103,675,044,720,163 Reasons why Gold and Silver will be $27,000oz and $700oz by 2021..!!

in #gold8 years ago


US National DEBT currently stands at $19,536,829,319,127 and is increasing at an average year/year rate of $2.93bn/day, $87.86bn/mth, $1.07tn/year..!!

CREDIT: usdebtclock

With the US National DEBT growing at $87.86bn/mth it is expected that the DEBT will reach $20,063,990,129,210 by 31-Mar-2017..!!

But it is not the $19,536,829,319,127 current DEBT or the $20,063,990,129,210 expected DEBT by 31-Mar-2017 that is the problem, the real concern is the $103,675,044,720,163 Unfunded Future Liabilities that few people talk about that is the REAL PROBLEM..!!

Take this number into consideration and the current $20tn DEBT is mere petty cash..!!


Currently the GOLD/Dollar Ratio stands at $8,591 oz, and the SILVER/Dollar Ratio stands at $947.47 oz..!!

If you consider the Unfunded Future Liabilites set out above there are 103,675,044,720,163 reasons why GOLD and SILVER are "The Most Undervalued Assets on The Planet without a Shadow of Doubt" and something I have been banging on about now for over 12 months..!!

Today, SILVER is trading at a MASSIVE DISCOUNT and has a Fair Market Valuation of $135.80 oz..!!

At less than $20.00 oz SILVER represents a once in a lifetime Investment Opportunity that will see more Millionaires produced than in any other Asset Class in history..!!

A truly once in a Century Transfer of Wealth on an EPIC SCALE..!!

Targets firmly set for 2021 

GOLD = $27,000 oz

SILVER = $700 oz

To avoid any confusion these Targets are conservative and may be re-valued upwards in the coming months.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to share.



When people take a good look at the lower-right corner of the USDebtClock, they'll see that in early March f this year, they also added gold and silver into the calculations. If silver EVER matches that number...I'm buying a house and a new car with my currently piddly little silver collection! d=O)

Good article. I believe it is clear that something is in the works regarding the PMs. So many central banks/governments are hoarding it as well as nationalizing mine output. Not sure when this paper market manipulation will break, but I will be ready for it. I believe that even in a paper manipulated world the fundamentals of supply/demand for silver should easily push the $120/ounce over the next 12-18 months. However, if we break free of the nonsense due to the dollar loosing global reserve status, banking failures, etc than the numbers listed above could be quite possible. I want to say that I will love the day when that happens, but I am not sure how the world will look when it does lol.

Thanks I appreciate the support. Applying BLOCKCHAIN to Gold & Silver DERIVATIVES is set to transform an antiquated system and bring it kicking & screaming into the 21st Century. It will for the first time allow for true price discovery. When I first mentioned that this will happen back in September of last year I was met by laughs, ridicule, abuse and threats, saying that it was a stupid idea and would never happen. Bet those guys aren't laughing now..!! Stephen

That certainly would give me a little more hope about the future of currency. Counting the days.......

Thx for posting this is extremely important. Here is my post on computational trust. https://steemit.com/intro/@greenman/part-4-trust-who-do-you-trust-do-you-trust-your-local-city-council-provincial-or-national-gov-t-do-you-trust-the-global-world

My next post I will be calling for a debate on processing power here on the steemit feed. I won the debate on reddit already but want it attached to a blockchain - any and steemit will do for now. After that my post will be for steemit to attach itself to the only true blockchain via a hashing of every 400 man hours of content sent to a satoshi so we have it etched in stone for 3000 years not just until steemit the genius semi decentralized entity survives.

Thanks for the support I appreciate it. Now following. Stephen

achieve 20Trillion by end Q1 2017, incredible stat - may get to it sooner if they increase the printing machine speed/capacity - could easily see that happening. Great post , re-steemed.

Thanks. I appreciate the re-steem. I first started tabling the National DEBT last year warning people that $20tn was fast approaching, but it was not the $20tn that was causing me concern but the accelerated pace of the Unfunded Future Liabilities. When I began to say that National DEBT would hit +$30tn by 2025 people said it wouldn't. Some were even convinced that $20tn would be the ceiling..!! Not entirely sure what planet those guys are on when there is an Unfunded Future Liability TODAY of +$100tn..!! This is as serious as it gets. Stephen

One has to wonder who runs that debt clock?

You buy all those banker's scare tactics?

We could just welch on the debt. What's the difference? Sure, a few bankers would have to get real jobs and work for a living like us peons, but the rest of us could start anew; perhaps form a blockchain based economy and start living the good life.😁
evil bankers

Cheers. Following. Stephen

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