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RE: Dragging You Up With Me Giveaway - Week 4

in #giveaway6 years ago


I totally understand about the public speaking and being in the spotlight, I have found my journey here the most developmental with these skills. I am naturally a loud talker but it’s also what makes me shy in crowds, yeah you would never know it from my vlogs but have you ever seen me vlog around anyone else? Nope no one other then my fiancé because I become uncomfortable in my own skin with eyes on me my loud voice attracts so many. Yet I feel that I could speak about #OneLoveDTube at say a conference because it means so much to me it would just pour out, I would probably cry on stage lol and you know what I would be ok with that!

You will get there one day and hopefully we can physically stand side by side and support each other through it when #OneLoveDTube takes the stage 💪

I have been wanting to do a reading on camera, call it rehearsal for being able to read and speak thus being able to use notes for the speech. I have been meaning to do this since the very beginning but I have also struggled when trying to do different voices for a sci-fi novel published on the blockchain. Good place to start eh? (Yes @everittdmickey I have not forgotten about my promise to you!) It’s all about challenging yourself to achieve right? I figure if I can get the voices under control it should play well into my performance overall, using characters to hide behind while on stage thus it’s more a performance from that character then just me on stage talking. The idea of that seems less fearful to me, what do you think @vincy?

PS great share!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Ooh that’s interesting with loud voice and being shy because of it! I wonder if my boy will be like that? Cos he has a super loud voice and I often tell him to shh hahaha and use his inside voice.
He’s the one that embarrasses me haha.
As for practicing your scripts on camera- great idea actually!
Oh and playing a character rather than speaking normally is another great idea. I wanted to be in a play at school when I was younger but I didn’t follow through and chickened out! (Perhaps my mum thought it wasn’t worth it and told me not to but I regret it now) I actually prefer singing for this reason cos it’s “using a different voice” hahaa but I do like to harmonise sometimes and that attracts attention! I tend to sing softer when I feel the attention is drawn to me.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I bet your son will be like me, just make sure you encourage him and support he may be the public speaker we all wish we could be! Use his attention seeking to break your own fears type idea.

I’m taking the step in doing an interview, nothing to special but it will be my first.

We both need to be comfortable with the attention, usually it is not judgemental but rather a form of awe.

PS tossed you a @bpclan boost and have a shout-out video coming at you tonight after work or first thing in the morning 😉 depends on how long my chat with grey and Todd takes tonight.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Aww thanks so much! You’re one of a kind @d00k13!! I need to practice saying your name properly hahaa

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Lol I did a vlog about it in responses to the Steem sisters show lmao if you want an example lol

“Doooo keeey” lmao

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Yeh I briefly saw that but hadn’t gotten around to watching it yet hahaa

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It’s just a quick one, I even had one of the Steem Sisters stop in and be the first to comment 🤙 totally made my day.

Lol I’m such a sucker for attention and interaction especially from those whom I look up to which is just about everyone for one reason or another.

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Hahaha but that’s also cos you have enough rep and well known so they reply! When I was still a noob I tagged and did response videos of dnews and I mentioned coruscate a few times too but didn’t get that response ;)

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Everything changes for me at the 60 rep mark you are right about that one, maybe my posting activity changed aswell. Anyways it’s all about making the impact on the person you want attention from. For @dnews I was that annoying clingon always asking for input on what I am doing, look what that turned into. I have a bit of a forceful nature but it is only positive vibes I try push which is largely acceptable!

Being a noob on here has its advantages also, you may try new things without worrying what your followers may think and hey if they don’t notice you the first time just keep trying!

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Ohhh did you try out for Steem monsters???
I attempted a few times to do a recording in a “in character” voice but it was hard to keep it going smoothly without mistakes and I gave up lol...

Posted using Partiko iOS

I had contemplated it but I want to build the skills a little before I expose my abilities lol... the mistakes are the hardest part just need to stumble through them, I have found rehearsing lines in your own voice and then applying he character voice is a little easier... wish I was as good as @the-puppet-patch but maybe I can challenge him yet 😝

Posted using Partiko iOS

LOL dude! Just go for it. When it comes to voices for puppets I just put the puppet on and start talking. The voices, attitudes and personality just come naturally. I wouldn't try forcing it though. If you do it doesn't come out as good. Thanks for the mention and compliment bud!

Posted using Partiko Android

No problem my friend, I do look up to your ability to play a character 💪

I intend to practice a little more, I suppose I need to find what comes naturally for the character and my style of talking lol... I am no where as quick witted as you but I did grow up in the country so maybe I should embrace the Canadian hick 🤣

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