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RE: Fighting Governments

in #government6 years ago

Yeah, good response. I think you got pretty close, but it's not quite what you surmise. The NEED for a government is only the need for those in power. You have a good point with the 51/49 split, divide and conquer is an absolute 100% legitimate and effective strategy. But that's not why you have a democracy, that just comes as a bonus (you also don't need a democracy to achieve it).

Did you ever watch the movie series "The Matrix"? If you did then you may remember how they spoke about previous failures of the Matrix code with humans until The Oracle stumbled upon a solution: giving people a choice. Given even a small choice, people accepted the code. A democracy works just like that. You are given the illusion of power. You are told that "every vote counts". It's the biggest bullshit under the sun. You stand more chance of winning the national lottery three times than you stand of influencing the outcome of an election. And if by some one-in-a-billion chance you did influence it, it wouldn't matter. All politicians are cut from the same cloth anyway(well, 99.9999% of them). Democracy is needed to keep control of the people while allowing them to think that they have a choice. I'm not even touching on voter manipulation, that is a topic that we could discuss for days in itself.

There are one or two smaller, more decent, more efficient governments. For example, I hear Norway works pretty well. But this is not something I'm an expert on. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt for now. Maybe there are one of=r two benevolent dictators out there.

The consensus you refer to is vital. As you probably saw, I describe the whole system in more detail in my follow up post.

I'm hoping that the "no government" realisation happens sooner rather than later. that's really the basis for the first line of this post - it's like the governments themselves are inciting anarchy. Crazy times.

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