Gridcoin weekly project update - 19/Mar/18

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

Here is the weekly Gridcoin project update. This article brings the latest status in terms of work availability and project earnings for whitelisted Gridcoin projects.

Work availability

A number of projects are facing work availability issues this week. Most notably is Cosmology@home which has lost its domain name. The project website can still be accessed using their IP address but it provides a bad http message in the BOINC client. Update: the server is available again with the old domain name.

Since a few weeks the server queue at TN-Grid is running low on WUs. The project seems to have sufficient work but the issue is caused by very short work-units in combination with hardware limitations to generate them fast enough, making it difficult to keep the server queue filled. This afternoon the project team has discussed the situation and we should receive and update soon. The latest status can be found here.

Universe@home has started to generate new work-units again using a new application (BHDB - Black Hole Database). There are still some issues to reach a steady output and at the moment the server queue is empty again. The latest information can be found here.

Here is the table with the work availability status of all whitelisted and greylisted projects.

(Source: BOINCStats and WAS & ZSD definition)

Team performance and earnings per project

This section contains the tables and charts of four indicators per project. I extended the tables with the developments over a 12-week period as well to provide a longer term view.

(Source: BOINCStats and CoinMarketCap)


  • Recent Average RAC = The total amount of RAC produced by all systems within the Gridcoin network.
  • Team RAC vs Overall RAC % = The proportion of RAC output team Gridcoin has produced as part of the overall RAC for the project.
  • GRC per 1k system RAC = The amount of GRC you will receive for a system per 1000 RAC points. Example: You have a system which is running Rosetta@home with a RAC value of 3500. According to the chart on 30-Oct, you should gain 3.5 x 0.42 GRC = 1.47 GRC per day for this system.
  • USD per 1k system RAC = The amount of USD you will receive for a system per 1000 RAC points. Example: You have a system which is running NFS@Home with a RAC of 4700. According to the chart on 30-Oct, you should gain 4.7 x $0.29= $1.36 per day for this system.

Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) which securely rewards volunteer computing performed upon the BOINC platform in a decentralized manner on top of proof of stake.

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a distributed Internet platform and was launched beginning of 2002 and it rewards participants with credits for performed work. BOINC is an application available for multiple Operating Systems and uses the unused CPU and GPU cycles on computers to perform scientific work.

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Image source: Header, Gridcoin logo, BOINC logo


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