Help @futuremind get Joe Rogan onto steemit.

in #getjoeonthetrain7 years ago (edited)

Today I came across a profile I had not seen before and after reading what he had posted today, I have decided to get behind his project to bring UFC commentator, Joe Rogan, On to the steemit platform.

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@futuremind has posted a video that shows the reaction of Joe, after he was told about a site called As well as being a huge fan of the UFC, I am also a huge fan of the steemit platform. So the reaction that came from Joe Rogan, once the penny-dropped, was enough to make my hairs stand on-end. Joe is a clued-up dude and besides him commentating at the UFC events, he also host his own web-channel. Essentially it is a chat show and Joe interviews various guest talking about all sorts of topics. It took Mr Rogan about 5 seconds to see the potential of steemit and I have to say I was impressed with his instant forward thinking about how the site could help 'The Little Man'.

I will not claim the glory of somebody else's find. Here is a link so you can watch the video clip I am referring to, from it's original steemit post. (It is only a short video. So pop over, watch the vid, give the author an up-vote, then come straight back to finish reading this article)

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OK, so now we are all on the same page, what did you think to his reaction? Makes me want to buy more Steem! By the looks of thing, I need to get in before Joe Rogan and other 'Big-Dogs' cotton onto steemit. This is just what steemit is waiting for! Folk with the following and influence, like what Joe Rogan has, can only raise the profile of steemit and from the look on Joe's face, it won't be long until we see them popping up in the steemit feed-pipe.

Personally, I can not wait for Joe's arrival on steemit. As I said earlier, I am a huge UFC fan and Joe has supplied some of the best commentary I have ever heard. Almost everything I know about the more tactical points of mixed martial arts, is due to Mr Rogan's extraordinary commentary. While keeping track of the narrative, Joe somehow manages to squeeze in a blow-by-blow tutorial for the viewers at home.

Joe Rogan keeps it real.

When I first saw a UFC fight the grappling brought out my inner child. I just smirked and felt awkward, watching two guys 69 one another didn't look like fighting. If you tried that from where I came from you would get some funny looks and probably a pitchfork up your back-side. But the excitement of what happened in the stand-up moments of a UFC fight was enough to keep me watching. Due to the way that Joe Rogan describes the action, after 2 or 3 years watching the UFC, I now know that anyone who tries to start a fight with what looks like a scene from 'Debbie does Dallas" should be treated like a leathal weapon.

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Don't worry, he doesn't want you to suck him off, but you're gonna wish he was after you find out what is about to happen. Now pay attention, because you're just about to have you arm ripped out of its socket from a sneaky Arm-bar. Or maybe you might be strangled unconscious, by a move called a 'Triangle'?

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Ha ha, now who's been buggered?
Too late to pucker-up now. Night night, it's sleepy time....

Jujitsu is an essential ground-game technique and any UFC-fighter has to have some level of competency in this form of martial art if he/she wishes to stay conscious. As the name suggests this sport involves a mixed bag of martial artists, all wanting to step into the Octagon so they can become king/Queen of the cage. For anyone wanting to claim this honour they must, at least, learn how to defend themselves against an opponent who prefers to grapple using Jujitsu expertise.

I do love an under-dog.

Before UFC came along I was a avid Boxing fan. I was lucky enough to be approaching my sporting teens when 'The Dark Destroyer', Nigel Ben, gave three of the most exciting fights I have ever seen. The fights between Chris Eubank and Nigel Ben are legendary and although the two fighters were to be involved in bouts that left their opponents with severe brain damage, it has to be said that the fight were the greatest of there time.

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One of these tragic fights was Nigel Ben v's Gerald Mclennan. This fight was nothing short of a war, between two men who despised one another. I can't watch this fight as the last few rounds make my bones shiver, knowing now what happened. The tale behind the fight, Gerald's trainer in particular, is just as fascinating as the fight itself. It has to be noted that Both Chris Eubank and Nigel Ben are good friends of the opponents that suffered after their respective fights.
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Michael Watson and Gerald Mclennan, two of the greatest that helped put the fight game where it is today.
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Back to Joe and the another of my all time greatest under-dogs, UFC-style.

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Because of my love for an under-dog, my personal favourite, UFC, fight has to be when Connor McGregor chose to take on Nate Diaz, in the 1st of their epic battles - I had no idea of who Nate Diaz was and at the time I just saw him as a bit of a journeyman. Unlike Connor, I could afford to make the misjudgement, without losing the ability to walk -

UK sports coverage comes at a premium, so the only reference I had to the UFC, was the Boxing shown on terrestrial TV and after the advent of digital TV (This is when the UK began to receive more than 5 channels) a show called 'Bushido' gave me my first taste of Mixed Martial-Arts. A foreign sports recording, Bushido was aired in the mid 90's on Bravo. 'Bushido'(The T.V. show not the meaning of the word) was a much less refined version of the UFC, but OMFG! was it exciting. So when, years later, I was shown a video of some mouthy Irish fella, named Connor McGregor, doing a Jean Claude van Dam impersonation, I was instantly fascinated and wanted to see more.

