September 23rd and Harvey predictions and October 1st regarding the event drills on the East Coast, Sun, and Solar Flares

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

Videos from That Is Impossible Channel and Bill Cooper predictions.
Did The Simpsons Predict September 23rd 2017?

Simpsons creator=Illuminati
Season 23, Episode 9 and Season 24 Episode 9.
This massive #SolarFlare/CME triggered an 8.4 Earthquake on September 7th, 2017.
A Bigger one occurred on September 10th, 2017. Are we waiting for more?
Many people believe CERN is more of a CONCERN, in terms of EMP or CME's. People mention Time travel and portals.
A Bizarre "cloaked" object was caught on camera in LA the same day Mexico felt the 8.4 Earthquake that triggered bizarre blue lightning in the sky - a never before seen event.
This was a first time event that could be a problem in the coming years. Experts are saying this is some sort of EMP from the Sun's recent flares, other's say it's caused by #HAARP or CERN... who knows...

How Come NO ONE Saw THIS !?

"Did American Dad Season 12 Ep 9 predict the future? Aired in 2014, seems to predict Hurricane Harvey in Houston September 2017. How come no one saw this ? (misprint: 4 stormer - harvey,irma,jose,katia)"
Look at the Reporter, same outfit and look at the 3 windows representing the 3 hurricanes.
#WeatherModification spotted in Minorca, Spain with a Rainbow appearing in the water sprout/twister.
#PredictiveProgramming/Subliminal Messages NWO Agenda.
Votex Sun V thing/Projection spotted in the UK, no one knows what it is?

Don't Watch This Video If You Wanna Sleep At Night...(September 2017)

"iPhone X? No. September , Dwayne Kellum time-lapsed the sunspots, but they go clockwise! Do we only see one side of the sun, just like the moon ? Is NASA a conspiracy ?"
Do we ever see the other side of the Sun? Showed a clip from "The Signal" film.
Time lapse of the Sun Spots. The Sun is spinning Clockwise. Follow the Sunspots.
NASA=Never a Straight Answer

Dr. Auguste Piccard in 1931 was the 1st person to reach the Stratosphere, said about Earth's shape "It seemed a FLAT DISC with an upturned edge."
Admiral Byrd says in an interview in the North Pole there is an Entrance. Center of the ocean 10,000 feet deep. 1200 miles thick.
South Pole is a 5 km high Plateau. Center of Plateau 10,000 feet high. 14,000 feet up.
Byrd describes "on the other side of the South Pole" Plateau is Little America III. 5000 kilometers at least.
Set on another expedition called "Operation High Jump." Some say it was to literally jump through the Antarctica Plateau.

They don't monitor the North Pole Entrance for a reason.
Footage of a Sun coming in from the inside representing a constant sinkhole.
"Bottom of the world" as a huge antenna to steer storms.

I Just Got An Email Regarding "The Event"... (NOT SEPTEMBER 23rd 2017?)

Beware of October 1st. "Don't let fear hold you guys back. Have faith and b strong."

Of course the powers that shouldn't be are way more advanced than they lead us to believe.
All by Design, World's A Stage.
Is the Event, Project Blue Beam that Bill Cooper explains as the fake Alien Hoax?

William Cooper - The Lost Interview - never before seen (1999)

No proof that ET is real. Tons of evidence that Illuminati wants us to believe in the extraterrestrial threat existence.
Age of deception. Reagan used the same phrase in eight of his speeches. We are being scammed.
UFO’s operated by Government and Western Canada. Manhattan Project.
Technology is real. Low level radiation project.
They sight hearsay as proof. Predicts NWO.
Alien abduction was a mind control operation. Patent, Trademark, and Copyright approved by US Government. Thus approving Gov. programs such as MKUltra, artichoke, Naomi, etc.
Predicts Civil War in the US and hopes outcome with reinstate Constitution in the Republican Government. Competing factions.
Real Nazi’s all of them socialists. Future as tremendously dangerous for all of us. Predicts the Civil War will last for 10-15 years.
Cooper attempted to restore the legitimate lawful Constitutional Republic.
Brought out by the deception of man.
Bill coopers....Last prediction

Illuminati has been planning this since 1917 to create an alien invasion hoax to lead society in NWO.
Cooper says the Alien Technology is real.


This is very good pos5

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