🏆 #GooglyPrize 👀 Issue No. 71 👀 Pierre
You may think at first, that Pierre is from Paris. Is it because of his stylish hair or fashionable clothes? Or that perfect French he uses to curse the government?
Well, you would be wrong — Pierre is a Canadian from Edmonton. Yes, he really follows the fashion trends and has come to the street to warn his government that it is here to serve to the people, and not vice versa. But make no mistake — he likes cocktails very much, and could be a bartender at Mr. Molotov anytime :)
And he has a message for his government that we will translate here into English: “You can’t tax nation into prosperity!”
This is an entry to the GooglyPrize Photography Contest hosted by our @fraenk at his @googlyeyes account
Universal Basic Income
Yeah, it's crazy... years of austerity are slowly taking it's toll. I applaud the French for their vital protest culture.
More power to the yellow-vests! The police brutality is insane, i'm nervous about the coming weekend!
Ugh... that aside... nice little googly food art!
Thank you very much, @googlyeyes, glad to see Pierre has provoked a reaction :)
@fraenk has been glued to the screen and following the events over the past few weekends. A part of him (not the googly me, lol) hopes for this to completely spiral out of control. The numb tone and cursory glance at the situation that plays on the public media drives him nuts!
But I just hope people stay safe and the system recognises it's intrinsic fallacies and deviates towards some positive changes in it's core structure... well... who am I kidding right?! This will only get worse, either the uproar, or the system, possibly both!
Ххахаха, брутално је. Свака част!
Хвала, хвала, @beautifulsky, немој да престајеш са овацијама ;)))
Odlično i kreativno ,a ukusno.3 u 1 :)
Да, и политички ангажовано, слутим да ће Пјер да се кандидује и за конкурс који организује @teamserbia. Хвала најлепше, @tanja72 :)