What Happens When You Follow A Plan For 365 Days...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #goals6 years ago (edited)

We talk a lot about planning for the future in crypto...

I discovered STEEM on December 7th, 2017 and on January 1st 2018...I designed what would be my 'path' here on STEEM over the next 12 months.

The concept was pretty straight forward. I would interact with 5 people a day, every day. I would also work to reach 500 followers and FRIENDS here on the blockchain. But the last goal would be tricky in my 'formula'. I was aiming for 5000 Steem Power by the end of 2018.

5 500 5000 formula

You have to remember, when I wrote down my 5-500-5000 formula STEEM was between $3-5 each...So hitting 5000 Steem Power looked like a lofty goal. Regardless, I decided this would be my target to reach 'Dolphin' status by the end of the year and even if I didn't hit 5000 Steem Power...I would be much closer by following the game plan of 5-500-5000...

I wrote these goals down, and created content almost every single day throughout this year...

(Via @steemitboard)

369 posts in a little over a year of being on the blockchain...Plus combine that with over 4400 'comments' or engagements over the year....And you see how this formula actually worked.

So here's my results, of the 5-500-5000 formula I talked about in the new year and throughout the SteemSavvy training.

5 Interactions A Day - I pushed myself here. If you do the math, I did closer to 12 comments or engagements every day for a year. I believe this is the power of showing up every day and actually caring about your fellow Steemians journey. I tried different techniques throughout the year as well, like the 'Introduce Yourself' technique I discussed a few months ago. The point being, the lifeblood of STEEM and building your account here is the daily engagements!

500 Followers - I blew past this goal around mid April. And while it's slowed down quite a bit, I still get a steady stream of new followers. Currently I'm sitting at 1731 amazing Steemians :) And I think this is because I engage a ton on STEEM but also incentivize people for commenting on my posts. I use @steembasicincome a lot and reward my followers but more importantly...I ALWAYS respond to their comments and upvote them! If you want to build your following, let them know you appreciate them!

5000 Steem Power - This one was a blessing in disguise from the tumbling crypto prices. If STEEM was still around 5 bucks each, there is no way I would have hit this goal. But here I am...Over 9000 Steem Power on December 31st, 2018!!! Wow. So yeah, as much as we would love to see STEEM moon shot, I'm very grateful that I was able to accumulate this much Steem Power over the year. And I didn't do this by just...Buying my way in, even though I dollar cost averaged my purchases...

Over 4200 Steem Power was earned from my content!!

This is awesome :)

So it all added up....

My engagements daily helped grow my following, which in turn helped me generate Steem Power from creating daily.

Not a bad 2018 at all :)

Of course, like I mentioned, this was helped a ton by the fact STEEM became extremely affordable. And it didn't matter to me that the rest of the crypto world was freaking out about shrinking prices and market cap...I saw and continue to see the VALUE in STEEM! I saw it at all time highs, so I most definitely see it right now at 27 cents....

That had to be my biggest lesson of the past 365 days...Stop looking at the price and start looking at what's around you.

And that I see is a vibrant community, amazing development, and a passionate fanbase that is destined for great things.

Here's what my goals were on the left and where I ended up on the right...


So I will continue to spread the 5-500-5000 formula for all new Steemians...Because this WORKS! And works so well...As for my goals for 2019....

...That's for my next post ;)

THANK YOU for being a part of my journey and adding so much value to the blockchain....Have an amazing new year and all the best in 2019!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/what-happens-when-you-follow-a-plan-for-365-days/


Hi @jongolson

I appreciate what you have created by being targeted over time. I congratulate you
I will re-steemied your blog and hope you get comedies from my followers and that they see what can be done.
And that they do like you

Me and my closest friends also give you a good upvote here now

appreciate that very much. thank you for that.

yeah and i had quite a horrible year offchain. but i made the commitment to stay with steem. and show up everyday :)

it’s working.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nice to hear @jongolson

Well @jongolson... a man of his word! Slow and steady staying the course does payoff. What a great example on how to win even in a down market... think about this... you probably at least stayed even with the drop. Growing faster than the depreciation. For those who want to take the opportunity to make 2019 your best year ever... this is an awesome example and simply never too late!

just need this to go back to 1 dollar each and i’ll be doing cartwheels lol

lol just kidding. i’m here even if it goes to a penny.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I know you are.. its a long term strategy! You go this...

