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RE: Erkan is criticizing more...

in #gridcoin7 years ago

I don't object to your criticism in general, and I consider you a strong supporter of Gridcoin.

However, I do think it's important that when you highlight things like the coin distribution "inequality", you put it in perspective with the overall cryptocurrency scene. Otherwise, you make it look to people who are new to cryptocurrencies like there's some issue unique to Gridcoin and they'd be better off looking elsewhere, when the truth is that Gridcoin is actually one of the better coins in terms of distribution and there is enough liquidity right now that anybody could become a whale for a fairly low investment by investment-scale standards.

Otherwise, carry on! You're doing good work.


I agree, its fine to raise a flag, but it should be given context.

I totally agree. That post sounded a bit like "I am butthurt, these people came earlier than me and bought 10 times more coins for 1/10 of the price"...

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