GridCoin Marketing Proposal - Remarketing

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)


Hello Team,

By looking at current Marketing Initiatives, especially the one posted by @vortac I think we should seriously consider the following to achieve much better results with less costs, with much better conversion rate and user acquisition.

Remarketing and Retargeting

We should implement Google and Facebook tags on each website that has anything to do with GridCoin. The biggest success here is if we could anyhow manage to do that with Boinc.

The benefits are:

  • The ads are going to get served to those people who visited GRC related website at least once.
  • These ads are going to appear for them everywhere, making an impression that the project is Huge.
  • This way we can easily attract Journalists, and build an impression with them, engaging them to write about GRC.
  • People who wanted to try and learn more, but for any reason did not engaged, can be targeted and "reminded" leading to much better user acquisition.

How it works:


Ads are served anywhere on the web for these people who visited GRC related website (based on tag). For just a fraction of costs, for them it will look like we are putting millions into campaigns.

Think about impact on crypto Bloggers / Journalists.

I strongly suggest reading about remarketing / retargeting. This is something that made excellent results for me in Business related marketing strategies, and I believe it should work great for GRC promotion as well.

Standing at disposal for help with this. I am sure we can use this tool to build much better confidence to these who visit our websites just "to have a look".


The only thing with cryptocurrency and ads is that we are trying to get people savvy enough to actually be interested in boinc/gridcoin/mining. Most of those people will be running an adblocker. I wonder if it wouldnt be better to actually target "baked-in" advertising on youtube and other alternative methods.

That's exactly the thing with re-marketing and re-targeting. We can target them on youtube and other ad extensions as well, bypassing the ad blockers.

But your point about regular ads stands. However, since we have an option to run PPC rather then per impression, I think we can still have some small benefit from regular ads as well.

Do you have any ideas regarding a test case for this? i.e. Trying this for some short period of time and/or on a select platform(s)?

Actually we just discussed on Slack about this. I am going to try to negotiate placing a tag on and

If I manage to get at least one of these two, I will be running an experiment on my own, and present the conversion rate / user acquisition results. Then it's up to community to decide on how we should move forward. However it really depends on terms of negotiations for placing a tag on two most relevant places.

Other sites that are under our control (GRC Community) will be very easy to do. These two are of top importance.

If I manage to get at least one of these two, I will be running an experiment on my own, and present the conversion rate / user acquisition results. Then it's up to community to decide on how we should move forward.

That sounds like a good plan. If the first attempt is effective I would consider donating a bit of GRC (~50?) to have a larger, second round, if that's necessary and there's enough community interest.

Thanks, that's helpful. I believe that if we manage to get first round successful, it's not going to be hard to get the funding. Anyhow, it all depends on success with these two places right now. Thanks for your willing to help! I'll keep updated on the progress.

Great Explanation for GridCoin

Awesome helpful!!

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