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RE: ☕Coffee Fun ☕

in #gif7 years ago good,glad i wear a working shirt....
good to hear you had a good day.....
dont snore too loud,i might can hear it a nice sleep and sweet dreams my dear mate...

me,as the weather is good,do some more painting...had to buy more yesterday.....i have enough of painting...but the front wall has to be done....
hope i dont bore you with
catch u later mate......


Ohh I'm sorry mate did you say something? 😁
LOL no you can never bore me🤗 borrow me mabye 😆 haha
Great to get the painting done, usually it takes more paint than you might think 🤔🤔🤔
Have a great day and stay Awesome.

already at sleep..i thought i hear some one
thank you.....borrow
it does.........
i will be full of paint.....gonna be lots of fun....
u2...good night,sweet dreams....

Snoring sound and nose whistleling that is my night music 😤😤😴😴😥😳😪
Keeps the bugs away but not the snot fly . lol
Sweet dreams

that is a good defense against those nasty bugs...
didnt know that you have snot flies in sweden....

well i hope you had sweet dreams and a good sleep...
wish you a wonderful day,with lots and lots of fun.....whatever you do...

Lol 😊 we have many things in Sweden 😁
Hope you have a great evening, and that you didn't get to high on smelling the paint 😬😨😩.. Hahaha talk soon

...looks like i missed a lot of things....
yes everything is good here,hope with you 2??
im still high from the paint,thats why i do it again its all good with this paint...water based hardly can smell it,and its outdoor........
its in the shade now,and not too hot......
i wish you a nice evening,night without any funny creatures surrounding
talk with ya later mate...

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