I, Tonya: I, Likey

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago (edited)

I was alive when the whole Tonya / Nancy thing was going on and therefore this movie was pretty special for me. I don't like to admit it, but I had a crush on Tonya Harding with her redneck hairdo and all.


For those of you that are unfamiliar with the controversy, Tonya Harding was a figure skater that wasn't exactly from the pedigree that you would expect a figure skater to come from. Her family was not wealthy, she was properly redneck, and she just happened to be an extremely gifted skater. She had an abusive upbringing as is all-too-common in this particular demographic and this carried on to her married life which was wrought with domestic abuse. Yet, through it all she managed to become one of the best skaters in the world.

one of the few chain-smokers to ever compete at an Olympic level

The major reason why people remember Tonya unfortunately is that her husband and his idiot friend who lives with his parents but somehow believe he is a world-class body guard, orchestrated an attack on her rival, Nancy Kerrigan, breaking her knee in the process. Tonya (to this day) maintains that she didn't know about the plan and after watching the movie I believe her.

You can't help but feel sorry for Tonya when watching this film because the entire skating community is against her because of her life off the ice. She doesn't fit into the category that they think the sport represents and therefore will vote her down despite the fact that she is better than most of the people she is competing against. There are people out there that believe that at one point in time anyway, that Tonya was the best figure skater in the world.

The acting is perfect (especially if you know redneck lifestyles,) the CGI (that obviously needed to be used because the actors aren't world-class skaters) is executed perfectly, and switching between interviews of the characters and live-action helps to keep the viewer up to speed on the story.

This film won tons of awards including an Academy Award for "Best Supporting Actress" awarded to Allison Janney and she definitely deserves it. I actually thought it was Katie Sagal because their voices sound the same.

One funny aspect of the film is that the star, Margot Robbie, didn't realize that the film was based on real events while reading the script. I guess she isn't old enough.

My opinion might be a little biassed because I remember the actual events very well but it is still worth watching if you have no idea what I am talking about.

8 / 10


Hello, I'm very interested in your article and I've done a brief research on the Internet on the life of this skater, there are really different versions on the life of this extraordinary sportswoman.
Sometimes we believe that sport changes our lives, but social pressure, especially in these sports where athletes and traditionally belong to a high-income social circle, the participation of low-income people is much more difficult for them, because coaches, athletes, parents, the press and the general public do not know or do not want to dissociate social differences from the sporting part.
They make low-income sportspeople feel excluded for economic and social reasons, without seeing that they need greater support for having made a double effort, firstly to overcome all the adverse situations they face in their family and social environment, and then for the situations of exclusion within sport itself, forgetting the mercy that must guide our hearts, to support these human beings whose lives have been so difficult.

nice synopsis. i'm happy you did some research and to be honest i think that you are correct.

This movie was not at all what I expected. It was so much better! I really enjoyed the way it was presented with different characters telling their stories. All of the characters are doppelgängers for their real counterparts. I learned quite a lot that I did not know about the whole sordid Tonya Harding story. If the movie is to be believed, the story is quite different than the story I thought was true. All of the performances are strong and Allison Janney is appropriately creepy and crazy as Tonya’s horrible, abusive mother. The backstory is quite riveting and I was glued to the screen. Ever a dull moment. An excellent movie

once again, your description is far more poetic than my own. :)

I watched this again a couple weeks ago and meant to write a review about it but never got around to it. I really like how it focuses on class and the destroys myths about class mobility. If we have a meritocracy, then here is someone with more talent than any of her wealthier rivals. But she still gets lower scores despite record achievements.

I always love real life events turn into movie because it gives both in depth and good over view of the whole story. And since the story will be properly well research, it makes it more informative. When i read the Wolf of Wall Street before going on to watch the movie, i never knew that it was a true life story. The kind of lifestyle shown in the movie was so hard to imagine real. I havent seen the movie or heard the story before but am a real fan of ice skating so i will add it up my list

I think one of the problems we faced as human is analysed in this movie, when people hate you, they hate you without a cause, and when they love you, they just love you as well.

People loving or hating you does not mean you are good or bad or that you are doing things correctly or wrongly, they just react and treat you as they want....

8/10 is not a bad rating at all, for the fact that the movie is a true life story says a lot about it as well.

I, Tonya: I, Likey
I think one of the problems we face as humans is analyzed in this film, the fact that the film is a real life story says a lot about it too.
I love real life events that turn into movies, this movie was not at all what I expected. It was much better!

A very exciting movie, struggling in the midst of a violent world to succeed to be the best skater.
Like @gooddream

I thought Nancy was hotter than Tonya

i think most other people did too.

You looking beauty

Is good one, i actually like nonfiction movies, especially one with a little humor like this one, is quite funny margot didnt realize it is based on a reap story though

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