What you do with this poker hand?

in #greek-trail6 years ago

In my last poker session I had a set of Jacks and my opponent re-raise me 100€! What should I do???
(photo credit: www.pixabay.com)
Let's take the hand from the start: My opponent named "hero" raised pre flop 10€ from middle position...
I "GLadiaTOM" normally raise with a pair of Jacks, but I wanted to mix my game and I decide just to call having position to my opponent!
The Big Blind calls 10€ to...
Flops open AJT with two diamonds, "hero" bets 10€, I "GLadiaTOM" raise with my set of Jack 35€, Big Blinds folds and "hero" re-raised me 100€!!!
What should I do now?? Can I fold my set? My opponent could have QK and a straight or a set of Acces!... Or a set of Tens... Or a flush draw... Or a flush draw and gutshot or even open-ended straight draw with a hand like 89 diamonds...!
(photo credit: www.pixabay.com)
After his raise to 100€, I must decide for my hole stack (198€). "Hero" was loosing money and I decided to push all in hopping that he is a underdog!
My opponent "hero" puts another 98€ and calls my all in! Did I play good or not?? What's your opinion?


χαχαααα...δε εχω ιδέα γιατί δε ξέρω να παίζω.. :)))

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