
Conetrails, chemtrails are not real.

Edit: Check your world view. It clouds your acuity.

Sure... im sure the planes run on water and produce ice crystals...

He supposed to be a scientist.Chemtrails dont exist?Contrails happen when a plane is at 30,000 feet due to cold conditions up there and they dissipate.They dont hang in the air hour hours.Do these people ever take there eyes off there mobiles and look up.@justtryme90 try searching solar shield.Not that i personally believe that is the real reason for them.You should really inform yourself for your own awareness and that of your loved ones whom this is effecting....Everyone one the planet

I guess it shows quite a lot about our scientists..
This is all science, geoengineering.. sad, really..

He supposed to be a scientist.

I'm employed as one at least. :)

Contrails happen when a plane is at 30,000 feet due to cold conditions up there and they dissipate


They dont hang in the air hour hours

Why not? :) Moisture trapped around particulate matter forms a cloud.

ok ill post a video today,for you to see with your own eyes,on plane with contrails that dissipate and a chemtrail plane that hangs for hours.Also do you also say that David Keith is tell fibs and solar shield is not real,bearing in mind its coming from Harvard uni?Nice apples yeh

What's wrong with a solar shield?

Well they say they are spraying aluminum in the sky

Water is a byproduct of a combustion reaction...

So water is a byproduct, what do planes run on, what is the composition of the fuel could you even list the main components ?
You could address the issue better for a scientist...

It's a hydrocarbon mix similar to diesel fuel. It has a variety of different lengthed hydrocarbons. Water is formed as the hydrocarbon chains are burned, just as it is in an automobile engine.

However it doesn't matter what I say to you anyway. That's how the mind of people into these conspiracies work, you will disregard facts that don't fit your world view.

And people who would rather not have their world view challenged disregard the facts that are right before their eyes. Con trails is right. The biggest con ever!

Just because you repeat a lie, doesn't make it true or based in reality. I can't fix stupid.

@justtryme And I can't fix arrogant, rude and blind, so I am not trying to fix you. I know what I know and your insults are not addressing my question.

As you remind me, repeating the lie about water vapour does not make it true. You provide the only argument I need to refute you.

You didn't quite scientifically address my question, you should be able to mention the top components of jet fuel.
A chemical does not need to be visible.
However i completely know that it is deliberate spraying..
You seem to be the one deluded by the internet, you see we are not talking about conspiracy theories, this are conspiracy facts, quite different, observable to the naked eye.

Why do I need to go down and list the various hydrocarbons and solvents in jet fuel? Use google.

Also, flagging me won't go well for you.

Why ? Well maybe because they are chemicals AND metals.
Also, i'm not flagging your posts, i'm flagging the comments you are making on MY post, i'm free to do it, especially when they are insulting, lying and empty.
You just awarded yourself with an upvote, your a great millionaire woho, that won't go well for you !

Looks like 2 hours research to me!;)

Listen sorry for being rude.It just gets me abit mad when some are ignorant to some things.Yes it maybe thats why contrails happen when they are very high.Did you have a look at solar shield?Another question off topic,do you believe Elon Musk put a tesla in space about 2 weeks ago?

Another question off topic,do you believe Elon Musk put a tesla in space about 2 weeks ago?

I don't believe anything. Elon did put a tesla into space two weeks ago. There is no belief. It happened.

Can you explain this for me please k.jpeg

and this

and this
chemtrails from plane.jpg

and finally this b.jpeg

That aint no contrails

Those are standard cloud formations mixed with a few jet conetrails (the criss crossing look comes from the Jets going across the Cirrus cloud formations) and a photo shopped image of a plane. The persistence of a cone trail has to do with the conditions of the atmosphere in which the plane travels. It is for this reason they can be long, or even sputter (pockets of overly dry air lead to sputtering).

Ok think will have to agree to disagree.How old are you if dont mind me asking?Im 50yrs old and if the chemtrails are not real someone needs to explain to me why the Sun and sky look so different to when i was a child.We didnt have all these New clouds and the Sun was a yellow colour.Its now white

My age is irrelevant. I'm old enough to have a PhD, and years of experience on top of it.

The sun is the same color it always was (it's actually white). The clouds are the same they've always been, you just didn't pay attention because you weren't being fed a bowl of paranoid info from the internet back then. Geoengineering COULD become a thing but it's not now and it would be a last ditch effort against climate change if all else fails. However passenger planes are not and would not be dropping chemicals. Other then the massive amounts of pollution that they have always sprayed lol.

@justtryme90 I don't care your age, I do not care about your PhD. Your a philosophical doctor, so what? What subject is that in, just quietly?

What I do know is that I was led to the chemtrail answer, from my observations of what was going on in the skies. I have been a fisherman for 40 years, and the first thing you learn is to watch the skies. Sorry to completetly refute you, but this formation of a grid of lines in the sky, followed by an overcast is not normal, natural and hunky dory. As @strangevision has pointed out, there are strange cloud formations and the trails do not dissipate, but expand to form a misty cloud that sits low and covers the sky. And then at night, miraculously, the over cast disappears, until the next day when they spray again and it is overcast again.

Also, mind explaining the oily rainbow colours that are showing up in clouds now? And the rainbow halo around the sun through the haze? Or the fact that the sunsets are as bright in the east as the west? And there are many other obvious signs you are attempting to tell me I am not seeing and it is all just an implanted vision of the internet. Nope. Sorry to tell you, you are wrong. Like I said, I started looking for answers to what I was observing, and chemtrails came closest to what I saw. I did not read about chemtrails and try to fit the theory to the evidence. I saw the evidence and found the theory that fit what I was seeing.

Lol i was asking how old just to see if you remember seeing the sun as a child.If spoken to countless people and they all remember a yellow sun.And back then i didnt pay any attention to geoengineering.I dont believe for one minute that passenger planes spray the sky.
how could they fit it all in

Oh yeah,do you believe spacex car in space is real?I only ask as your a scientist and id like to ask a few things you may know

*Checking world view: Modern planes do not produce contrails for many years

Lol, this is retarded. You can post what ever garbage you want, but that video, much like everything you believe, is stupid.

Honestly, shame on you for continuing to fight for this nonsense.

wow you got some great shots there,thats doesnt look like a plane dishing out the chems.Strange!

It really doesn't.. i might have another one from this set, but was the first time got something like this, have seen other ufos in context tough.. Be well

I know its mad ay.I read somewhere,ill try find it again to show you,but they were saying that,they whom ever they are,have some sort of cloaking system to hide they re identity.BTW sorry for have this debate with justtryme90 on your post.Im sure he is a nice guy but some are so miss informed it drives me crazy.

Yes, cloaking might be right either in the aircrafts and the sky itself.
Don't mind discussing it, don't feel sorry, it might feel bad or angry... that's the whole point discussing it.
Don't be fooled by the "contrails" even those are non persistent chemical trails, they switch from those to persistent in seconds, or off completely, no moisture changes like that.
I doubt about that, hes just dropping lines to get us going, and where going :D but yeah alot are just misinformed..

Thanksyou for your kind words.I know im right about chemtrails.Dont feed the lies i say.Im going to dig abit on the cloaking thing.Ill let you know my findings.

No, your not right. There is no fact to what you propose, just paranoia and a lack of understanding how planes and our atmosphere work. :P

Ok no problem.Agree to disagree is best.Thanks for the convo all the same

Thanks for your submission, R&U! Have a great day. :-D

1 (72).JPG

1 (41).JPG

Chemical Soup in the Skies...

we're all gonna die.

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