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RE: The Battle Against Civil Asset Forfeiture

in #government7 years ago

Not to mention the folks in the "legalized" pot businesses that get raided and money gets confiscated even though they are working "within the law". The Government doesn't have a vested interest in stopping the flow of easy money.


It is not legal in the US it is only legal in the states which means the state government will not enforce the federal drug laws leaving it up to the IRS DEA and FBI to go in and bust em up. We need a Constitutional Amendment to the US federal constitution to stop these legal drug busts. But so long as you are under the medical license and the FDA has approved certain CBD and THC liquids those are legal. But yeah the US needs to legalize or at least decriminalize drugs. But that would severely decrease the budgets of the DEA and Law Enforcement in general including all the Narcotics divisions and increase the governments role in addiction counseling and we all know the government doesnt give a shit about its citizens. Thats why we need to have more powerful states and states Militias so when the FBI comes into town the Sheriff and the Militia pull out their 300 Blackout AR-15's and say "check yourself at the border mofo! We ain't down with your Federal bullshit anymore! Keep your paper money and we will handle our own shit the way we want to". Thats what a Libertarian thinks anyway

Thank you for your comment. My point was to illustrate the similarity between asset forfeiture and the gray area used by state and local authorities when they are doing dispensary or farming business inspections (safety, compliance, yada yada) in the legal states (rec or med).

The state and local governments are not enforcing or following federal laws, they are using the inspection process as a way to bully legal business into submission. I'm not generalizing all governments, just the areas I'm familiar with.

Again, thank you for participating.

They need to be buying and selling using BTC-CANN crypto.
I bought 420 token a few days ago just to support the cause.

Thank you for your comment. I'm sure folks are getting into alt-coins more these days.

I was told that it's legal on a state level, but illegal on a federal level in the US. So the state won't raid you, but the feds might.

I don't imbibe but a know people in the industry and yes the state, county, and local governments do this all the time using bogus seizures due to "code violations". The fence is too short. You are using the wrong kind of lock. The label is too narrow. Etc. Etc. Etc. They suspend your license or slap a bloated fine. Court costs for the appeal hearing and so on. By the time you get your situation squared away, you lost your entire crop. Essentially it's an extortion tool. Read the fine print...

Thanks for the reply, I had never considered these situations happening. Though I must say, it doesn't surprise me, with those people, everything is possible.

It's Official. The british parliament's USA corporation is an ongoing criminal enterprise.

I won't say all politicians are corrupt. Just the ones that take money.

You sir are on another level than most folks. John Adams ;)

You are most welcome

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