Will You be a Golden Asteroid Billionaire??

Pretty sure everyone and there mama have seen this recent article that had gone viral making the claim that

A recently discovered Golden Asteroid will make everyone on earth a Billionaire

If you missed it - Check it out here
Some Trillion ounces of Gold... and enough platinum to make life-size replicas of every human on the planet.

Damn - We are all rich now! Mine that Bitch and lets all get some Lambos! - Right?

(I already have mine picked out!)




This golden asteroid will be the start of the damn apocalypse

See - most of these articles are peddling the notion that everyone will become rich if we bring that big golden baby home to planet Earth.
But that's all some bullshit click-baity shit

These articles don't actually care to explain HOW we would become rich, because well, we WONT.

In fact, this type of asteroid would ultimately cause many many people to DIE!

  • Economies would be destroyed.
  • Countries would collapse.
  • People would starve to death in massive numbers.

It would be a very ugly sight - but hey, atleast we would have our gold!

The truth is that these articles are playing a game that if 1trillion ounces of gold made it to Earth with an average value of 1,300$ per ounce, there would be plenty of enough to go around and we all could be wealthy - Billionaires actually.
The problem with this is easy to spot though...

If all this gold made it to earth - the gold price would collapse down to $1/ounce.

And 2nd. The companies mining it don't share and I highly doubt they would just magically start a communistic approach to this one.

Pretty much a hand-full of big-dog mining players would keep it all to themselves. Then, by bringing it back, would upset the Earths economy because, at this point, they could buy every single country the world has and still have trillions of dollars.

But the reality is simple: The influx of "Precious" metals would ultimately make these metals "Not Precious" and not worth shit.
Economies work on supply and demand.
When the Supply increases dramatically, the demand plummets and so does the value...

Moral of the story

You have 0% chance that you will benefit in anyway from this golden asteroid.
But even if you did get a share of the gold, like a few pounds at-least, it would be basically worthless...

Don't quit your job just yet...

Instead, you should just continue on


~Keep on - Steemin' on~


The Central Bank Owners will soon be Selling their Gold Bars to "We the People" at Melt Value Prices... They're going to need "our" Money, BIG TIME... We're about to get our Gold Back...
June 28, 2019...

Yes, the last big asteroid sure paid off alright, so where are those rich dinosaurs now?

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If anything we should be loading up rockets full of gold and launching it into outer space!

It’s quite insane when people think everyone can live the current billionaire life style if we all had a billion dollars.

In case they do find a way to mine it I’ll be ripping out the grass in my yard. Putting up giant fences with barbwire and expanding my garden! Oh you want a tomato? 100 times its weight in gold and you have a deal!

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