[Grateful Vibes #42] I'm Grateful for a Special Time with my Boy

in #gratefulvibes7 years ago

Today we went to the store to buy some yarn for my wife's afgan project.

We went to my absolute least favorite store: Joanne Fabrics.

My wife says there must be some sort of pheromone at the door that attracts women and repels men. I think she may be on to something.

It was a great opportunity for me.

My wife took the three girls and the men got to stay in the car. Daniel and I had a "man" moment. I'm no longer the only boy around, I've got my man with me.

He slept on my chest so peacefully.

It turned out the lines were too long to bother. We came home and found it on Amazon for a better price. Figures. Everything happens for a reason... I had an opportunity to bless my son. And I was blessed in the process.

I'm grateful for some special time with my son.

These days will pass by so quickly, I'm enjoying every moment as they come.

"A wise son makes a glad father." Proverbs 15:20

I pray for wisdom every day that I may teach my son the way of life.

Bless the Most High!


This is 42 of 70 of the #gratefulvibes challenge by @paradise-found

Check out my previous gratefulvibe: grateful for food donations.



Sometimes it is the simplest things in life that are the most memorable!

I don't normally take selfies, but i'm glad I got this one. It will call to mind this very special moment. @ironshield

WOW! You had a man to man moment with your son. Awesome. I know you almost can't wait for him to grow up and play basketball or something else with you.

And his first words should be "daddy".

Cheers Sir!


Thank you, maybe his first word will be daddy? Who knows? He certainly responds to my voice and he looks me in the eyes. It's a good start. @ironshield

Awesome post bud! Least favorite store or not, you were there for her!

It was my pleasure to help. @ironshield

Aww, what a sweet little bundle!! He's so cute!! Glad you were able to have that moment with him, even though it didn't pan out for your wife at the fabric store. Not all women like it there lol. I can knit, crochet, and sew just as well as an inchworm. I would hate it there as much as any guy.

I try to find something interesting there. I really do. There is nothing. Unless you like buttons. @ironshield

What about painting, picture framing, organizing junk, paper, silk flowers, baking supplies...?:D :D :D Oh yeah, and jewelry making and this really neat machine that rolls up the fabric onto the round bolts...

Ugh. Not my cup of tea. I'll wait in the car. @ironshield

That is such a sweet shot of you and him 😎

Thank you! It was an awkward selfie that managed to work. @ironshield

It worked great that’s a photo you will treasure in 30 years

It was indeed a blessing to have that special time with your son. These moments are so precious. I love the photo of Dad and son.

Thanks, it was a selfie in the car. For the first time, it was just me and my boy. @ironshield

That was so beautifully written and so true. They grow up fast.

Thank you! Every moment with my boy is precious. @ironshield

Babies grow up so fast...
Being able to spend time alone with one of them (one at a time) is really magical...
Love the "wefie" you took with Daniel... 💕💖 💓 💗

I get to hold my son a bunch, since I'm home. I've changed a few diapers too. @ironshield


you making me jealous @ironshield

Such a caring dad

Don't be jealous brother! Steem on! @ironshield

Priceless! Beautifully written by a proud dad!

A very happy daddy. My boy arrived! @ironshield

A beautiful Christmas gift from God! :-)

He was born on Thanksgiving, so sort of a Thanksgiving gift! I ate Thanksgiving dinner with my wife and newborn son in bed. @ironshield

What a wonderful story to tell him as he grows up. God is good! Many blessings to you and your family.

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