BLONDIE & BROWNIE #girlshavingfun - A Love Dedication To Friendship ❤️steemCreated with Sketch.

There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and life a little bit better.

When you've found them, make sure that they will stay in your life forever.

And then create a billion epic memories together!

What True Friendship Is About

You can't search a good friend. They will find you. 

It doesn't happen very often that you meet somebody who may be your twin. However, when you accidentally run into them - like all these wonderful things in life happen when you least expect them - then you will know it.

You will laugh about the same jokes, listen to the same music and understand each other without saying a word.

Life is better when they are close. 

Friends are able to convert you into the very best version of yourself.

It's the unconditional way of caring about somebody that enables us to be natural and just shine. It's the possibility to be completely ourselves that makes us grow next to a friend. 

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. 

Friendship is forever. 

Relationships can be broken, but true friendship never ends. 

There may arise conflicts, but friends know how to solve them: respectful. Nothing in the world may ever be worth risking to lose that bond between the two of you.

Then it doesn't actually matter how often you see each other.

It's not the person that has spent most time with you, it's the one that is always there whatever happens. 

When you meet it's going to be as if you haven't ever been apart. There won't be any warm-up time or insecurity. You'll start to produce more of that epic craziness right away :-) 

Friends provide you with self-confidence.

They value your personality, your character, your rough edges, and they love you just the way you are. 

That will make you stronger even in other situations that aren't directly related to your friendship. It can contribute to make you smarter and tougher in job situations, negotiations or any situation that may require a grounded mind.

Embrace them, love them and never let them go!

A True Friendship Told Through Pictures

So you get a new hair cut? Me too! 

So you sing in the car? Me too! 

So you travel the world? Me too! 

So you celebrate special days? Me too! 

So you are not too shy to look stupid? Me neither! 

So you love popcorn parties at cinema? Me too! 

So you were dancing the whole night? Me too! 

So you were given that signed cap and needed to show it? Me too! 

Make sure you have at least one of these crazy, lovely and unique soulmates next to you. 

Life is easier when you can share the brigthest and darkest moments with somebody who knows you well. 

Life is better when they are there...

Thanks for being my crazy better half, Martys!
Love you to the moon and backwards ❤️
Marly -

Blondie & Brownie 


Das ist echte Freundschaft ! Ihr seit zwei verrückte Hühner...Klasse Post und witzige Fotos ! SUPER 👍🏼🙋🏼

Hihi, Danke Chrissy! Stimmt, das ist wirklich echte dicke Freundschaft :-)

Beautiful girl ^^

That type of friendship is beautiful but rare. I have friends, but no one that close. Nice post!

Exactly, they are treasures... I have three of them. No one is living close to me, but it's as if they were there all the time ;-)

What a lovely post <3

Thank you, @daisyd! I'm happy you liked it :)
More friendship stuff to come, soon.

Great to see true friendship. Wish you all the best.

However you reminded me of something.
I have to cut my hair lol

Thanks Tim! Hope you are doing great.
Haha, good luck with that hair cut ;-)

(walks into Starbucks)

I will have a tall Blonde & a tall Dark.


Well Marly...

I am referring to my coffee choices...

Don't really like Grande or Venti...

I know! I meant I wann see you ordering these ;-)

Ok for a minute I thought your mind was somewhere else ;-)

Check this...

When the Blonde roast first came to Starbucks years ago. I would have this cheesy smile at the Barista while she asked me "what can I get you this morning"?



P.S. Now lately I have been ordering TALL DARK

LOL! You know what I did once?

Barista: What can I get you?
Me: One Coffee Latte, one blueberry muffin... and...
Barista And?
Me: Your phone number, please.

It was hilarious! :-)
In the end I didn't get it, cause he had a girlfriend and that would have put him into trouble.. But it was a fun moment for both of us anyways.

Happy weekend, Frank!

Beautiful girl,nice post @surfermarly

Wow, what beautiful snapshots of a lovely friendship.

It's true that life isn't better by twice with a good friend, but by an order of magnitude. I'd only hope for the day I perhaps stumble upon a friendship as close as yours. Or maybe allow myself to have a friendship as close as yours.

Thanks for the inspiration @surfermarly!

Thanks for your lovely comment, @awesomianist!
It's as I said: these are things that happen when you least expect them. And then everything falls magically into place :-)
Best of luck for your journey!

Awwwww thanks!

Friendship is priceless! You are well on your way to those billion epic memories @surfermarly :) Keep rocking it!

I will, @sandstorm!!! Thanks for always being around :-)
Have a great, awesome, unforgettable weekend!!

Your welcome @surfermarly! I will most certainly try :) You too, make the weekend count big time, after all you are on your way to a BILLION, so it's gotta count for something ;)


Thank you! :-)
And please apologize for replying that late... I've received so many comments lately that I it's hard to keep everything updated...
Have a great weekend!

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