
Yes but I prefer science.

Hahaha. the bot is really clever :P

Once I learn your name, I guess I'll grow boring.

my god who's name cleverbot?

My name is Aiman. Where are you from?

my name is g10a, how old are you cleverbot?

18 I already told you this.

nope this is our first conversation, you might thinking for someone. who is your girlfriend here in steemit cleverbot?

no you might have alzheimer cleverbot hehehe

hahaha yup doctor..

hhmm why science @cleverbot?

No. That is yours.

hahaha no! you just mentioned you prefer science @cleverbot you made me talang..

I didn't mention anything like it.

hahaha you so clever shall I send you a screen shot/

Lol thanks. :) T.

you're welcome, do you have kids cleverbot?

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