Epstein's Girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, her father's connections, the Terra Mar Project, Rachel Chandler, Milk Studios and the Pedophile Normalizing agenda

in #ghislainemaxwell5 years ago (edited)

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Scroll down to see the article. You can also listen to reports in provided links that are not censored.

Though vids were removed with verified facts and source links including mainstream media links from YouTube, this can be found here on a non censoring platform.





I began covering Ghislaine Maxwell and her famous, likely murdered father.

I go over some of Robert Maxwell, the former media mogul and MP.

Now remember, Ghislaine entered the Epstein scene around 1990, according to a NYT article. She eventually came to be know as the "lady of the house." It looks like her father died under "mysterious circumstances" around 1991.

For Mr. Epstein, who had grown up in Coney Island and was a college dropout, the gregarious Ms. Maxwell provided new social pathways. Her friends in high places included Britain’s Prince Andrew, who became a frequent guest in Mr. Epstein’s homes.

Even They are reported what many called conspiracy theory while bashing victim accounts.

What is clear is that their partnership was deep and entangled, and continued even after their romance ended. Over more than a decade, Ms. Maxwell, now 57, helped manage Mr. Epstein’s homes, facilitate his social relationships and recruit masseuses to help satisfy his seemingly insatiable appetite for massages, according to his former employees.

As I started working on Ghislaine, something caught my eye. I had been working off and on with Epstein's case and in my research so knew she worked with this company called The Terra MarProject.

There is a clear connection to Epstein and when you look it up in Wikipedia, you get this,

The TerraMar Project, based in New York, New York, was an environmentalist non-profit organization involved in protecting the world's oceans. It is closed on 12 July 2019, a week after charges of sexually trafficking and abusing girls were brought by New York federal prosecutors against Jeffrey Epstein, ex-boyfriend and confidante of the founder Ghislaine Maxwell, became public.

What also interesting is this,

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This group started years ago in CA according to this,

TerraMar was founded in September 26, 2012 at the Blue Ocean Film Festival and Conservation Conference in Monterey, California, and focuses on the 64% of the ocean that lies outside any single country's jurisdiction. Their mission is to create a "global ocean community" based around the idea of shared ownership of the global commons, also known as the high seas or international waters.

Now I will say these globalists try to connect the west and east coast all of the time, just as they did back in the day when Hoover was on the Stanford Trust and they wanted a connection between Stanford and D.C. which worked out well when he became president. Them creating that trust there at Stanford protected and furthered many "research projects" that not only helped them get their hands in the film (propaganda) industry, but also in various industries and protected programs under the guise of needing secrecy and cover (C_A).

This goes over some of those programs. Do you see what I see?

So this Terra Mar program, which clearly connects East Coast with West Coast and Florida has interest in. . .

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They say they launched here in 2014 as can be seen here,

TerraMar Project launches to celebrate and protect the world's oceans


They claim theywant to protect the unregulated high seas. This is also stated,

A new nonprofit, The TerraMar Project, aims to celebrate and protect those high seas. Officially launched Sept. 26 at the Blue Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Conference in Monterey, Calif., the organization is the brainchild of lifelong marine enthusiast Ghislaine Maxwell.

They hoped to do some of this by educating young people. That is more than frightening considering the "Education we have seen evidence concerning the grooming of children Ghislaine and Epstein allegedly (there is proof and eye witnesses come out all the time) had brought to Epstein's mansions and island.

The spectacular virtual dive employs the new Google Ocean, which also premiered at the Blue Ocean festival and provides a similar experience to the search engine's popular Street Views but on the ocean floor.

The announcement about the nonprofit came from four celebrated marine experts: Dr. Sylvia Earle, Capt. Don Walsh, Dan Laffoley and virus hunter Nathan Wolfe.

Laffoley, the marine vice chair for the IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas, said he saw an important role for the TerraMar Project.

You can check out their objectives here,

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The analyzing is not the "Signaled Good Works" that they are doing, but rather the nefarious deeds behind some of these people like Ghislain and who she is connected to.

Remember, many of these Non profits run under the ruse of good works which provide cover, no oversight and little to no transparency.

Also a great way to make money. Who controls where the money is Actually spent?

Their statement,

"We invite everybody to come and interact with us," Maxwell says. "The high seas belongs to you. It's the one major area in the world where we can be one species with one home and one common destiny."

No thank you! Not after seeing the plight of girls like Virginia Roberts,


Their twitter page no longer exists, but was able to find their instagram which led me to a Bizzare website in which once again, these movers and shakers use Fashion, art and even promote their parties for their very own globalist agenda. I will show you how I found this cult following of underground music, fashion and art in a moment.

