This conversation is about and the famous @karenb54 :-)

in #golos7 years ago


Hello @karenb54

I started this post so we can talk about and why you are a member there.

All the early adapters to (before August 2016 I think) got and account on when they started.

The reason (as far as I know it) was that it was difficult for the Russians to adapt to Steemit so they wanted to have their own version of Steemit.
Steemit said okay, and went live. Those who were members of Steemit got and account with Golos on it as part of the deal.

On you have GOLOS just the same way you have STEEM on
You have GolosPower = SteemPower and you have GBG (Golos Backed Gold) = SBD (Steem Backed Dollar).
Golos are on several Exchanges.
The word Golos in Russian = Voice in English.

When you login on you use the password you have on (If you changed your password on maybe you have to use the password you had earlier).

On you can go to "Wallet" then "Settings" and change language and currency on the site. If you do not read Russian you will have to use google translate or another service to read the posts.

At last: All the rules on Golos are not the same as on Steemit so feel free to ask, I will try to answer.

Take care


Post, Comment, Vote and have fun both on Steemit and Golos


I told my mum to make an account at golos. Cause she cant speak english , but her russian is pretty good :)

Hei @lenatramper

Jeg forsto det slik at du ville snakke norsk?

Gi meg hennes brukernavn slik at jeg kan stemme pa henne.
Hell og lykke med mammaen din!

PS. Er du pa Golos?

Hei @ramta, nei jeg skal tvinge henne å skrive noe , ja vi kan skrive norsk, hvorfor ikke, det er en øvelse for meg, men ler ikke fordi jeg er ikke perfekt :) .. nei jeg er ikke på golos forid jeg kan ikke skrive på russisk, jeg kan bare snakke og lese, men jeg kan ikke skrive, det er for vanskelig for meg, ..snakker du russisk?

Well I'm signed up to Confirmed email etc. Every time I click submit a story (so I can do my introduction) it automatically goes to "trending".
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a waiting period before the first post?
I'm @mithrilweed.... on

After writing this post it started working.

It took me a while to get to the right page. :)

Hey would you happen to know how t pays out on

Is it like steemit? every 24 hours ... then you can retrieve funds?

Yeah I think it does :)

I think I'll try it, thanks for the info ^_^

i like that meme on the bottom, did you make it? very clever!

Hi @doitvoluntarily
No, I am not very good with creating computer stuff. I got it from "my friend" at this site: It is free to use.

You write good posts, I like some of them very much.

i just stumbled upon this article today after i went in search of why their is a duplicate and why golos look same as streamit
i learnt something from this .... thanks very much .... it's been 8 months you posted this... and now it's helping someone like me now and maybe to others in the future




Wow thank you @ramta this is great keeping all the information in one place.
Can I post what I have written on Steemit over to Golos or does it have to be new stuff?
Is Golos ran the same way with whales and witnesses?
Thank you :)

Good to see you again @karenb54

Yes you can post what you have written on Steemit over to Golos. If you do not want to translate it (not recommended) you use the tag "en" for English. I see many people on Golos post the same post on Steemit.

Yes, Golos is ran the same way with whales and witnesses. You can vote for witnesses as well if you like.
Basicaly everything is the same.
This address on Steemit is this address on Golos

Hi @ramta
Thank you for that.
Is all the powering up the same, and the cashing out, not that I want to cash out I still can't get the hang of it here :)

Hi @karenb54
Powering up is the same. Cashing out is the same as it was on Steemit in the early days - 104 weeks. The nice part is that you get heavy interest. That is the reason I powered you up a little bit, so you can see it grow from day to day.

I follow you there now, so I will vote for you when you post.

Thank you @ramta I appreciate your help. It will take me 104 weeks to work it all out. I am following you over there too, See you over there and thank you again. :)

Sorry do I translate to Russian or write in English? Sorry for being a pain.

First of all, you are not a pain but the opposite §:-)

If you speak Russian you can translate otherwise you must not do it. The reason is the grammar. If you use google translate it will translate but the Russians can hardly understand it, if at all sometimes.

Use the tag "en" (your first tag) and write in English. Like the Chinese use the tag "cn" on Steemit.

Thank you @ramta. I will have a go later today :)

Hi @karenb54

My first post on Golos.

Just ask me how you make pictures in your post, there on Golos.

good post ramta thanks for sharing
have a nice day........

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