Game of Thrones - Some slight changes

in #got5 years ago (edited)

I have read a number of posts about how disappointed most people were with the ending of the Game of Thrones Series.

One post in particular @ezzy's post got me thinking about the changes I would have made to make the final season "flow" better. Particularly, focusing on completing many of the main plot lines that were left dangling.

By no means do I consider myself a writer, but, in the 90's and early 00's, I read the books and have had over a decade to basically imagine how they would conclude.

Here are the basic changes I would make to a couple of the episodes.

3 - The Long Night

Almost everything remains the same (there are many tactical flaws in the battle ... but there are in all battles)
For the final stand-off between Bran and the Night King, I would have this change.

  • The Night King approaches Bran
  • Arya comes rushing by and leaps to stab the Night King
  • The Night King Catches Arya by the throat.
  • Arya drops the dagger
  • Bran catches the dagger and stabs the night king. (Finally giving some value to Bran's ability)
  • In Bran’s usual deadpan voice, he states “He was exactly where he was supposed to be”

5 - The Bells

  • When Jaimie and Cersei are down in the catacombs, Jaimie embraces her, then silently stabs her in the heart. Then, just as the ceiling starts to collapse, he stabs himself (Romeo and Juliet like)

6 - The Iron Throne

  • Jon helps Tyrion escape from the holding cell.
  • Daeny loses her shit when she figures out that Jon freed Tyrion, orders Drogon to burn Jon to death - "DRACARYS!"
  • Jon survives (Targaryeon blood) and the whole world finds out he's the "True King" without him breaking his oath to Daeny.
  • Greyworm goes to attack Jon, Drogon, to protect Jon, threatens Greyworm. Jon says something along the lines of ... "You have been freed from slavery, don't waste that gift"
  • Greyworm and many unsullied are last seen getting on the boats heading for Taarth. (Soon becoming oral sex capital of 7 kingdoms)
  • Most of the Dothraki head back over the water to their plains. They prefer living the life of a maurader.
  • Daeny is put in the cell that Tyrion was in.
  • The serving girl that Varys was talking to in the previous episode delivers Daenys meal. {ominous music}
  • Bran becomes the all-knowing hand
  • Brienne of Tarth heads up to the wall to “have a go” with Tormund - now that she knows what it feels like
  • Bron runs High Garden like a perfect brothel. Men and Women from all of the 7 kingdoms travel there for “vacations”.
  • Sam and Gilly move to the citadel where Sam becomes head maester - He decrees that women are allowed to attend/learn there. Gilly becomes first female maester
  • Jon passes the throne to Sansa - he truly doesn’t want to be the king. He is last seen on Drogon heading North over the wall.
  • Sansa loves being queen - she is very good at it. The best ruler ever.
  • Tyrion and Sansa become extremely close - “Come for the good wine, stay for the crown”
  • Final scene for them is Sansa inviting him onto the royal bed.
  • Gendry Baratheon becomes ruler of what’s left of Kings Landing. He informs Arya that he loves her. She tells him, she still has unfinished business.
  • Yara Greyjoy remains the Queen of the Iron Islands. But spends most of her time leading the Iron fleet back and forth between Taarth and High Garden. “Simply to maintain the trade routes. The Brothels are just a bonus”
  • Arya has the closing scene, where she is in the Temple of the Faceless man, with a wall showing many of the faces of folks who were on her list. Hey, everyone needs a hobby.

What changes would you make to the Game of Thrones series???

How many people are planning to read the books before George RR Martin finishes the last book?


A lot of fans commented that the entire season was rushed... Some bits were true however the final episode was really too quick... Danys death had no real buildup and it was sooo expected... Very not like GOT. Who knows they may actually have a extended 3 hours long finale coming out 🤔🤔🤔 but that's just my thoughts

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Similar to Tolkien, the books were extremely detailed but well paced. I too found the last season quite rushed. It also felt inconsistent to the style of the previous seasons.

But, all in all it was an awesome piece of entertainment.

I wouldn't change much. I was relatively happy with the show and accepted the flaws knowing that they will be explained better in the books to come. All in all, Istill loved it :0)

But you enjoy carrot beer, so does your opinion count anymore? 🤪

Haha, no! Everything I do is questionable now!!

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