[Grateful Vibes #64] I'm Grateful for Babies and Blocktowers

in #gratefulvibes7 years ago

Today was another very cold indoor day.

We got up this morning to find it was ZERO degrees outside. Wow. Very grateful for a warm house. Wool socks, long underwear, sweaters all make for a more comfortable day. Not to mention a furnace.

I got to spend some quality time with my son.

One of the benefits of being home is that I have the opportunity to hold my son when he's being fussy, or is getting ready to go to sleep. Daddy can walk around with Daniel and he quiets right down. Today he fell asleep in my arms. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

We're beginning to see what Daniel is going to look like when he gets a little older. I think he's going to be a very handsome man, but I might be a little biased.

The tallest tower in the world.

"Daddy, can you help us build the tallest tower in the world?".
"Maybe in a little bit."
"Look, we did it all by ourselves. Can you put it on steemit?"

If you ever wondered what the tallest tower in the world looks like, here it is.

My oldest wanted it to be just a little taller, but it fell after this photo.

They decorated the base with flowers. To make it look pretty.

This is 64 of 70 of the #gratefulvibes challenge by @paradise-found


Check out my previous gratefulvibe: I'm Grateful for Snow and Chinese Food.



Such a beautiful post, your daughters are so adorable 😍😍

Thank you so much. @ironshield

What a beautiful post!! Love the tallest tower!!
Your girls are so cute, what a wonderful family!!
Bless the Most High!!

Children speak in hyperbole a lot. They did point out that the tower did not reach the ceiling. Thank you! And may we all bless the Most High! @ironshield

Is block towers like block trades? Haha great looking family!!!

It's always nice to stay at home, especially when you are out and about most of the time.

What a great time to be grateful indeed. And your little girl's creativity decorating the fallen tower with flower is magnificent! (instead of whining or being angry about the failure to go higher)
That's a great way to allow to kids to look into a better perspective when things do not go as planned.


When the tower fell, my daughter seemed pretty philosophical about it. She used the opportunity to rebuild something even better. @ironshield

Your eldest is the spitting image of her mother. They are all adorable.

I adore them very much. Thank you. @ironshield

I do hope someday i will be able to testes Chinese Food

What we get here is actually Cantonese food. It's tasty, but probably not very authentic. @ironshield

Haha such a cute family! Tell the girls we liked the tower 😂😂

Thanks, they are building an even taller one today. @ironshield

They had a lot of fun for sure! @ironshield

Kids always have the most fun 🤔

Training for skyscraper architecture! At first I thought the title was "babies and blocktrades". This makes more sense though.

I thought about that too. Maybe there are some similarities between blocktrades and blocktowers. @ironshield

Its good to spent time with our children @ironshield

Yes, I enjoy every moment. @ironshield

I was surprised seeing you talking about the tallest tower yeah that is surely it. This kids are lovely @ironshield

It was a good opportunity to tell my children about the tower of Babel. @ironshield

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