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RE: Fighting Governments

in #government6 years ago (edited)

I like the sound of your solution, that would work for me apart from one thing, the abolition of borders. As a laissez faire capitalist it sounds a bit hippy dippy socialist to me :-) he he.

I'd love to have an electronic democracy, I'd put every single government policy to a public vote. If they voted 'wrong' and suffered I'd just say 'well tough shit, you voted for it, that's how democracy works'.

No-one has a true democracy these days, even with the illusion of choosing political parties every 4 years, it's just a farce to keep the population happy and think they're in control. I say give them the actual control and see what happens.


actually advocating for state borders is not a part of anarchism. state borders? anything between fascism and socialism needs borders in order to keep the illusion of needing "the pharaohs" to protect them; protect us from the bogeyman; people like you and me living in different geo coordinates? borders are drawn on Earth by politicians. Call them pharaohs, kings, presidents, elites... whatever name they gave themselves now; borders are their jurisdiction lines. These are a supernatural concept, that just does not occur in nature. You can have a border of what is yours or your community. There is no such thing as borders of some imaginary collective

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