Clearly a correlation and great metrics to follow going forward! I have found the same formula to work for myself but my activity started after the Summer so you could say I am still catching up. One challenge I have is always making those 5 engagements to be new as things have slowed down here. I see myself going beyond my interests to do so and still struggle with making relevant comments to build engagement. However, I feel it is about the law of numbers in that a percentage of the efforts will be meaningful enough to move the effort forward. Great stuff! I guess I am here to stay so get used to me buddy!

Posted using Partiko iOS

ha ha ha awesome to hear!!!

yeah no doubt. that’s why i always said 5 instead of 50 engagements. it has to be natural and organic. and i think if we focus on good people and engage with them, we all win.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You crushed it, man. Congrats on reaching your goals. I agree that engagement is key, but it requires time, effort and commitment. That is why so many people fall of the Steem wagon. They expect quick results.

Best wishes as you look to 2019.

great point man. this is a long term commitment on my end for sure lol

all the best to you as well

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hello there! And happy New Year.

I keep saying and screaming and shouting about the same things as those you mention above. Engagement is everything. Absolutely everything....

Of course you need to have a "decent" quality and not posting crap.

Seems that steem wise even if price is at .27$ it was a fine opportunity for accumulation and growth for many of us. Me included. I joined during the early days of January...I guess you remember where were prices sitting right? But here I am.

I wish you all the best for 2019 @jongolson

you too. all the best in the new year!!

oh it’s so evident to me. this place rises and falls on engagement. and it’s a never ending process.

when we engage with each other everyday , great things happen!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's was a good plan and the hard part is always to follow through which you have done brilliantly as it turned out. It's a great result and something that I believe in as well. It's all about engagement and getting as many people involved as possible.

Let the developers do their thing but the rest of us need to keep things moving on this side. There is no point developing loads of brilliant apps if there is nobody here to use or promote them. But while we have lost a lot of users in the crash the core community remains and it is a committed and active one which gives me a lot of hope going forward.

Posted using Partiko Android

this. is exactly my thoughts too.

we need ravings fans that use these apps daily. and become products of the product.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's why I love to see things like getting listed on state of dapps. Straight away steemit took number 1 spot and other apps made it into the top 20. For anybody looking from the outside its things like this that make people check it out. With tournaments steemmonsters has moved up to 6th with all the extra games being played and that should only rise going forward. We just need to see more and more of this as it builds momentum and creates a buzz.

Posted using Partiko Android

yup. no concepts. no ico launch. just real use and real people involved in these apps now

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thats really good my friend to see you reach your goal on STEEM bolckchain you yes as i can see you have a good number of follwer on this platform because of your hard work and you did a lot for this. Have good and happy journey in 2019 as well and i wish you can be whale soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

lol thanks man. i’ll settle for orca in the next few years lol

have a great new years man.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is dope. That takes a lot of dedication man you earned every bit of that one. I have some steem goals of like to reach myself and I know it’s doable but the the consistency is rough. Keep killing it though!

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks very much. yeah for sure. consistency is key for sure. and it’s not easy. but being stubborn about it helps lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Way to go brother. I wonder how you got attention from the full-time bots. I've been posting for over two years and have never received an upvote from them.

This is a great time for accumulation.

I think it's only going to take a few months from now before we really start heading up towards the Moon.

I engaged with him earlier this year. Responded to some of his posts.

But i think it’s sticking to things no matter what. Highs and lows. It’s been a journey for sure lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Interesting. Okay I'll try it out. I hope to see more interesting posts from you brother.

thanks very much. appreciate the comments.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well done!😀 Happy New Year!

Posted using Partiko Android

thank ya :)

happy new years to you as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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