First let's look at some basic info on Ghislaine and father.

Ghislaine Maxwell

The British socialite, a daughter of media mogul Robert Maxwell, has not been charged with a crime but has been accused by three women in court papers of recruiting young women for Epstein. Two of them alleged that both Maxwell and Epstein sexually assaulted them.

Let's take a quick look at her father,
Robert Maxwell,

Early in his life, Maxwell escaped from Nazi occupation, joined the Czechoslovak Army in exile in World War II and was decorated after active service in the British Army. In subsequent years he worked in publishing, building up Pergamon Press to a major publishing house. After six years as an MP during the 1960s, he again put all his energy into business, successively buying the British Printing Corporation, Mirror Group Newspapers and Macmillan Publishers, among other publishing companies.

Maxwell had a flamboyant lifestyle, living in Headington Hill Hall in Oxford, from which he often flew in his helicopter, and sailing in his luxury yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. He was notably litigious and often embroiled in controversy, including about his support for Israel at the time of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In 1989, he had to sell successful businesses, including Pergamon Press, to cover some of his debts. In 1991, his body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem.

Maxwell's death triggered the collapse of his publishing empire as banks called in loans.

In June 1985, Maxwell announced a takeover of Sir Clive Sinclair's ailing home computer company, Sinclair Research, through Hollis Brothers, a Pergamon Press subsidiary.

He also owned a half-share of MTV in Europe and other European television interests, Maxwell Cable TV and Maxwell Entertainment.

Maxwell sold 49 percent of the stock of Mirror Group Newspapers to the public.

The British Foreign Office suspected that Maxwell was a secret agent of a foreign government, possibly a double agent or a triple agent, and "a thoroughly bad character and almost certainly financed by Russia." He had known links to the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), to the KGB, and to the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. Six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence services attended Maxwell's funeral in Israel, while Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogized him and stated: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said.

Robert Maxwell was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament (MP). Originally from Czechoslovakia, Maxwell rose from poverty to build an extensive publishing empire. After his death, huge discrepancies in his companies' finances were revealed, including his fraudulent misappropriation of the Mirror Group pension fund.

Now to his daughter, whom Robert was said to have spoiled,

Ghislain Maxwell

Maxwell moved to the United States after her father's death and has become an advocate for the ocean as founder of The TerraMar Project.

For now, got no further than this once I found a certain photo. Will do a second part to tend to more of her history. It's also scattered throughout reports I have been doing on Epstein for over 2 years.

If you need more info now go here,
Was there a Fire on Epstein Island to cover more evidence like the dentist cart or earthquake?

TerraMar was founded in September 26, 2012 at the Blue Ocean Film Festival and Conservation Conference in Monterey, California, and focuses on the 64% of the ocean that lies outside any single country's jurisdiction. Their mission is to create a "global ocean community" based around the idea of shared ownership of the global commons, also known as the high seas or international waters.

When you go to their website here,

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Interesting how the website closed on the 12th and twitter had a formal announcement on the 13th of July 2019. Do you suppose it is connected to Terra Mar, FL? Broward County Ft. Lauderdale area?

But here is their instagram before they scrub it,

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ALL LIFE! Disclaimer. . .Just not babies we promote killing for tissue, organs and parts.

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Here is why this caught my eye. Who was Harvey Milk? He was a Known pedophile many from DNC did way back in the day of the launch of Feinstein and Pelozi's careers celebrated and upheld because the DNC had an agenda to Push!

Included close ties with Jim Jones, who was Not a christian, but rather an occultist, whom the mainstream media attempted to make people believe was a Christian.

I am going to show what this studio is involved in, but before I do, if not familiar check this out sometime and please get a bucket because it Will make you sick!


You can see how he is still heralded and celebrated here,


Milk Studios in both Los Angeles and New York
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Notice the colors? Same colors used at this Moca Gala event where they disguise their pedophilic and cannibalistic rituals under a "party" and "art."

Ask yourself Why are they doing this? WHY would you have nude cakes and mock eating a human body? Do a ritual out of cutting out the heart?

Beware sick stuff here so obviously shield from little eyes. This also allows you to see some of the people society worships and how they party. This is the mild side of it from what eye witnesses tell us. This appears to be a way to seed the conscience and get more people to normalize cannibalism and more depravity.

Why do they keep glorifying skeletons over bodies and their sick mock rituals? So more "Elites" here,

Now think of all the songs, bands, groups who have sung about Satan, hell, a party in hell, killing and songs like Katy Perry's Bon Apetite, where they prepare her for cooking. Why do they enjoy these things? Is this the kind of art you like? Why do they want to normalize such wicked behavior? Their fans Love it because, "hey it's just funny!" They're constantly justifying their consumption of this kind of content because it's "not real, just for art and humor."

