Travel Tunes Tuesday #2

in #german7 years ago

Last week, I started a tag called #TravelTunes that you can post every Tuesday. I decided to use the thumbnail that @daveonarrival made this time! He made a great one!

Click here to see the original post.

I want to shares songs that we heard while traveling, or that make us think of our travels. Or just other countries in general. I’m all about music from around the world.

Did you know music has been scientifically proven to be able to put you in a better mood instantly? And it’s also been used to help patients with head injury to remember things?

So excited to connect with you guys through music!!!

Here are my 3 songs for this week:

Casey Abrams- Ghosts

I love the line that says “Always traveling I’m going somewhere.” It’s talking about me! This song just makes me happy. My first time hearing it was ironically while I was traveling on a road trip with a friend.

Anna Blue- So Allein

I love the animations with this. I seriously think that’s half of why I liked this song. Plus it’s a good one to listen to if you want to learn German, which is why I was listening to it. I was teaching myself German about 5 years ago while preparing for my trip to Germany.

It’s a very easy one to learn vocabulary with because it’s just present tense, nothing complicated.

It basically says “I’m so sad and so alone. Why will you never be mine?” Relatable because I’m sure we’ve all been through this at some point.

Relatable, but not very useful for everyday German haha. I think if I went up to a German person and said “I’m so sad and alone…when I look out my window, the sky is always gray” they’d just think I’m a weirdo haha.

This next one, I like because it has an animation of a guy that I always just assume is singing about the girl from the video link above, and that she is singing about him.

3.Damien Dawn- Mein Herz

These songs must be from some animated show or something. If you know, let me know!

I just love how combined, they tell such a beautiful story together.

“I look in your heart and discover myself but I’ll never be a part of your world. When you search for me, just look into your heart” is basically what it says. Oh man, I just love these two songs together!!!( For some reason I feel like @cryptosharon would like these animations…maybe because of the Crypto Empire banner at the bottom of your page)

Next week…I’ll share some songs from India and Albania! And who knows where else!

Here are the guidelines for this tag so we can share music w/ each other:

🌍 On Tuesdays, make a post with #traveltunes somewhere
in the tags (doesn't have to be the first one).

🌍 Post a link to your 3 favorite songs from your country or that you
heard while traveling (you can do more if you want).

🌍 Tell us a little bit about why you like the song/ where you heard
it, etc. Doesn't have to be long.

                                       <center> I’ll do my best to upvote everyone with the tag #traveltunes!  </center>

will definitely use this hashtag

Yay! I'm excited to hear your music!

Wah! It's Tuesday already. I need to put my TTTuesday up.
Nice songs

Yay I wanna hear your songs again!!! I know... now it's Wednesday. I can't believe that either! lol

This is a brilliant idea! Does it have to be 3 songs? Is 1 or 2 ok?
I love this line too - “Always traveling I’m going somewhere.” My version is "If you don't see me traveling, I'm planning for the next travel." ;)

It can be any number you want! I just love sharing playlists with people!! I want to post like 100 songs...but I figure that's too much for one post, hehe :) Lol that's so true!!! I want to travel somewhere even when I'm already traveling! haha

At first I was like ..huh .. how is that a travel topic BUT it is. There are so many songs I associate to certain travel locations. I should think of a list and do a post as well. What a neat idea!

Yeah I'd love to hear it!!! I'm forever looking for new music...isn't it crazy how you can hear a song and it instantly takes you back to some certain time and place? Smells and food do that too...I love it. There are definitely lists of songs that I hear and I instantly think "Dominican" or "Colombia" or whatever. Mainly because I never would have heard those songs if I didn't go to those places! Excited to hear your songs!!

Look at you doing so well here! Congratulations. I love the theme. 15 years ago when had my first ticket to leave my home town of Albany. (A ticket I bought over the phone as the internet wasn't working like that just yet)..... I recall later that day my dad having the oldies station on in the car, and John Denver...."Leaving on a Jet Plane" came on. I'll never forget that. I've listened to that song many times over the years, and since I'm always traveling it's always before I'm leaving on a jet plane!

So glad you and I have connected on here. Hope you are having a great day! -Dan

haha awww I love that story!! Perfect timing lol. Wow, that threw me back to a travel song from when I was 8. It was my first cross country road trip ever with my dad. Maybe my first "travel song" I can remember! But it has nothing to do with travel. It's called "My Maria." Weird that your story just took me back 20 years lol.

I'm glad we connected, too. I was thinking of you for the MOST random thing today...have you ever heard of Matico/seen it in Ecuador?

My Maria! I'll have to look that up on your tube. Matico, yes I've heard of it. Don't know much about it. Saw it being sold on the street once in Quito. Sounds like you caught the travel bug early! Keep up the great work and I'll be in touch! -Dan

Lol it's an old country song from the 90s. You maybe eighteenth like it. I like it just for the memories.

Matico is great! I just gave all of mine to a friend who was nauseous and now I wish I had some lol that's why I thought of it.

Awfully Generous you are! But sounds like some good stuff!

Love this ❤ music and travel are food for the soul..enjoyed your post.Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, I think so too! I'd love to hear some of your songs that you like!

I have a different playlist 4 my differents modes 😊🤓 Mode...Cooking Mode..Gym Mode..Travelling Mode...even a bed/Chill time playlist that has abit of Kenny G and some ypga/meditation/nature songs...

I heard heard scientifically proven put us in a better mood instanly but depend on which kind of music (I am not talking about the music in your post but in general) plus I did not know that music could help people with head injury. The idea of #traveltunes looks very interesting . Thanks for sharing

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