Living Capital And How To Make A Tomato Trellis.

in #ghsc6 years ago (edited)

What is Living Capital... It's all around us, trees, herbs, wildlife, all that grows and all that breathes the air we breathe.

I think it's where it all starts. It is one of the forms of capital we can turn into food, medicine, shelter and warmth, without the need for cash. But beware, if you do not give nature (living capital) the respect it deserves, it will come back to haunt you.

It's really easy, just don't be greedy, be greatfull for what it gives you and be aware that if you take too much there will be consequences. Easy enough right?


This spring, we clearded an area for our Off-Grid Mansion. There was just an harmful of young birch trees and we kept all of them for eventual projects.


The archway to my wife's 40's was made from a couple of these saplings

Once you cut down a tree, it moves from Living Capital to Material Capital. It's now become building material.

A project I had in mind for a while was to build a trellis for our tomatoes. It was finally time to stop procrastinating, the tomatoes needed some support!

We have two different tomato plots. One is your more traditional way, watering and suporting. We haven't found the need to feed them any fertiliser and we haven't pruned them (a deer did that for us when I left the garden door open once!). The other plot is our test area where we haven't watered them or suported them at all. We're following the Pascal Poot method.

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Making the trellis:

Here are the tools I used.


Than I chose 6 of the saplings we had cut down when we cleared the area. I cut them down to approximately 8 feet, chopped off all the smaller branches with the axe and made three "A frames"



Standing up the "A frames" to attach then together with branches was a littles difficult by myself so I called for help. It was much easier when someone held it up while I tied them together!


We did the sane thing with the 3rd "A frame" and I could be left to do the rest alone. I tied some of the branches in diagonals across our frames to make it stand on its own and hold up.


I always save the twist ties that come with bread bags or any other packaging.


I use them on trellis and it works very well! Ok sometimes I have to tie two of them together to fit all the way around the trellis but still, it works very well!


I hope you found something usefull in this post. I am simply showing you what we are learning in our progress, living off grid.

See you next time, and thanks for reading!

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Some people have a green thumb, I think I may have a green hand!

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love your advice here, nature indeed deserves our up most respect and what we take we should always find a way to give something back. Lovely work with your trellis xx

Thank you!

Been reading a book on health from native american point of view... it's very inspiring.

Cool archway! Looks like the tomato trellis are working well. I have many twisty ties...and a rubber band ball...and well don't get me started. haha

Lol, keeping lots of little things like that? How about the little plastic clips that come with bread loafs sometimes?

Thanks... the tomatoes are starting to turn red finally!

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

I tied some of the branches in diagonals across our frames to make it stand on it's own and hold up.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Once you cut down a tree, it moves from Living Capital to Material Capital.

I appreciate your way of thinking about honoring your natural surroundings by reducing and reusing. 🌳

Thank you @cabelindsay. It's so difficult to change people's mindsets back to one that is part of our surrounding.

If we think of this planet (we could go as big as you wish... to the end of the universe) as one animal, we are all part of the same beast and we all play a role in keeping it alive, from squirrel to the oak tree to humans to dolphins and so on...

Thanks for visiting 😁

Yep, I agree with you, seeing the interconnection and the way each one has its place of belonging, and serves its purpose. Thanks for putting it to words in such a good way.

Ah thank you so much @cabelindsay. Sometimes I feel like my way of explaining something is a little bit upside down!

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