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RE: Chemtrails: The Truth And The Conspiracy Theory

did it have aluminum in the trail? or barium? enough compression to thrust a 360 ton plane to 500 mph?

all i'm trying to point out is that a truck on the ground is not a giant plane in the sky. they are different. also, a truck shouldn't be creating a cloud of metal particles in it's wake, any more than a plane should, unless there is something being dumped from it.
data is data, even if a chevy is exactly the same as a 747.
buy your own spectroscope. they're not very expensive.
i did, and now i know the facts, and don't have to rely on conjecture, from the government or the internet..
i did the same thing when fukashima happened. i bought a geiger counter. now i don't have to stress about the fear mongering, i just make sure i have fresh batteries, and if my sensors are not freaking out, i don't worry.
i have found coffee cups and granite counter tops that are more radioactive than anything i've picked up in the air.

data is king.

this is about taking back our power. if we take back the tools that we used to build civilization, we don't have to continue to depend on the questionable honesty of the people who are screwing up our environment and blaming us for it.
i don't want to be stuck believing in fantasies, no matter who is trying to sell them to me, whether it be the government or just someone with a mental illness and an internet connection.
i'm not trying to have an argument. i'm only looking for the facts.

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