
Work distributors (BOINC projects) do not pay Gridcoin for volunteers/workers to crunch their work units, so the whole thing is based on volunteer computing.

Golem is fully commercial, meaning you have to pay if you want some computations done. "Airbnb for computers. Rent your unused CPU/GPU cycles and get paid in cryptocurrency" - that's how Golem marketing is putting it.

Indeed, the Gridcoin network rewards the volunteers of BOINC projects on behalf of BOINC project administrators. Where as with Golem, if a project admin wanted work done they would need to pay up front.

In order to directly compete with Golem, we either need to investigate a mag multiplier mechanism (where by projects burn grc in order to have more GRC distributed to their volunteers, potentially resulting in additional volunteer resources), or a commercial BOINC project needs to be created (imagine creating a cloud service where you had none of the computing resources at your disposal and being able to undercut existing platforms).

Golem I believe also limits what kind of computation you can distribute, where as BOINC can distribute any kind of computation to many supported devices/platforms.

Golem's distribution was based entirely on an ICO where as Gridcoin's distribution was based on a mix of POW and BOINC computation (now entirely BOINC Computation rewards + POS rewards).

Whilst Gridcoin's current user base is approx 2k (in the NN receiving rewards, and 12k total in the team), the BOINC community holds 200k+ active volunteers (constantly in flux) and has a total of 4 million registered volunteers. The userbase of BOINC is several orders of magnitude greater than Golem's.

@gabriele-gio, you are a lucky guy, this is probably the most detailed answer you could obtain, not just on Steemit, but on the whole Internet. I think it deserves a separate post, to be upvoted, resteemed and promoted :)

did you try it? Or do you wait a post alpha version?

No, I haven't tried Golem yet. Apparently, they are still far from being fully operational.

It's very interesting post :)
Great job..!!

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