Passed off a family comedy and likely many families aiding in the "programming" of their children, seeding the conscience that, it's just another lifestyle! . Signs of the times?

Check this one out if you're not familiar then consider the following,

Santa Clarita Diet - Baal's Barefaced Bloodlust Being Blatantly Bolstered In Society As Normal

So they spell the name Milk which appears to be associated with Harvey Milk,

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They claim this,

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You decide what they are really about,

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Look who we have here,

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Check out his background and life devoted to debauchery which he is really outspoken about, not to mention, connected to Rachel Chandler, whose pic I also found on the Terra Mar instagram,

Remember her family integral in building up that port at Long Beach, and just like Ghilsaine Maxwell, who helped network Epstein and get him "connected" to certain elites, Chandler's family Also involved in media like Maxwell's family.


More on Chandler the child handler,


What they did at this Milk party, they're doing on the other coast,

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Think about it, Standard Hotel Schiff is connected to on the West Coast And one on the East Coast.

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His instagram,

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The misplaced emotional drama with no basis Except that Good threatens the ways of the wicked!

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Encouraging their party lifestyle. ..sometimes born into it and definitely programmed.

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This guy looks like a SICK predator from his instagram. Look at what he and some Wolf guy say to Chandler below,

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Yet another sicko. Possible pedo?


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You can tell how old the other sicko is right here without question,

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WHERE have we heard This before?

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Hasting Wilson's Instagram, What in the world are these people into? What do they Keep signaling?
For One, many troubled kids and teens out there and you can easily see who is more than Willing and Ready to prey upon them.

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How is this cute? Cute to a Demon maybe.

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You can see by her vimeo she's into sick stuff. ..why are they scoping out this kid's instagram?


What's with this? Just look at their names and what they are saying. Now ask yourself, What are these people about? It certainly isn't just a mere interest in children.

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These people are into some really weird stuff and they are Very Connected to these kids.

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Satan is their god and they keep referring to sex magic. . .which is part of the Aliester Crowley crowd, a known satanist.

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What in tarnation? Why is this reminding me of the AI backed by Epstein and that talent agency in Hollywood connected to Hanx? They speak of a 3d unbound Omniverse.

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Remember how we've talked about Alice Bailey of the Lucifer Trust now known as Lucis Trust? Look how well they infiltrated the churches and got people like this to forsake their creator in favor of this. Notice the praising of the sun god Ra.

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More here, could be here all day, but you get the Picture!


Here's another kid I found through here,


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Why does this all look like the same level of debauchery with Christine Blasey Ford and her high school yearbook?


This girl's instagram here,


Found this girl on one of these kid's pages. I know who she is, she played in the Lovely Bones, show about a Pedophile, stalker, kidnapper, murderer.

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This guy whose handle looks like this says he would love to portrait her,

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Have they had access to Saoirse Ronan since she was a baby? Clothing fits time period of 90's.

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Notice the modeling agency,

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This looks like another mural we did a study on a while back.

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Check out the article link here, then scroll down to last comment for more info.


What in the world are they doing?

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If you scan the comments on the posts you will find a host of film makers, connections to model agencies, photographers and you Will see what these people are all about along with an agenda they are pushing.

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Is that JFKjr's pic on top?

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On their Velem page for film, is this Miley Cyrus? They have sure done a number on this girl. Been in Hollywood since a child and we keep hearing actors talking about being molested since the age of 6 like Bella Thorn.

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You don't have to poke around for too long to see Clearly what they are all about.

Check this out, they are connected to a fashion high school. That's convenient for their sick agenda.

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In this video you can see how they are not just trying to merge elements, but the signaling of merging dimensions, which is what Cern has been accessing and trying to bring into our dimension.

In HOUSE you can see how Milk studios has it's hands in Everything.

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What do You SEE them pushing?

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It can be very subtle, at other times blatant and right in your face. Like a poke in the eye to those of us who are awake.

Genesis 3:1

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

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You know what, we Can't believe we would FALL for eating something that is Not Butter that globalists control! Why are we eating unnatural foods? Who is always against what was natural and coming from God's creation? Who wishes to distort Everything that God created and pushes towards transhumanism. People like Epstein Back AI and Transhumanism. Check it out here,

Epstein backed virtual software for gaming and sophia dolls link between pedophilia and AI

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Go here and you will see so many more Corporations and Industry they are involved with,


Art? Or are they Programming with certain themes?

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This is on their Milk XYZ page,

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This page of full of "What" they are involved in,

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Calling this sex education and posing these kids in this manner,

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This is all Kinds of creepy. Especially when you realize what these people are all about.

