The Government OPENLY Admits to Controlling the Weather through Operations, Patents, etc.

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

Video by High Impact Flix. No surprise it's the powers that shouldn't be are controlling the weather among other twisted things, they aren't God.
Hey Scoffers! Look Who OPENLY Admits to Controlling the Weather!

#Chemtrials #CloudSeeding #WeatherModification #WeatherWarfare

From the video.
Cloud Seeding was done in 1946 in a 1968 Documentary called “Rainmaking.” Produced by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Done by dropping dry ice into the clouds and adding silver iodide.
Weather Warfare is using Cloud Seeding for Military purposes.

Operation Popeye from March 20th 1967 to July 5th 1972, in Vietnam. Was Highly Classified Weather Modification Program to extend the monsoon season specifically over the areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Operation was used to induce rain in support of US Government efforts related to the war in Southeast Asia. 50 cloud seeding experiments were conducted and 82% resulted with rain being produced.

Project Stormfury was an attempt to weaken Tropical Cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding with silver iodine. US Government project from 1962 to 1983. Some positive outcomes with studying the data and with greater understanding about tropical cyclones. In addition, lockets P3S were perfectly suitable for gathering data and tropical cyclones, allowed for improved forecasting on these monstrous storms.

Project Cumulus was a 1950’s UK Government Initiative to investigate weather manipulation in particular through cloud seeding experiments, known internally as Operation Witch Doctor. Operational between 1949-1952. August 16th, 1952 severe flooding occurred in the town of Lynnmeth in North Devon, 9 inches or 229 millimeters of rain fell within 24 hours, 90 million tons of water swept down the narrow valley into Lynmeth and the East Lynn River. 35 people died and many buildings and bridges were severely damaged. According to the BBC, North Devon experienced 250 times the normal rainfall in 1952. Flood was Cloud Seeding Experiments by the Military around the same time the floods took place.

Weather Modification with Drought in Southern California. Includes Ground-based machines and dedicated cloud seeding airplanes since the 1980s. Been going on since the 1950’s.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has been cloud seeding for nearly 60 years in northern and central California, claimed to do so for bringing in the snow pack in the northern state. More water for grazing, forests, and other uses. 5% more snow. Hydropower generated far outweighs the costs of cloud seeding. More than 150 weather modification programs operating in 37 worldwide, includes hail precipitation and precipitation enhancement.

NCAR/UCAR the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research is a non-profit Consortium of more than a 100 North American Member Colleges and Universities focused on research and training in the atmospheric and related earth system sciences. UCAR manages the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with sponsorship by the National Science Foundation.
October 2015, Bloomberg article on Weather on Demand: making it rain is now a Global Business. Welcome to the strange world of cloud seeding.
34 private companies worldwide that do weather modification.

These are Combustible Cloud-seeding sodium chlorine flares.
Weather is a force multiplier: Owning the weather in 2025. Actual research paper presented to the Air Force in June 17th 1996. Making the US dominant in US Air and Space Force.
Produced by the Department of Defense, school environment of economic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. Government controls weather.
HF Ionospheric Heating pump facility is a powerful radio wave transmitter with an array of antennas which is used for research of plasma turbulence, the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Can influence the ionosphere and thus the jet stream, weather, and climate.

HAARP is one of the best known ionospheric heaters that manipulate the weather. Plus the ways to jam all global communications, weather systems, interfere with migration patterns, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect the human and animal biological structure and disrupt the upper atmosphere.
All by the government supposedly shut down in 2015 due to lack of funding $300,000 just to keep the doors open and $500,000 just to keep it open for 10 days 35 acre in Kakuma, Alaska, WTF?
Called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP. Rest is patents, technical papers, and other documents that continue to emerge.
China is running the biggest publicly known weather modification program. 55 billion tons of artificial rain per year, plans to quadruple that. $150 million dollars on single regional artificial rain program. Average of 36 billion tons per year from 1999 to 2006. China weather engineering program is the largest in the world. 1500 weather modification experts in charge of 30 aircraft and their crews, 40,000 part-time workers, farmers in the main to man the 7000 anti-aircraft guns and 5000 rocket launchers to shell the clouds.

Hurricane Harvey dumped 19 trillion gallons of rainfall. 52 inches, Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the US. Caused more rainfall that Katrina, Sandy, Andrew combined.

Weather Modification banned:
PG&E Admits weather modification:
Owning the weather:
China weather mods:
Guardian article:
Stormfury PDF (takes a minute to fully load):

Hurricane Irma: Manmade Storm Targeting Florida
Please watch this videos by Weather War 101. Massive Rapid Water Vapor.
Manufactured from Central Africa every other day.
There's nothing "natural" about Combined and Sequential Circular Rapid Evaporation Bursts fueling a Forced Rotation to create hurricanes.

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