in #geology6 years ago (edited)

Selenology: This is a branch of astronomy that deals/study the origin and physical features of the moon.


The moon is a gravitational body having gravitational influences on the earth, it orbit planet earth, and its earth natural satellite.
The distance of the moon to the earth is 384,400km and it has a radius of about 1,737km. Its the second brightest object after the sun, and its bigger in volume in about 21.9 billion cubic km


Lunar geology or selelogy is the study of the moon's crust, rocks , strata etc.

Lunar landscape:

The lunar landscape is characterised by impact craters, ejecta, a few volcanoes, hills lava flows and depressions filled by magma. The near side of the moon is dominated by two types of terrain.

Ejecta: They are materials that were excavated from the surface, as a result of the impact.

Crater: coned shape/funnel shaped depression formed from the impact of meteorite or volcanic explosion. You can see those dark spots in the picture below.


Lunar tends to cover two broad area of study which are:

Lunar Maria

Lunar Terra

Lunar Maria (singular - mare):

it is referred to as (oceans), ocean in this context does not mean physical water body, when observed from the earth, the moon from the distance, it is flat and has a smooth terrain which was referred to as oceans. Dark lava flows that cover 17% of the moon.

The major products of volcanic processes on the moon are evidence to the earth-bound observer in the form of the lunar maria. These are large flows of basaltic lava that correspond to low - albedo surfaves covering nearly a third of the near side. Only a few percent of the farside has been affected by mare volcanism.




The Lunar Maria:

• Darker plain.
• Basaltic in composition.
• Only a few percent of the farside has been affected by a mare volcanism.
• They are clearly younger than the surronding highland.

Lunar Terra (Highland):

Referred to as the brightest side of the moon, geologic studies of the moon are based on earth's telescope observation, measurement of orbiting space crafts, lunar samples, geophysical data.


The highlands are anorthositic in composition, the highland are older than the visible maria, and hence are more heavily cratered.


The Highland (Terra):

• Brighest surface/zone.
• Anorthositic in composition.
• Older and heavily cratered.

A location on the moon were sampled by the Apollo mission in the late 60's and 70's which returned approximately (385kg) of rock sample and soil from the moon. The moon is the only extra-terrestrial body for which we can obtain samples. The terrae is completely covered in craters.


A handful of lunar meteorites have been recognised on the surface of the earth, though they are source such craters from the moon are unknown. The substantial of the lunar surface have not be explored, therefore a good number of (geological/selenological question remains unanswered.

The geology of the moon is quite different from that of planet earth mainly due to the fact that there is no atmosphere, Hence the phenomena such as weather or erosion due to weather does not apply to the moon.

The moon is tectonically inactive, by tectonism we mean (ground motion).

It has low gravity than the earth because of its relative small size.









far side of the moon was not seen until the astronaut landed on the moon. Now scientist want to explore farther planets of the solar system like Jupiter and Saturn.

wait, what? the moon is bigger then planet earth? wooaahhh

I kinda cant believe it! maybe i read it wrong lol

The earth is bigger than the moon, typo error

Nope, the author is just wrong.

Didn't know the moon had volcanos, good to know am surprised the moon is bigger than earth, always thought earth was bigger

Earth is bigger, the author doesn't know what he's talking about.

The moon has a diameter less than 1/3 that of the Earth's, and masses only 1/81st as much as the Earth. So, in fact, it's much, much smaller. In fact, the last sentence of this piece even says that "It has low gravity than the earth because of its relative small size." Relative here means, of course, it's being compared in size to the Earth. The conflict between that and your claim that the Moon is larger leads me to believe you've copied at least segments of this piece. Flagging this post for terrible science and suspected plagiarism.

Aha see now that makes a lot more sense, I believed it for a second but then was like, wait, what the fuckin shit? Lol. Plagerism checked and it is at least 15 % plagiarized, plus no sources cited. Thank you @mountainwashere for being cool and seeing this, I must have been pretty stoned lol.@baeineka, what the heck ?

Didn't even clue into there being no sources cited, nice catch.

Sorry for the mistake and not cited the work, i have done that already

Its was a shitty mistake, my mind was engrossed in something else, i was typing from a note i formed in class. Will also cite it too?

No, you plagiarized this post from the Wikipedia article on the Moon. Over half the text came directly from it. And I like how you edited your comments as well as the main article.

@mountainwashere you dont just flag a post like that because have SP, u didnt even try to correct me, that i made a mistake somewhere, let me ask u a question, dont u make mistake?.
C'mon lets be human, i may not be perfect seeing that mistake. Thanks again for showing me my mistake! Thanks for the flagging too😒😒😒😒

The flagging was for the plagiarism, not the mistake. I checked the body of your text through a plagiarism detector, and it came back as being nearly 60% plagiarized from the wikipedia article on the Moon.

Oh, and hey, look at that, your sedimentary rock article registers as plagiarized as well.

No fucking way, the sedimentary rock article i can bet u came from my head, didnt copy any shit. Fuck!!! Is it because i dont reference?

Well, you not referencing them is a problem, but I literally ran your post's text through a plagiarism checker.

This is not something new, billions of people have written about them over some century ago

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