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This from here,

Amy and Nick Boyajian are partners in both business and life. Together they are the co-founders of Wild Flower, an online sex shop that’s defying the tightly kept gender, body, and racial norms that are quick to define the adult industry. As former sex worker themselves, Amy met Nick at a time in each of their lives when they were questioning the systems and rules around one another.

Both Amy and Nick have unique coming-of-age stories which deeply influence their mission at WF, and drive home their passion for ruthless standards of inclusivity. From their upbringings, to open relationship

My background is in technology and building operational systems for growing business so I’m taking that and applying it to this mission. I’m also a musician, and a creator. I do a lot of animation, and also really enjoy building robots.

This says it all.

I grew up in a place called Birmingham England, which is a very blue collar working town. I had pretty much hands-off parenting. My parents were very self involved so I was kind of just left to my own devices. I ended up moving to America to get away from domestic abuse happening in my house, and I moved straight to Southern California where my Dad was living with his new family.


Red Bull Arts New York presents Gretchen Bender: So Much Deathless, the first posthumous retrospective of the life and work of the influential, multi-disciplinary artist.

WHAT in the world?

A standout star in the current Whitney Biennial, Brooklyn-based photographer John Edmonds titled his show “Between Pathos & Seduction” after a love poem—which is also a meditation on representations of gay black desire—by Essex Hemphill.
And this photo with the above description,
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And with this photo,

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Throughout her career, Julia Scher has studied modes of surveillance as well as notions of safety and control. American Promises, her first solo exhibition in New York in 15 years, features works from the late 1980s to the mid-2000s along with a new sound piece titled North to South. Other pieces include the four-hour confessional video Discipline Masters (1988) and Mothers Under Surveillance (1993), which includes a live feed of the gallery alongside footage of marginalized elderly women.

This on another page,

Heartbreak, love, hope; these are the vibes Jesse Jo Stark is providing. Last Summer, we checked in with Stark after she wrapped up tour with Sunflower Bean. Now, after wrapping up a tour with The Heavy and putting out her latest track, Lady Bird

The suit from Virginia Roberts stated,

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She looks young and like the girl on the Terra Mar Project instagram

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looks like her name is Anna Ling.

Many of the girls were supplied by modeling agency head Jean Luc Brunel.

“Epstein, Brunel and Maxwell loved orgies with kids - that is, having sexual interactions with many young teenagers at the same time," Roberts said - sometimes as many as ten.
Roberts parted ways with Epstein in 2002, when he sent her to Thailand to study massage. She met and married a man there.
Epstein, 61, pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting sex from a minor and spent 13 months in prison. Roberts and three other victims are fighting to overturn a secret non-prosecution agreement he signed with the feds, which identified as many as 40 underaged victims. The deal also spared his “co-conspirators” from prosecution, and Roberts’ attorneys say those co-conspirators include Maxwell, Prince Andrew, Brunel, and Dershowitz.

According to court documents, police investigators found a “clear indication that Epstein’s staff was frequently working to schedule multiple young girls between the ages of 12 and 16 years old literally every day, often two or three times per day.”
One victim, in sworn deposition testimony, said Epstein began sexually assaulting her when she was 13 years old and molested her on more than 50 occasions over the next three years. The girls testified they were lured to Epstein’s home after being promised hundreds of dollars to be his model or masseuse, but when they arrived, he ordered them to take off their clothes and massage his naked body while he masturbated and used sex toys on them.

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida prepared charging documents that accused Epstein of child sex abuse, witness tampering and money laundering, but Epstein took a plea deal before an indictment could be handed up.
On Sept. 24, 2007, in a deal shrouded in secrecy that left alleged victims shocked at its leniency, Epstein agreed to a 30-month sentence, including 18 months of jail time and 12 months of house arrest and the agreement to pay dozens of young girls under a federal statute providing for compensation to victims of child sexual abuse.

In exchange, the U.S. Attorney’s Office promised not to pursue any federal charges against Epstein or his co-conspirators.
Florida attorney Brad Edwards, who represented some of Epstein’s alleged victims, is suing the federal government over the secret non-prosecution agreement in hopes of having it overturned. Edwards claimed in court records that the government and Epstein concealed the deal from the victims “to prevent them from voicing any objection, and to avoid the firestorm of controversy that would have arisen if it had become known that the Government was immunizing a politically-connected billionaire and all of his co-conspirators from prosecution of hundreds of federal sex crimes against minor girls.”

American Digital News https://americandigitalnews.com/2017/12/02/jeffery-epstein-little-st-james-island-spotlight/#.WuXOktMvz_Q



More people are On It now that Epstein has been arrested so msm can't help but need some reporting.


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