in #gratefulvibes7 years ago

Now this is the type of initiative that I like to see!

Earlier today, @paradise-found launched a new challenge for the steemit community, the "COMMUNITY CHALLENGE - ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" and even created a new tag to go along with it, #gratefulvibes.

While the challenge itself my be rather simple, it has the potential to forever change people's lives down here in more ways than one. Ultimately, it is an effort to culture within others a greater thankfulness and appreciation than they would normally express.


You suck, life is terrible, it's always someone else's fault and nothing really matters anyway... have a nice day!

Yeah, those are the type of common comments and attitudes that seem to radiate from certain individuals. Don't they make you crave more? Don't they just encourage you to come on back for more tomorrow?

No, they really don't, do they? There is too much of those lame mentalities in the world already, but we still can all have the tendency to fall into those mindsets. This challenge from @paradise-found is a daily opportunity for all of us to make sure that we are thinking about good things in our lives to be thankful and grateful for.

When we focus of the negative and unfortunate, unfortunately our lives become more negative. The more negativity that we are surrounded by, the greater the likelihood that it will influence us. I saw let's join in with @paradise-found and rise to meet his challenge.

If more and more of us begin to emit #gratefulvibes on a daily basis, what would the effect be? Truly people do like to be exposed to positive, grateful and encouraging people more often (unless they are trying to have a pity party) so let's do our best to influence others around us with an appropriate example of a better way to live life.


When I first heard about this idea yesterday, I thought that it was brilliant. Then, when I read the post today, I was all the more encouraged.

You see, being grateful is right up my alley. In fact, someone once ran a program to search the blockchain for the word "thank." At the time, @papa-pepper was one of the most thankful people interacting on steemit.

In this unfortunate time period where so many have a lame entitled attitude, real gratefulness and thankfulness can be hard to come by. It seems that a lot of people have trained themselves to take everything that they have for granted and to complain about everything that they don't have.

I'd rather be thankful for what I do have and be content with it. If I feel that I need something else, then I'll try to work towards obtaining it with hard work and a positive attitude.

I don't think that I deserve much of anything in this life. My wife, children, and other things are blessings that I am incredibly grateful to be able to enjoy in this life. I don't want to feel entitled about anything or unappreciative as I live this life.


The actual challenge from @paradise-found is simple. For the remaining 70 days of 2017, he is challenging us to either comment on his daily gratefulvibes post or make our own daily post in the #gratefulvibes tag. Personally, I will be trying to comment on his daily post.

To make things even better, he will be periodically rewarded #gratefulvibes comments and posts with some SBD from his own wallet. Because of that I will be donating all of the liquid payouts of this post to @paradise-found so that he has even more to give away.

Also, @paradise-found will keep track of the payouts for his daily #gratefulvibes posts and donating half of the payouts to charity. If you step back and consider all of this, this man is really leading by example here.

If you have not seen it yet, check out his post :

Then, all that is left for you to do is decide... Will you rise to the challenge?

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10



Thank you my friend!! I'm so very grateful for this amazing post!!
I hope this spreads like crazy and gratefulness becomes the Steemit way!! A culture of gratefulness would look very good when Steemit goes public!! Plus this culture would impact so many lives for the good!!
Thanks again & God bless you and your family!!

gratitude is great attitude! <3
the flipside to the people who are the absolute opposite of grateful is that it is also possible to be 'fake grateful' where you program yourself to pretend you are grateful when really you are sad inside and need change. there's nothing wrong with accepting reality as it is and choosing to change it.

with that in mind, i'd be grateful if anyone here who wants to improve steemit in ways that improve balance for all would consider voting for me as a witness. my shiny new high capacity witness server is ready to do it's job!
my witness application post is here. Cheers!

Voting you as witness. Check out #gratefulvibes

Thanks for the sharing and how true it is that we need to fill our lives with thankfulness and not take things for granted. Will sirely check this out.

yes, surely i will try it.
You might be interested in participating in their efforts, too.

Sounds like a great idea. I'm going to check out @paradise-found now

Do it! Thanks man!

A glorious initiative. To begin with the foundation. I want to thank the given life in this rather nice world in not the hardest times. All who were involved in this! 🙏😇😊

Awesome! I'll join in! I do a gratitude list every morning. I'll just do it on his posts. That gratitude practice, along with my daily meditation, is what kept me alive through a really, really dark depression. It's a great practice. Thanks for sharing.

Glad to hear that you'll be joining in!

I have a lot to be glad about. At some point I changed it from a gratitude list to my glad heart list. The wording feels better.

Let the gratefulness overflow into blessings.
I hope you will like this appropriate video -

Thanks for that!

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