As I tuned into the UFC and kept an eye on Connor's fight card, It just became an obsession. This guy was fucking awesome and he didn't tend to want to stick his junk in his opponents face. But as Connor's career accelerated, like a rocket ship to space, his opponents became more versatile. Stand-up fighting against Connor McGregor is like trying to french-kiss a crocodile. You might get a peck, but in the end you're gonna lose your head.

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Just ask Jose Aldo: Unbeaten for over 10 years, before this stunning defeat that took Connor just 13 seconds to perform. This was also one of my favourite moments of commentary by Joe Rogan when he interviewed Jose after the fight.

Like I said, Joe really keeps it real with some of the most honest(and brave) interviewing I have ever heard. (Skip to 2min48s to see exactly what I mean)

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Very quickly, indeed, Joe.
Good on you, for respectfully squashing Jose Aldo's sour grapes.
(I think he is still bitching about it, to this day)

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Conner, being the amazing fighter he is, knew that he had to study-up on his Jujitsu if he was serious about "taking over". His natural fighting-style had seen him tear through his preferred weight class and with a lack of worthy opponents, Connor began to look at becoming a champion in 2 weight classes, at the same time!

This would be a feat of epic proportions(Relatively speaking, it is only sport after all). To achieve this, Connor McGregor knew that he had to test himself against someone he thought was 'just about right'. Connor would be fighting out of his natural weight-class and not only did he have to worry about his opponents heavy fists, he would have to worry about their, longer, stronger arms. Arms that had the ability to squeeze the life out of him, if he was to go to the mat.

In combat, heavier fighters tend to produce more explosive fights, but they are always hampered by their stamina. Anyone who has even laced-up a pair of boxing-gloves and fought for more than 30 seconds, will tell you that it is absolutely exhausting. The level of fitness required to fight 12 rounds of Boxing must be painful to achieve and that is a fight that only require the use of 2 limbs to attack with.

Add in kicks, knees, elbows, wrestling, Jujitsu and you can count out about 99.99998% of society. This also stands for the fighters in the UFC and it pays to learn Jujitsu. Not only does this give you an extra form of attack, but it also allows you to take a breather. The Jujitsu-masters that have entered the Octagon in the past have all done well, non more than legendary fighter Jean St Pierre. But it goes to prove my point, that if you want to be the best of the best, you have to be worthy in all forms of martial arts. To my book, there is only one fighter that can truly claim this achievement.

That person would be Demetrious 'Mighty Mouse' Johnson.

I could go on forever about why this guy is such a phenomenal fighter, but I think I will just show you this clip instead...

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Credit given, where credit is due

It is because of the passionate commentary, given by Joe Rogan, that I understand these finer points in UFC fighting. Without his talents and attention to the detail, that not everyone knows what's going on, the UFC would not be were it is today. New viewers would not be able to see the true beauty of this sport and many would just turn back to Boxing, if it wasn't for Joe Rogan's commentary.

The other 0.000002%

After being schooled by Mr Rogan, in the finer points of this amazing sport, it has allowed me to appreciate the fight between Nate Diaz and Connor McGregor on a whole new level.

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Knowing what it means to be a black-belt in the Brazilian art of Jujitsu, makes the fight between these two guys more than interesting. After all of the pre-fight shenanigans had passed, it was looking like Connor was going to have a good night in the cage, against what always appears to be a slow-witted Nate Diaz. Connor is a silver-tongued paddy and his press conferences have had much to do with what made him so appealing.

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After destroying Nate in their verbal exchanges, it was expected, by most, that Nate would be needing his food pureed, following the whoopin that was about to be handed to him. Especially if Nate was to try his usual, George Foreman, boxing style.

Knowing what I do now, you can hit Nate Diaz with a anvil and he would just keep on coming at you.
(Nobody said it has to look pretty).

"I'm not surprised, mother-fuckers!"

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Never underestimate a thug, because one mans witty comment is another mans 'Stockton slap'.

A great fight that lead to a second fight that would be just as good, if not better than the first. After this fight, I am now anticipating the return of Nate Diaz to the UFC. I miss the attitude and he deserves more than what he received in return for giving us, not just a fight, but a epic journey that still has not concluded to this day. Will we ever see Connor and Nate settle the scores and fight the epic trilogy fight that everyone wants to see. Connor deserves his accolades and all his cash for what he has done but it is a shame that the sport itself has suffered through the 'celebrity' status of some fighters. I can't take the UFC seriously when it comes to Belts and ranking because it seems it is all about the excitement, rather than the ranking. This isn't necessarily a bad formula but it would be better if the UFC would decide one way or another. It isn't fair that some fighters wait years to work their way through the ranks, only to be pushed aside because an old legend has decided to top his bank-account up and mount a come-back. It just makes a mockery of the ranking system when you use this WWE approach, when choosing the next main event.

