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RE: Learn Something New Every Day Contest. Day 8

Hey people you may not know this but eating vegetables and other food related to the food pyramid are much better, instead of taking vitamin supplements

You see when we take on anything ediblle it usually goes around our digestive-tract

lets discuss about vitamin supplements first, when we here about that its usually a pill or vial that we should injest ''AFTER EATING!''

Its because of the chemistry of the supplement. When the supplement goes done into our stomachs its usually on its basic compounds making it incredibly useless at absorbing, but if its around food and other micro-bacterial organism's the basic compounds binds to the food molecule and or gets chemically reacted with our gut bacteria making fats that are body's able to absorb and use for our daily needs.

Mean while Ordinary food, which we co-existed with and cultivated have turned into these already edible, rich in nutrients and vitamin.
The difference is when it enters our mouth we already notice the big difference in flavor between supplements and real food and when actual food goes down the stomach its vitamins and watery-based nutrients get absorbed within a hour and soon to the rest which goes through the bacterial gut that changes certain fats already contained in the food into some other complex nutrients and vitamins to which are much more easily absorbed into the body and more processes take until it reaches the toilet!

The big difference is when taking a shit! you poop less if your on a diet with vitamin supplements but your body is actually healthier if you poop more while your on a healthy diet of meat and vegges.


I was a big health nut back in high school, and actually learned quite a bit of this information from the research I was doing into health. I was also a "fit-head" as my brother called it. I spent most of my freetime in the gym at school. As a 150 lb. student, I could bench press 225 lbs. I couldn't possibly do that now without hurting myself, though.

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