65

Well said.

Thanks @shadowspub. I commend you. This guy or cat or whatever is a Sociopath. He has no conscience. Sooner or later things will change if we all keep vigilant.

As Good usually wins out over Evil :)

It's not easy to know what to make of all these factions with their various infighting and battles. It's good to have information like this, so thank you. It's also hard not to be fearful, and so — for a very tiny piece of kitten dander (that's one size down from "minnow!") — it becomes increasingly scary to move around the community, outside a small circle of known people. I expect I am not alone in feeling that, to some degree. Either way, can't be good for the community.


We can never say your dad is gone while we are seeing his spirit living in you.
@the-resistance salutes him and wishes him a happy birthday.


we love you guys !!! the new logo is great too.

@eaglespirit thank you.
It is good to see people who appreciates.


yes ive seen you combat quite a bit and upvoted your posts in support! glad someone is out there helping babies. xx

Thank you! Fully supporting the cause. Corruption and negativity cannot never be supported on here. Then it just becomes another social media sh&thole. Good people UNITE 🙏

@shadowspub, thank you for raising your voice against injustice.
You are simply great, both with what you do for the community and for who you are!


Your dad and I share a birthday :)

blessed be! theres mah EW! 💜

The number of miscreants and vandals who also have time and power on their hands is surprisingly large and it isn't just here on steemit. At the centre of such miscreants is a vacuus cavity wherein, like the grinch, a heart used beat. All they can do is collect what others have worked hard for and drag it up to their mountaintop and attempt to spoil everything for the villagers. I am all for anyone who isn't sympathetic to the actions of such miscreants and I am more than willing to sustain injury and loss for the cause. Your article makes it abundently clear how important it is to stand together regardless of the SP we have. It's a matter of taking care of the rubbish lying around in our streets by ourselves, instead of hoping for someone else to do it for us.

All public light and education on bullying is welcome and needed, so thankyou. I'm far too much of a newbie to grasp half of what you're talking about but I can FEEL that you are doing something important here. Kudos.

hi art! you are on the right track, instincts are rigt on! :)

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