#Googlyeyes - I am Lonely Now, What A.Bored Day

in #googlyeyes6 years ago


Today is my lonely day because I'm not going anywhere. I don't know where I'm going from here right now. It’s totally a boring day, but I promise that it won't be boring time everyday.
Even I’m still having a bore time, I never give up and always keep be smile.



buenas fotos

so how come today you post @anihantri's googly stone from yesterday?!


This is painting a weird picture Taufik, can you please explain how this comes about?!

Oh i see. Actually we are working in the same office because both of us are journalist and photographer. After lunch together, we spent our plenty time took some @googlyeyes picture, and I teach and tell her how to use and learn more about it.

Well, it does make things quite a bit awkward now. I'm not quite sure who's work this is now...

If you guys make a post together and use the same googly subject shot with the same camera in different situations... you could have had the foresight and mentioned the collaboration to begin with.

That's unfortunate.... It's a cute googlyeyes too.

I'd would say repost with anyone associated with the posts correctly tagged and a clear agreement from them in comments to clear up who owns what. Otherwise I don't see this making the final cut omho, not my call but i feel fairness and transparency should always be practiced here.

Ah okay, I do understood now @googlyeyes, thanks for.your kindly advise and sharing for me. Now I let.myself to be a professional steemian again.

Ah okay, for the next time I'll be a professional again and need to post alone @googlyeyes, actually I.just let her promoted about googlyeyes hastag.

only 3 days left hurry...Go to my profile for clickable link.

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