What will it take to awaken the sleeping?

in #government7 years ago (edited)

When will people wake up and realize that governments to not help or support their people...they only support the military industrial complex and their corporate cronies?

French farmer protests intensify to 'civil war' stand-off with authorities

You see, the french government can not afford subsidies for their farmers because they need the money to go kill brown people in other countries:

France to boost military spending by 40 percent as part of defense spending hike

There is no other way to say it.....wake up sheeple!!!!

French Protest.jpg
French farmers protesting.



More and more people are awakening and I pray they do so before it is too late. The farmers are the one to whom we owe allegiance, and life. without them, we do not eat. The governments do not feed us...they only feed our insecurities. I stand with the farmers

Nicely said.
And I agree farmers help us every day, governments take from us every day. They take our money, they take our freedoms and they're taking away our right to even speak about it. And sadly we're letting them.

Friend, in Venezuela we have at this moment a terrible government, hopefully France solve because here in my country every day things get worse!

And you think an American supported puppet government is going to be any better?

Sadly in most countries it slowly gets worse.

I would say an economic collapse but that will actually put all the ones asleep to death as they will look to government to save them.

That appears very close to those of us that follow the money printers, and your right, the sheeple will ask to have their tax dollars save them.

we are equal brothers for the same situation

You speak the truth Brother

in my country we are the same as French

It seems to have spread around the globe.

governments is useless

So what's the alternative. A country without no governance at all! Hard to imagine what happens when humans get all the freedom they want.

The alternative may very well be no government at all.
To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin: those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither.
We have governments that steal our money, police that beat and kill us, wars that have been going on for lifetimes all financed by the theft of our labor through taxation.
What might happen when humans get all the freedom they want?
They will be able to go fishing without having that right first taken away and then sold back to them as a license. They will be able to build a shed on "their" property without having the right taken away and then sold back to them as a permit. They will be able to drive from point A to point B without first having the right taken away and then sold back to them as a license.
Licensing, permitting and taxation are all theft under the threat of violence. Obey or be hurt, killed, or locked in a cage.
I have heard many arguments asking: then who will build the roads? These types of arguments don't stand up to critical thought and scrutiny.
I would certainly like to have all the freedom I want. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this!

I'll just say that freedom should be expected in jungles only, not in cities. Yes, you want freedom, but then how will disputes be settled. Yes, you can build whatever you want on ur land, but who stops your neighbor from stripping off your land. Humans in general are greedy, violent and assholes. It is better to have 1 government controlling us, than everyone trying to establish his/her rule. Without govts. the scenario will be pretty much like "The Walking Dead". And ultimately you will still be having some leaders. Even animals have their leaders, so stop dreaming boy, there is nothing like full freedom without its own evil consequences. Govts. are far better than dictators ruling.

We have become an unthinking, unquestioning society like a herd. As a result we can be controlled by a few, and we are. I agree that in general humans are greedy, violent and assholes (I think this sums it up nicely)!
I also appreciate that you think wanting freedom is dreaming, and the way things are these days I see why you believe that, but to accept that it is better to have a government control us rather than taking responsibility for ourselves is dangerous and naive in my opinion. It's why we are where we're at now.
Remember, those who would give up Liberty for security deserve neither.
I will gladly accept whatever evil consequences come with out government over the known tyranny that comes with governments!

In my opinion, a defaced playground is meaningless. The life of an innocent stranger being murdered by my government? That is a heavy burden to carry Brother!
And remember, as you said humans are greedy violent assholes....the most greedy violent assholes are running the governments!
I am open minded, but it would be challenging to have me believe that governments are the answer.

I think that every government should have a time and not stay stagnant as is the case of Venezuela who do not want and has not been able to leave them this month there are elections and all Venezuelans know who will win what happens? There is no depth but the people are suffering, they live well, they eat well, and they give themselves a great life!

that's pretty cool to know

governments do what they want

Yes they do

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