Betterlife with steem: 23/04/2021: My Thoughts Today - Gratitude a direct link to Happiness in Life

in #gratitude3 years ago

Gratefulness I believe is one major key to our Success in life. When I talk about success it does not mean success of earning wealth or success in growing your career or business or success in getting name and fame. My Success in life means a satisfied and a contended life.

When you have this attitude of ungratefulness you will always be dissatisfied in life and no matter whatever comes your way, how much ever happiness and material things will come to you, there will always be the greed for more and more. The moment we appreciate and express Gratitude to what we are receiving we open up doors for ourselves to match the frequencies of the Universe. The Universe has everything in Abundance and if we are able to tap into those higher levels everything that we want and desire will be in our periphery.


I am writing this specially while remembering one incident that happened a while ago. One of our family friend called up my husband, he had won some prize in a contest worth 1300$, so he informed my husband of that and then at the same time he had some traffic fine of around 50$ so he was also talking about the same. But the whole point was that the entire conversation between them was around the 50$ fine and not the 1300$ prize that he won. He was continuously complaining about it. Now this person as such is always in complaining mode. I have never heard him expressing joy about anything in life but I always hear him finding faults with something or the other and always crying over finances. When my husband told me about their conversation, the very first thing I asked did he express joy about the winning money, so my husband said no he was expressing more pain about the fine then expressing joy about the prize.

This is the point, when we constantly keep focusing on what we lack, what we do not have or what we are losing we are getting into the pattern of constantly attracting similar vibrations in our life and hence such people are never able to realize the importance of what they have in life and keep falling into the trap further.

Gratitude comes with appreciation of the small things of life. When we are able to see the beauty around in everything we learn to appreciate and be grateful about what we have in life. When we start thinking that I should have this or that in life and start comparing ourselves with others the feeling of Gratitude completely dies off.


On a daily basis we meet so many people who are impacting our lives in some or the other way. When we see such type of people we realize the difference of being Grateful and being happy or being Ungrateful, Unsatisfied and being gloomy.

Right now we are in the midst of a World chaos, which is impacting almost everyone in some or the other way. But still there are many who are in a better position then others and they should be grateful for that
A daily gratitude practice will bring in a lot of change in life for good. We will see the energy shift gradually by being in the state of Gratitude. If anyone who is aware of Reiki here, will know one of the 5 principles of Reiki is Attitude of Gratitude and the healing happens.

Thank you for visiting my blog.* 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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