That being said, the UFC have given more than they have taken from m and the world of Boxing has become such a farce that you simply don't get to see the fights that should happen. The fact that Floyd Mayweather ducked Manny Pacquiao until he was passed his prime. Says it all to me and I have began to find boxing a little tedious.
(Nobody wants to watch a great fighters spend 2 years fighting nobodies to build a reputation. That shit should not be televised!)

The fans do not get a good enough return from Boxing anymore and all I have to say to that is more fool you.

Viva la UFC and thank god it has Joe Rogan on the mic. The guy is second to none and the only reason I don't watch his web-show is because I don't really visit You-tube for long periods of time. The adverts spoil the experience and I have no intentions of assisting a mega-corporation that is part of the control grid. I am led to believe that Joe Rogan also tries to go against promoting mainstream products and I hope that he will come over to steemit for this kind of reason. I would love to have a direct link to his work and his web-show.

So Joe?! Get yourself on steemit and get this mother-lovin party started!!!

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Thanks for reading. If you liked it, please click an upvote or re-steem. It really does help the little minnows keep going.


All images sourced from google.


I enjoy his podcasts.
Back when he hosted that dare show, I Was never a fan, actually thought he came off as a bit of a tool. Then saw him start announcing for UFC and thought...... what?
Did some research on him and thought wow, interesting fella. Now I quite enjoy his work, His stand up wasnt that great. But definitely like how versatile the bloke is.
Would definitely follow him if he came over.
We are actually watching DMT the spirit molecule as I write this.

Are you talking about fear factor? He did seem like he was playing a role... Looking back now. I think he's awesome! And I actually know people that thought he was a chode until I was like "dude are you kidding me? Here watch some of these podcasts with me" ... And now most of the people I know that said things of that nature have changed their views after getting to know what the man is all about.

That's it fear factor, ever see the episode him and a contest had a bit of a heated moment.
Funniest thing is he can actually fight, he's not just an announcer.

@futuremind, I Couldn't agree more. How many years has he been doing podcasts now?
Actually, Russell brand and Ashton Kutcher are two more celebrities that really surprised me also.

I'm not even sure but it's been at least a few I'm sure, and yes I'm aware he's a bad ass. Check him out on YouTube kicking a punching bag. I had just smoke some weed prior to watching that, and was just sitting there with my jaw agape.

If you've seen it you know what I'm talking about. He is an insanely strong man, and 5'8'' tall.

And I can't say I really remember fear factor too well, I always thought the contestants were fake flakey celebs, and the whole show just had an air of fakeness to me, but I could be wrong. There were certainly some pretty healthy athletic people on the show, including Mr Rogan himself.

The contestants from time to time, did appear to be quite brainless and phoney. Maybe that's why he came across a bit strange at times, having to put up with some airhead douche contestants and still hold his shit together enough to host the show?

Bit of both... Rogan kicking the bag, and his scuffle on fear factor.
(this is not my video)

Yeah Joe is a beast! I don't believe I ever saw that! 😄You could tell he wanted to bring the knee up, but he handled it like a pro.

I have just started to hear about this guy. I know him fro UFC and that's pretty much it. Surprised to hear about his career, never knew he had done so much previous. He sounds like he has his heart in the right place so he gets my vote. Thanks for the comment, very interesting.

Fantastic blog. You are a wonderful writer! Totally following you.

Thanks pal, that's good of you to say :)

Superb! You are an exceptional blogger! Resteemed!

I really loved your breakdown of McGregor /Diaz.

You put your heart into this post!


Thanks :) I have really started to enjoy writing since coming to steemit. Glad it showed. Going to tidy up are the bad punctuation. I really need to re-do my English exams...

then I usually have to do at least three edits before posting, and usually at least another two or three after posting. The struggle is indeed real.

We all have to start somewhere. Thanks for the empathy dude, much appreciated. I've tried a few vlogs but it makes me feel very exposed after and that takes a lot of getting used to. Respect for doing what you do bro.

Can't you tell I'm a little nervous when I do the vlogs? Lol. It's challenging to act natural in front of a camera when you know large quantities of individuals may be watching you at any given time.

Your welcome friend. I can't thank you enough for putting my name on your vlog! We may be able to collaborate from time to time.

Mate, it goes with the territory to promote others with good content. No appearance of nerves that I noticed, you flow did get better as it went along but for me it was entertaining start to finish. Good topic to talk about and positive too. Would be great to link up bud, just drop me message bro.

That makes me feel good to know watching my vlog was an enjoyable experience for you!

I'd swap 2 years of MSM for 2 hours of good vlogs/blogs. steemit has some great content.
Hope you've managed to see the green-man by now ;)

That's a great post one...I appreciate your post...Resteemit dear...👌👌

So wide discussing blog.You have include some video and realized sentence i am still watching those video.
Thank a lot

This post has received a 71.43 % upvote from @kittybot thanks to: @article61.

go ahead D:

Hi Dear!
Many expect the voting when I see zero open steemit post, so that's bad.
please come on my blog

Come on your what?! You need to calm down dear.

We definitely need to attract some top talent if we want to keep this ball rolling.

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