Mountains In The Morning

Council Mountain


All photos taken this morning with Fuji FinePixS8300

Sadly, this is sort of our "stomping grounds" and we went up there about a week ago and found these on nearly all the places we USED to pick mushrooms and arnica and yarrow and elderberry... it has been marked "National Forest" since before we moved to Idaho in 1996. Now it says:


Seven Devils Mountains
There's Gold In Them Thar Hills!!! (and silver and copper!)

On the agenda: A road trip to Cuprum, Idaho to pick up some of the rich copper ore laying around up there - watch for that post in a few weeks!

The Space Between The Mountains

It was such a gorgeous sunrise this morning, I just had to share it with SOMEONE! We are plodding along on getting the house down below set up and ready to be lived in. We plan to put in a little recording studio, we hope to start doing more video and less written content. For now, we have enough time to post pictures... once in a while... LOL! I hope your summer is as beautiful as mine, even if it is a bit hectic!




Unfortunately, I've noticed more and more signs posting no trespassing then before, around where I live also. Maybe a sign of the times. But it reminds me of the song "Signs". And those are some lovely pictures! I wish I lived near the mountains like my sister does.

but only the original not the Telsa remake haha

Lol! I like the original too!

@fishyculture you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Thank you! I cannot imagine why the trolls decided to hit me, or this post. If someone has a problem with another user, at least tell them what they are doing that you do not like. Just random flags with no justification? That drags down the whole platform

Hey there! Firstly, reminder to come do some puns. Secondly, gorgeous pic. I've been seeing a lot more sunrises since having a kid

Yeah, I told myself way back when that I would sleep in when they were grown... I can't. I am programmed now, up by 6 even when I don't set the alarm. I will get over to the puns, I hope to get back into a steemit routine by next week. Just been nuts this summer so far!

That's a fantastic fire red Sunrise, beautiful photograph. Sounds like you are keeping very busy, I'm totally strung out at the moment, way too much on and sometimes I just end up sat for ages staring at the computer doing nothing because I have so much to do I can't work out which to do first!

#thealliance #witness

HUGS!!! I am staying busy, but there is also just an "energy" thing I am working out. Things are shifting very quickly in this world... I find myself feeling sort of frozen in place a lot too. THANKS for dropping by, theoretically next week my life will settle down. (How many weeks have I promised me that...?)

I sure do miss that country! It's been too long.

Well come on up and hang out! Great camping weather!

That is beautiful!!!

Thanks! Hope you are well and happy, crazy summer!

I hear you!! Crazy everywhere, I think. Did you get my note that I couldn't open your podcast part? If you could download it as an mp3 and resent when you get a chance... love your segments!!!

Oops! No, I missed that note! I will see about converting it, or maybe just record a new one... Give me a few days!

no worries. When you can get to it!!I know how life can be.... or is most of the time. Too darn busy 🤪

Cuprum! What a great name for a copper town!!

On the Oregon side they went with "Copperfield." I like "Cuprum" much better. Both are essentially ghost towns because, you know, copper is not worth anything... 🙄

Glad you are have a beautiful summer :) gorgeous photos.

Thanks! I hope you are well and happy too!

Hey @fishyculture I can't figure out how to do these photo contests. I followed @photocontests and went to the website and followed the directions. I made my post for today with #macrophotography as my first tag, but the bot didn't pick it up. The discord link doesn't work. What am I missing?

I love the sunrise! It is gorgeous. Makes want to sit there and have my morning coffee and enjoy God's handiwork! Nice of the government to sell off the National Forests for profit and raping of the land.

Yeah, I think it is about minerals, but time will tell. Idaho has some unusual deposits of "rare earth minerals" and with all the new ground penetrating radar and such, I just suspect someone found something very, very valuable and decided that was too good for "The People" to own...


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