Still another ugly rock?
We recently had another street purchase that yielded yet another ugly but interesting rock.
It was not very appealing and I told the person I wasn't interested. He asked if I knew what it was and I told him it was a leverite. He then asked me what a leverite is. My response; le-ver-ite there and smiled. He asked if I would give anything for it. I said no and he promptly left. He's a regular that comes in at least once a week to sell rocks he finds. Occasionally he brings in something worth buying. He came back a few days later with the same rock along with some others. This time he had several nice pieces with it. So we haggled and I bought the lot. This piece is about the size of a golf ball and from the naked eye, and looks like a piece of dinosaur bone. Of course I had to check it out under the scope. What a difference.
Instead of seeing pits like I expected, there are broken nodules and extrusions which look like little cave formations.
So the next time you are tempted to dismiss an ugly rock, take a closer look.
The nodules under the microscope are really cool! Must look pretty when polished :D
They look better under the stereo scope viewing through both lenses. Very 3D. Unfortunately the camera sees only through one lens. Don't know about polishing. The nodules are very small and might disappear if polished.
Neat, is it some sort of aggregate?
Quite possible on a micro scale.
I wonder if it is of volcanic origin?
Could be. I've seen much larger rocks that have those same extrusions, but because they are so big, they don't look like this piece. I may post one of those tomorrow as a sort of follow up to this post. We have three volcanic sites here in NM.
Keep on writing and stay curious!
I do not know what kind of stones they are, but I liked them!
Especially on the first and second photo!
I will be interested to see and other stones.
I just posted a follow up blog relating to this stone 9 hours ago. I'm sure you will find it interesting as well. I will endeavor to make more posts similar to these regularly.
I'll take a look now!