Why Are Google's Employees Living In RVs?

in #google5 years ago

Silicon Valley, in the southern San Francisco Bay Area of California, is home to the corporate headquarters complex of Google and its parent company Alphabet Inc. Some of Google's employees live near the tech campus in RV's. The local authorities in the town of Mountain View are not very happy about it!

Silicon Valley towns are now beginning to crack down on RV residents.


Luke comments that he may try to raise funds to buy a van so he can cover the 2020 election. Tim Pool is thinking of doing the same thing.


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Its because those best and brightest silly-con valley employees are stupid, lazy and just aren't working hard enough.

If they would just work harder, then it is obvious that they could afford a house instead of living in an RV on the street or a boat just off shore.

We shouldn't blame the govern-cements from preventing housing to be built to satisfy the needs of the people (got to keep those home prices high)
And we shouldn't blame the banks for printing up so much fake money (in the forms of mortgages) to inflate home prices beyond the reach of anyone but the most wealthy.

It is indeed obvious to anyone that has carefully considered homelessness that it isn't the actual structures that are solutions, but the sites on which to put them. This is why it is relationships that are far more important than things. I have repeatedly solved this problem by having good people who know me well provide services, such as homesites, that cost no money, but could not be bought with reasonable amounts of money.

Nontaxable transactions are what BTC is designed to eliminate IMHO. Cash is king, and BTC cannot be cash because it's publicly auditable. Barter is the best defense to offensive parasitism. I currently am looking at three abandoned manufactured homes, several abandoned stick-built homes, and 25 acres of bottomland with an eye to consolidating them into a development.

Some years ago I needed to rehab a structure devastated by floods, and discovered Emmert International, who told me they could move anything, and proceeded to describe how they could move a two story structure on a truck overland, as well as how to move something far more substantial as the space shuttle. I did the work myself and instead of paying Emmert International $26000 to do it, spent only $30000 to do it myself. Ah, the good old days!

What I learned from the experience is it is better to spend the money for practical experience than to simply watch the world happen while you pay for it.

Seizing bulls by horns can be expensive, but sometimes you get to eat steak.


You only spent $30,000 to do it yourself? That is pretty good for a first time.

You are correct that good friends are really what keeps you off the street.
And, i can say that most of the "real homeless" cannot keep a friendship. They cannot keep on a conversation even. But... most of them started off as veterans.... soooo....?

I like monero for its privacy features.

And, i believe that cryptos will have the choice in the future, to be completely private to completely transparent. Because there really is a need for both.

Barter... i wish more people had more stuff to barter, but most people do not make a product. That is where i feel i will focus my attention. Home sized manufacturing plants.

The problem with crypto - even Monero and other privacy coins - is that mere trivial censorship is all that is necessary to render them of null effect. Perhaps one of the cryptic reasons that censorship is being trumpeted by the enemedia is that every crypto is impossible to use if people can't reach it online.

We need to diversify decentralization and create a network we own, not banksters. Depending on your enemy for your necessities is a recipe for slavery. Monero may be uncrackable, but if it's unreachable that won't matter.

Decentralized means of production, home sized manufacturing plants, and all the myriad other angles of attack on centralized power and wealth that has been parasitically extracted from ordinary individuals during the industrial age that concentrated that power into institutions is the future, and it is freedom.

The king is dead. Long live freedom! Farewell to kings.


It's the first stage of Mad Max-esque roving motorcycle gangs. Now you know why those spikey club-wielding thugs are so good with make-shift electronics.

BTW fun fact. "Ape and Essence" by Aldous Huxley, published in 1948 is one of the first, if not THE first nuclear post-apocalyptic science fiction novels. The short novel was written as his perspective changed after he wrote Brave New World and after the atomic bomb in WWII. The book is set in California. The protagonist had come over on a boat from New Zealand.

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