Life and creativity of Gustav Flaubert / last part /

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

In order to develop an approach and style, the author of "Madame Bovari" has worked hard, without rest, for six years, in order to prove himself at the end of his work before the court for "insulting the mores and devastating the readers. Though justified, Flaubert is overwhelmed by bitter aversion to the recklessness of the ruling nonsense. This is how a novel-masterpiece is born. The story is flawlessly developed, the handwriting is clear, the persistence of objection in narrative is observed, although a burning desire - the desire of Emma to experience the life that she creates, not the life given to her - is traced. Sometimes it takes two months to describe just one scene that lasts for three hours (for example, the provincial exhibition of pet animals). It is months of exhausting work to develop a seemingly banal theme, but the novelist Flaubert decides that it should be presented as a pure suggestion, to shift the interest from facts to emotions. For example, Emma must keep the memory of the fairytale in Vobesar, where she danced, only by a bloody movement during the waltz. The memory of her favorite Rodolph walk through the autumn forest is fixed in the memory of the heroine as a damp scent of the beginning rotting of the yellowing noise. Finally, the smell of the lively reader is obsessively obsessed with the bitter taste of arsenic, the poison that chooses to put an end to life an irreparable romance.

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Flaubert deliberately expands the boundaries of the traditional novel narrative. The novelist deliberately dismantled the miserable "events" that had fulfilled his real life until that moment, disassembled their mechanism, and rearranged it to act in a new way. This creates the illusion of a completely impartial "epic" recreation of the fate of the happy and unhappy woman Emma, ​​dared to become an autonomous creator of her life. Emma is the flaming heart of the novel, her desire turns bit by bit into everyone in the embers: marriage, motherhood, and social norms. The scandal that provokes Emma is caused by her reluctance to honor the fools and the spiritual disabled who surround her. She refuses to comply with provincial morality and its diverse censorship. Bovari does not accept that morality that separates the body from the spirit and forbids the man to follow his natural sensual gusts. It denies the religion and the socialist society that kills those who waste the money and diverts them from the usual round of capital accumulation labor-commodity-cost-added value re-invested in labor, and so on.

Emma breathes out like an incurable romance that turns her desires into reality, even though her guiding environments tighten her through the mediation of her closest beings: her husband who still loves her and her lovers who think or pretend to love her . Sentimental Leon will live with the self-confidence that he has achieved the "dream of his life" - he has become a notary. Rodolph can not get rid of the conceit of a neighborhood "don juan". In the farther circle of mediocrity, which eventually pushes the heroine to suicide, her mediocre relatives (the old Bovars, the father and mother of her husband Charles), the annoying usurer and repulsive miser Liroo and the mournful conformist Ome - the pharmacist with deeply preserved views of the life that Flaubert has conceived as "the man who has no meaning".

Madam Bovari story: Charles Bovari marries Emma Rau, the daughter of a rich Norman landowner. Sensitive and romantic, the young woman soon finds herself in captivity with boredom and soon starts to get tired of the troubled atmosphere of the small village of Tost, in the arms of her husband, caring for her health. During a ball in the aristocratic Vobesar mansion she realizes she can devote herself to another life filled with passion and splendor. Her melancholy grew deeper and Charles decided to move to the nearby town of Jonville. There Emma is again covered with boredom, boredom and depression, until she falls in love with Leon, the young scribe of the local notary. But soon he went to Rouen, and she became the mistress of Rodolph, an experienced bonvivian and a female who was soon troubled by her constant, passionate exaltation. Abandoned by him, she leads a life of life, returns to Leon, to whom she gives up. Mumbled in debt, Emma poisoned with arsenic. This work is inspired by a fact in the newspaper chronicle describing the provincial manners of the country, the banality of adultery, the petty bourgeois, the mediocre and the bold because of a series of failures in their lives. The novel follows the literary program of the realistic school.

part 1

part 2

part 3


For me Gustave Flaubert is, first of all, a master of a realistic novel and a merciless critic of his contemporary bourgeois society. French bourgeois literary criticism tends to obscure Flaubert's criticism of his artistry. I want to emphasize that the critical realism of the writer is one of the most valuable features of his artistic heritage.
Based on this, we can say that critical realism depicts the attitude of man and the environment. Human character is revealed in organic connection with social circumstances. The subject of deep social analysis was the inner world of man, critical realism therefore simultaneously becomes psychological. In the preparation of this quality of realism played an important role romanticism, who sought to penetrate the secrets of the human mind.
The deepening of knowledge of life and the complexity of the picture of the world in the critical realism of the 19th century do not mean, however, some absolute superiority over the previous stages, for the development of art is marked not only by conquests, but also by losses. The scale of the Renaissance images was lost. Unique was the pathos of statements, characteristic of the enlightenment, with their optimistic faith in the victory of good over evil.

Gustav Flaubert. A fabulous writer and a personality on his whole. His particular way of writing came out of gis life style. He was frustrated of the liars and the fake people. Though harsh tempered and criticised due to this. He didnt stop and neither put a hault to his tireless work. Worked hard for years to prove himself as a master piece of wriring. Iam in love with the book he authored.

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