Fighting Governments

in #government6 years ago

It's as if they're actively inciting anarchy!

What is their agenda? Have they grown so complacent that they don't care any more? Do they believe that they've rising to the status of "untouchable"?

Fighting Goverments

It seems that I spend an increasing amount of my time these days doing precisely that. No crypto post from me tonight, why not? Because I've spent the last five hours formulating objections to government proposals. Much like yesterday. And the weekend. And at the meeting I had with community members last week. And objecting to at least three other separate issues this year alone. And a rather large fight late last year. It just doesn't stop!

Unlike most, I don't shy away from conflict. I enjoy a good fight (something for which I am formidably trained and experienced) and I don't hesitate to get involved. In the past I've tackled several large multinationals, and won. All alone, no support, no lawyers, just a long hard battle. I've beaten a bank, a major vehicle manufacturer and a mobile phone network provider who all thought I would just roll over and accept their terrible service/bad products. I don't accept bad service! These battles lasted between three and six months apiece.

But it's not the companies I'm fighting so much these days. It's the government. They seem intent on taking the "King of minimum service at maximum cost" trophy away from even the largest, most corrupt multinationals out there. If I could add up all the time I've spent fighting my government, and then bill them for it as overtime, I would probably never have to work again!

What is it with democracies? When did it become acceptable to abuse your voters as opposed to serving them? When did the middle class become the sole supporters of the poor and the cash-cows of the rich and powerful? Who allowed this? Was it all manipulation? Why are they so short-sighted and self-destructive in their greed?

It doesn't really matter how or when or who - it happened. It is becoming painfully obvious to me that democracies around the world are living on borrowed time. Capitalist practices have been abused beyond the point of no return and a powder keg has already been ignited in some of the more volatile countries. The fact that I must constantly fight a government to prevent it from abusing me even further does not sit well with me at all! This situation is unsustainable. Unlike myself, the masses are slow to react, but once they get started, they can fight far longer and harder then what I can alone. It is this scenario that Western politicians seem to be openly inviting - an anarchist scenario. Some places are dangerously close to revolution! Things are going to become unnecessarily interesting...



Bit Brain always has the answer (ask my wife 😉), but whether anyone will listen is another matter entirely. It's like my recommendations on how to fix the Steemit platform, hardly anyone has even read them. I'm just one voice. For the record (because I'm one of those annoying people who likes to say: "I told you so!"), the answer is a blockchain based electronic direct democracy. No, they don't exist yet. This isn't a voting system (well, not just a voting system), it's an entirely new method of governance, and I don't believe that anyone has yet proposed combining all the elements of a) a blockchain, b) an e-democracy and c) a direct democracy into one entity before. However, I also believe that IF humanity can get to that stage of enlightenment without destroying itself; a blockchain (or similar structure) based electronic direct democracy will eventually present itself as the obvious way to govern. It may even mean the end of distinct countries. And that's something that I could definitely live with (though I'll probably be long dead!).

Long live crypto, long live blockchains, long live blockchain based electronic direct democracies! Down with abusive governments!

Coin line mini.png

P.S. Not all governments are abusive. You may be lucky enough to live in one of the very few properly functioning democracies such as a few Europeans countries enjoy, or you may have a good benevolent dictator. If that is the case then I wish you well and hope that the situation lasts as long as it possibly can in your country.

Yours in standing up for our rights,
Bit Brain

I am neither a financial advisor nor a professional trader/investor. This is not financial advice, investment advice or trading advice. Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are my opinion and nothing more. Crypto is highly volatile and you can easily lose everything in crypto. You invest at your own risk! Information I post may be erroneous or construed as being misleading. I will not be held responsible for anything which is incorrect, missing, out-of-date or fabricated. Any information you use is done so at your own risk. Always Do Your Own Research (DYOR) and realise that you and you alone are responsible for your crypto portfolio and whatever happens to it.


I like the sound of your solution, that would work for me apart from one thing, the abolition of borders. As a laissez faire capitalist it sounds a bit hippy dippy socialist to me :-) he he.

I'd love to have an electronic democracy, I'd put every single government policy to a public vote. If they voted 'wrong' and suffered I'd just say 'well tough shit, you voted for it, that's how democracy works'.

No-one has a true democracy these days, even with the illusion of choosing political parties every 4 years, it's just a farce to keep the population happy and think they're in control. I say give them the actual control and see what happens.

actually advocating for state borders is not a part of anarchism. state borders? anything between fascism and socialism needs borders in order to keep the illusion of needing "the pharaohs" to protect them; protect us from the bogeyman; people like you and me living in different geo coordinates? borders are drawn on Earth by politicians. Call them pharaohs, kings, presidents, elites... whatever name they gave themselves now; borders are their jurisdiction lines. These are a supernatural concept, that just does not occur in nature. You can have a border of what is yours or your community. There is no such thing as borders of some imaginary collective

Nice article. I have a few questions.
Why is a democracy needed in your opinion. I see democracy as the most ingenious mindfuk plaid on humans. Can you think of a better way of keeping the farmed sheeple fighting? You have 51% making 49% unhappy. Of course they will run for help, voting for an actor who promised he will do things to the 51% of people who made them unhappy. Even in "perfect democracy" where 99% forces 1% to live their lives as the mob dictates is nothing but a gang-rape in my opinion.

Not all governments are abusive? If it is not abusive, it is not a government. It would be one of agencies providing services you choose.

EOS and ETH and I think a few other cryptos give that possibility you presented as solution. The only thing is, it should always be through a consensus, not the rule of some people I do not know and never agreed to be my owners. This violates the NAP.

There is no need to fight, but to wake up and realize, there cannot be such thing as a government. You cannot give any right you do not have to someone else. Masses just need to find out govs are already obsolete.


Yeah, good response. I think you got pretty close, but it's not quite what you surmise. The NEED for a government is only the need for those in power. You have a good point with the 51/49 split, divide and conquer is an absolute 100% legitimate and effective strategy. But that's not why you have a democracy, that just comes as a bonus (you also don't need a democracy to achieve it).

Did you ever watch the movie series "The Matrix"? If you did then you may remember how they spoke about previous failures of the Matrix code with humans until The Oracle stumbled upon a solution: giving people a choice. Given even a small choice, people accepted the code. A democracy works just like that. You are given the illusion of power. You are told that "every vote counts". It's the biggest bullshit under the sun. You stand more chance of winning the national lottery three times than you stand of influencing the outcome of an election. And if by some one-in-a-billion chance you did influence it, it wouldn't matter. All politicians are cut from the same cloth anyway(well, 99.9999% of them). Democracy is needed to keep control of the people while allowing them to think that they have a choice. I'm not even touching on voter manipulation, that is a topic that we could discuss for days in itself.

There are one or two smaller, more decent, more efficient governments. For example, I hear Norway works pretty well. But this is not something I'm an expert on. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt for now. Maybe there are one of=r two benevolent dictators out there.

The consensus you refer to is vital. As you probably saw, I describe the whole system in more detail in my follow up post.

I'm hoping that the "no government" realisation happens sooner rather than later. that's really the basis for the first line of this post - it's like the governments themselves are inciting anarchy. Crazy times.

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