Growth Perspective (+Steemit)

in #growth7 years ago

Hello friends of Steemit, this month until now, has brought good news, in relation to the growth that is expected from this platform, I have shown in recent weeks, a real commitment of many users wanting to contribute to this cause collective, which we all aspire, that is the growth of Steemit.   

As in everything, there are good and bad things, but to my way of seeing, there are many better things, that without a doubt have given a significant contribution to the growth outlook Steemit. I believe we have begun to understand all of us who, with working together we can achieve great things, we have learned to work together, to understand that this is not just a job you should do @ned, but rather all who belong to this community in growth. To which, personally I have a great appreciation for exist, for giving me the opportunity to express myself through letters. Let wonderful Steemit! 

The work they are doing @andrarchy and @zurvanic is wonderful, I thank you for the efforts you have made to Steemit is globalize much more, in addition to encourage other users to contribute ideas for the growth of Steemit. Although I cannot fail to mention my discomfort in the payments of the posts every 7 days is truth which gives greater visibility to our articles, but it is also true that cause greater discomfort in many users of the platform, possibly you are aware of this situation. That has also caused the payments are more under temporarily while normalizes the system. 

As I have said on several occasions, Steemit has a great future, we must continue taking the necessary steps to achieve the collective goals. Has been quite pleased to see also in this month, the price of the Steem, that has been moved from a stable, where in the last few days has been maintained at a price of 0.22-0.26 dollars. My expectations in this regard is that, let's see in the coming weeks a higher price, I believe that a good job has been done in that regard.

We must consider that unfortunately there are some malicious people, who seek directly or indirectly that Steemit fail, people who do not contribute anything and that use some powers to oppress some users. I think that you should pay special attention to this subject in particular, it must accept constructive criticism but not the destructive. The people who work in a positive way and that provide content to Steemit, are the real valuable people that we need, which are the vast majority of users, as I have said on other occasions I always will oppose against abuses of power.   

Lately I have not been able to work the way that I would like, due to health problems and unexpected expenses that I had. But while you can, collaborate in what the community needs for growth of Steemit. A few weeks ago, I made a small contribution of marketing in the street and I would like you to see. 

                                 Making advertising to steemit

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from 


In the end, if people continue to share their authentic content, this platform will thrive. It is the same formula that has worked on all internet platforms in the past. The beauty is that Steemit actually shares the rewards for the creators and curators of the content. Content is useless without an audience and Steemit recognizes this by rewarding those who engage as well as create. Thanks for this!

Exactly, that's the great thing of Steemit, the opportunity to be rewarded for creating content and participate.

Do what you can. We will grow together, step by step, pulling each other up.

Already the numbers are growing strongly. We are all still on the 'ground floor'.

We must maintain the continuous work, greetings.

Step by step we will grow together and will be able to point to the whole world, this is us, so always try and keep smiling

So, totally agree with you @zuheimi

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

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