GridCoin Steemit Official Account

in #gridcoin6 years ago (edited)

The proposal is that we create a gridcoin team account on steemit. (aka "Official One").


That one should be used for the purpose of promotion of GRC here on Steemit, as well as for generating money to finance other marketing projects.

The keys should be given to all the credible persons on Slack, or people that are chosen by the community to maintain that account.

Eventually, we should all use our power to upvote these posts and make the account very prominent.


  • We are going to earn much more on that account that we could convert to other currencies for the purposes of marketing campaigns.
  • We will boost GRC here, where many people interested in cryptocurrencies are spending way much time.

If we all delegate a small amount of power, regularly upvote post of that "official account", shortly it will become very authoritative and very powerfull marketing tool.

The amount of power of such tool will become much above of what we can do with our personal accounts not to mention authority we are building as well as money.

Why calling this Guerrila Marketing? While most of other communities here are just looking for a way to make more money for their a*ses, we could use just that in our benefits and totally dominate in the spirit of GRC community that is behaving totally different :)

What do you think?


I like the idea. I wrote also about it on steemit some time ago. The community was not only in favour. Read here:

@grider123 I did realized by browsing random articles that I am proposing the thing you already proposed. To make it even worst, this is the second time that I think of something, post it, and then found you already did proposed the very same or similar thing. It related to trend analysis and this one.

From this point, I am definitely going to check your feed before posting anything, before it start to looks like I am ripping off your content, as it looks we tend to think in very similar direction :)

I'll try to understand the different point of views (against this), but so far, it still looks like a perfectly logical step to do. I'll rethink how to address given concerns with strong arguments, maybe it could change something.

No worries no need to check my articles first ;)

Yes I proposed this some time ago, the issues were over who owned the account and who controlled the keys if I remember right.
Find a solution for that without placing it on one persons hands and I think you will get a lot of support.

@scalextrix, I think it's very easy to solve:

Option 1 (Many Persons): Give it to all the credible people on Slack. For example I don't see any problem giving it to person named 'caraka'. A great guy who do a lot of hard work building releases and applying fixes to core wallet. I am sure there is a lot of credible people there, that should have no problem to be known by name, nor they make any risk. Take @vortac for example. I don't see any reason why he should not have full keys access to such account. He is already acting like our public account with his personal one. There is no reason not to trust him. Moerover, we can even return such guys a bit of favour they did for all of us with this account. Not because we need or somebody asked, but because it would be nice.

Option 2 (Pseudo Multisig) This really solve the problem. Give posting key to anyone credible, but keep the private owner key splitted between chosen N members, where each know just a part of the key. Eventually make two groups that hold the parts of the key, just in case one get's out so we don't get locked up.

Let's evaluate both options, especially the second one. I believe that solves the problem someone could see. (Although i don't see any issue with trust). But if that don't solve the problem, I am sure we can come out with more options.

I understand that option 2 solves the issue, but the benefit of option 1 is cool. We have proof of research, we have proof of stake, and this is kind of 'proof of trust'...sounds cool :)

If community chose option 2, i can make a software that would allow multisig, where each of the "keepers" will have to sign the transaction, but never know the other parts of the key except theirs.

However, the bottom line is:
We don't think about need of doing this too much, because there are people who are generous enough to put their personal accounts into service (read, give us trust). But main argument against, is that we don't want to give trust. If couple of people decide to stop up-voting our posts here, we could easy end up with much less money that we are using to fund our projects.

Actually I don't need to make anything, Steemit already has multisig capabilities:

So, here is a solution.

Multisig is a good idea, and we can boost the visibility of Gridcoin by posting in this steemit as well as others. I think foundation funds should stay out in order to ensure no accusations of wrongdoing by anyone. If we all upvote the account it should be able to fund itself essentially.

I totally agree that's acceptable solution. Guys, if you are into this, please put it into procedure, vote or jump into creation if you have a majority.

I am not going to advocate this or be in one of the 'trust keepers' to prevent conflict of interest (since I proposed this solution).

But you can count of me if you need any technical help or similar. Obviously, my vote is huge YES.

So more centralizing a decentralized project where everybody is equal and nobody and nothing is official its all opensource and more " credible persons " like the forced " trusted community leaders " its more high school get along gang BS and favoritism like the current community and GRC8 . Who you trust and who I trust are not the same , whom another user trusts and you and I trust are not the same. This forced on users BS of who kisses CM's ass more in order to get or do something is going to bring Gridcoin down eventually. Team Gridcoin is like a bunch of high school girls and just a get along gang , hiding and doing things with alt motives in the background and hidden channels on irc and slack. So no , since there is no official anything , even isn't official and and are all official Gridcoin websites equal to each other. There are far bigger things that need to be addressed than this new facebook replacement social media BS , its about BOINC and Science and the money and marketing part should be minimal but its all you steemit people focus on. How about some sites that are stable and better information repositories in one single place like an official Gridcoin site before that is put together without using wiki and other sites linked , our own dedicated official support chat , official site forum , official site info repo and constantly updated whitelist and have it correct and regular maintenance and updates along with a news feed and apparently it would need to scrape 20 different sites since you people are on every type of social media and we get organized and restructure the current " trusted community leaders " before we start trying to be Spam Terrorists with marketing. You can say you have no interest in the money side for you ass but honestly thats the only reason to come up with a marketing idea , duh.

Got some network issues to fix too or else would not have been created recently. Fix the product and its issues before marketing it. Its not mature enough and has to many issues. Going to fast with a buggy product kills them.

@jamezz I need to politely say that you need to sustain from making such comments on my posts. I don't mean anything bad. I guess I am also promoting gridcoin on my Twitter account in order to kiss somebody's ass?

Or on github? or my personal website? Or on the projects I am doing, out of nothing but altruism.

You did not even bother to read the post that addresses the 'trust' issue, with explanation how it does that.

I am busy person, trying to make as much as possible to help GRC everywhere out of my free time, not just here. And to be honest, i don't like your language. You should make your opinion on the topic, not criticize people on personal level.

Unfortunately, I don't see any point in further discussion with your approach.

And if I am favouriting someone, there are strong reasons why!

Rest assured kissing ass is not among them

I can only make you a friendly suggestion to go out, have a beer, get laid, release negative energy and then return to talk normally.

Nothing good every come out of arrogance.

Thank You,

cs_networks Stefan Ćertić tweeted @ 29 Nov 2017 - 20:11 UTC

Science has brought mankind to the moon, and so will it's gridcoin. $grc #gridcoin #boinc…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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