Life and creativity of Gustav Flaubert / part 2/

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

Together with Le Poitouven they come up with a grotesque character who names "The Boy", to whom they attribute the most humiliating characteristics. Ever since that period, Flaubert has grasped the bourgeois as a "man who has a diminished mind". In 1840 Flaubert went to the Pyrenees and Corsica. In Marseille, along with Joeñi Foucault de Langlead, he is experiencing the first "knocking". But his first intimate communication with a woman is at the same time a shipwreck for his ability to build through his imagination: Novembre , created under the influence of this disappointment, spoils the sweet memory and image of the one who abandoned it . At age 19, Flaubert discovered that love is only possible as a dream of love, not the real world.

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In November 1841, Flaubert joined the Law Faculty of Paris. At the age of 22, he finds himself suffering from a strange "nervous disease" that is believed to have been epilepsy, although the main symptoms are missing. The disease forces him to give up his studies. Since then, he has devoted himself entirely to literature. Even as a teenager faces death. His father dies before January 1846, and his beloved sister, Carolina, dies at birth in March next year. A girl is born and Flaubert retires with him and his mother at the Croazese mansion, near Rouen, on the banks of the Seine. There he spent almost all his life there. A little later died and his closest friend Alfred Le Poitouven.

The first ideas for the artist Flaubert are created by his works in 1836-1842: "The Dream of Hell" , "Memories of a Crazy". They describe crimes, abandonment, betrayal, violence and bloodshed. In them, Flaubert tells the story of his mature sexuality and presents his experience of love by accepting that he was condemned to never experience it. The one who speaks from the "I-Position" in "The Memories of a Crazy" is the adolescent Flaubert. He has preserved in his memory only a romantic episode of his recent past: his encounter with Eliza Schlesinger in Truville and the embarrassment of 16 years from which he may develop his concept of Parenting. During a short stay in July 1846, a poet Louise Cole met in the atelier of sculpture Jean Prades, who became his mistress, but their relationship did not develop particularly smoothly. Her security independence and jealousy make their separation inevitable. And they separated in 1855. Flaubert suffers from boredom. He goes straight to Paris and starts writing "Sentimentale" (a novel in which he imitates Balzac and has nothing to do with his later work, Parenting of Feelings, 1869). In 1844, he suffered a deep physical and psychological crisis. Covered by this "nervous disease" - possibly epilepsy - that threatens his mind, he will face a symbolic radical collapse. Probably then the project arises in the Croatian manor house, which he inherited from his father, and devoted himself to the writing of his novels.

part 1


I am glad to hear that :)

when is part 2 releasing?

Mu interesante información sobre este escritor tan famoso


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