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RE: Quit blocking my sun, would 'ya please

in #greek-trail6 years ago (edited)

Lord Acton covered this well in his oft repeated quote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." That covers the Alexanders and Caesars of the past, and the Left, Right, and everything in-between of today. We will always have tyrants as long as half the people support Right wing tyrants, and half support Left wing ones. Abraham Lincoln was considered a tyrant by many Americans in his day, only to be lionized and deified later. Same with FDR. Reagan has been sanitized by the historians, just as George W. Bush, the butcher of Iraq has been. They're all monsters. Partisan politics feeds them.


I withdrew my "consent to be governed" from without long ago :-)

My Ruler is my Conscience which I access by going within. I believe my Conscience to be informed by my Creator.

There is nothing more conducive to Liberty than an honest man with a conscience; one who thinks for himself, and resists the herd instinct. Enjoy your travels and stay safe!
I followed you today based on your refreshing outlook, and the Diogenes post. I inherited this pen and ink of Diogenes in his “barrel” from a great-uncle. Done in 1917, its a copy of the Gerome painting.

Thanks, I think so too.

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