Google Assistant Has Been Smart And Added These New Factors.

in #google6 years ago

In the annual conference in California between May 8 and May 10, the company's Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai has made big announcements about Google Assistant. Google has made several changes to its Google Assistance in the face of a tough competition from Microsoft in the field of Artificial Intelligence Power Assistance.

Added 6 new voices : Google announced on Tuesday that people will soon have the option of choosing one of six voices, including composer John Legend, to talk to "Google Assistance". In the annual developer conference Google I / O, the company said that in these six options, the voices of both men and women will start, later this year. Chief Executive Officer of the company Sundar Pichai said that Google is working on adding natural sounds to its Voice Assistance, which will be able to communicate just like human beings. During these reforms, natural breaks are important during the conversation, through which it will seem that you are talking to humans only.

Work on 'WEVNET' technology : This new version of Google Assistance has been built on Wavenet, a technical machine learning technology, which started developing the company 18 months ago. Now instead of saying "O Google" or "OK ​​Google" every time to give commands, users will have to do this once and then have to negotiate with Assistant. This feature of Google has been given the name "continuous conversation" and it will begin in the coming week. The new Assistant can now differentiate between two sentences and at the same time answer two different query-specific answers.

Use of the map can also be used through Assistance : Google wants to bundle their device assistants in every device and app, and Google Assistance is being added to Google Maps. These features will soon be available on iOS and Android. Users can now share their estimated time of arrival without having to touch their device. Apart from this, Assistance will soon be able to call you to book a restaurant or salon. Apart from this, it will also teach children to use modest language. When children say "please" during the command, they will receive a thank you response from this virtual assistant. Which will be launched this year. Not only this, the company is also set to launch Smart Display, which operates through Assistant.

'Smart Compose' feature in Gmail : The company's Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai also provided information about Smart Compose G-Mail, operated through Google Assistance. Through this new facility, users will be able to write email using machine learning technology. As you type, smart composers will suggest you what you want to write next. This will work exactly the way Google Autocomplete works. For this, users will have to press the hit tab only. This feature of Google will be available to users by this month.


good posting

@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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