in #growth7 years ago

Ever wind up on posts and have no idea how you got there?

Late one night, I wound up on a post from @wadepaterson where he was talking about getting an incredible amount of views on his steemit post that were coming from elsewhere on the web. It was already one in the morning where I live, but I could still understand his point.

When we post about things that people are searching on the web, then they have a greater probability of finding our steemit posts.

When this occurs, a lot more people in the world get exposed to steemit. When they find our posts and notice the payouts, they may consider joining our community.

Personally, when I’m online, it’s mostly on steemit, so I’m not always sure what is popular out there in the world. However, I’ve been around smartphones and people who use them enough to know the type of questions that they ask their phones in times of curiosity or in times of need.

My recent post “Why Doesn’t My Room Key Work?” is an example of one possible question that may get asked to smartphones every day around the world. If we begin to write short, helpful posts answering the questions that people may be asking, then more people should be getting exposed to posts on steemit.

When these people notice the payouts at the bottom of our posts, their curiosity should lead them to investigate further.

If you notice, I even phrased my post title exactly like the question that someone would ask their cell phone. I would recommend that more of us begin to think in this way and see what else we can come up with. The more ways that we are attempting to encourage community growth, the more quickly we should be drawer others to join this community.



we just need marketing.

I am just not sure the timing is good for promotion of SteemIt.

If we make these posts now, they will exist forever, so they can be used now all the way until "the timing is right."

Potentially getting paid for posting online is always enticing.

Exactly. The system is fueled by user faith. If everyone thinks "the time is wrong", then we're right. And that's exactly the point - whatever we collectively think, we're right.

Not terrible! Pretty busy, but not bad! Yourself?

Busy enough... but taking the weekend off to go to a marriage retreat.

I could use the break and it'll be good to get some alone time with @mama-pepper to have a conversation without four kids listening or interrupting.

Thanks. Gotta love the timeless steemit blockchain!

I'm new here, so I am just wondering why its not time to promote Steemit??? @missk

There are a couple of big changes coming, Hardfork 17, and a rebranding effort. I think hardfork 17, might bring some drama and marketing and rebranding should go hand in hand. That is all I meant. And welcome old=guy-photos.

Ah ok. Thanks for the answer and the welcome!

Where is the money coming from to pay those posts? or how is it paid when there's no money involved?
something to that ;)

If they happen to find our posts when they are asking their questions, the post payouts at the bottom will get them asking those questions. They should be curious enough to check steemit out.

Well, my omelette post got them excited but not enough to really check our site thu i got a couple who wanted to check it and became members.till now i am waiting for an intro posts.

Cool, keep it up! One way or another, they'll find us!

Keywords have always been the "key" to search engine placement. That is being manipulated now of course like everything else, but this might help..


Right, I was looking into that too!

Thanks @majes! You are very helpful!

The nice thing about that is the that the search function on Steemit is powered by Google. I'd say each and every post and reply we make includes PLENTY of keywords.

1/ I did notice your post title, but they are always pretty good. But I knew you were getting at someting.

2/ I am working on something kind of personal and kind of YUGE and literally I was going over some biblical principles that naturally worked it's way into my post and knew I was going to come and share this with you, so it will be out in a day or 2 and it actually ties to your post here and also Jesus...

"Stuff" - and it having a hold on you, versus you just having it and not placing worth in STUFF.

  • It is actually a biblical principle tied to the Hebrew word "mammon". I am not going to preach you a sermon, just sharing some things I learned along the way and how they impacted my life.

3/ I am excited I beat the Winfrey bot to your post and got you another 100% upvote lol

Oh and also I forgot to say this in my post....

I have made a couple posts on here about some of my use of Twitter and Linked In and other SM sites, I don't bother counting Fascistbook anymore but then again -- we have stake weighted censoring on here too as we know...

Some of my daily/weekly/monthly numbers on the Twitter have been YUGE. I use key # on things -- and once I started doing this consistently --- tons of analytics on there show the ENGAGEMENT and it drives everything back here to the platform.

I did a #SocialMedia101 type post awhile back on it, it is there if anyone wants to see it, same with my twitter feed in my name you see here.

If you want to search my post here about it -- you can use that # there above.

One night months ago I posted about DASH, for ex. and all their official DASH people all over got ahold of that post on every platform and it went viral and I have never seen anything like that.

Shalom people!!

I agree @papa-pepper - I am usually always promote steemit posts on several other networks to attract new users - good for the views and hopefully bringing in more new users - would be good to see where new users come from though - not sure if possible or planned to show. @hilarski is a great example on how to drive traffic from steemit via other networks back to steemit.

It makes me wish that I had been involved with some other networks previously!

Better that way as the other way round like me :-) - when I saw what i missed on steemit recently i was reacting like.....

or even more

With Social Media it's all about timing. You just have to have patience until such time that suddenly people get it. I have introduced Steemit to hundreds of people and most just cannot get their head around the concept. They would much rather post to FB for FREE because thats where their friends are. Steemit is a blogging tool and not a "catchup with your friends" tool. Most people on Steemit, certainly the ones I have met are very creative and very clever. It is attracting a completely different breed of Social Media user. The whole concept of Steemit needs to be put across clearer and this I have tried to do recently by tying Steemit to Google Search Engine. Steemit will get there it just needs some clever marketing..!! Stephen

Good insights there. We certainly seen to be a different breed!

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